
Some of us celebrate spring with a major cleaning of the house. Others add pastels to their wardrobe.

In the Eastern China city of Dongyang, they eat “virgin boy eggs” — hard-boiled eggs simmered in urine, according to Reuters.

Residents praise the local delicacy for its ability to prevent colds, increase circulation and boost vitality.

“If you eat this, you will not get heat stroke. These eggs cooked in urine are fragrant,” said Ge Yaohua, 51, who owns one of the more popular “virgin boy eggs” stalls. “Our family has them for every meal. In Dongyang, every family likes eating them."

Vendors collect buckets of urine from from local schools and homes in order to make the unusual broth.

“It’s so delicious that I can eat 10 eggs a day,” a woman surnamed Liu told Shanghai Daily. “ I am addicted,” she said.
“Virgin boy eggs” have been a springtime staple for centuries in Dongyang.

The eggs are soaked in the urine and then heated over a stove. Then they are taken out of the shells and put back in the urine to soak. This routine continues while new urine is being poured. It takes an entire day to make a batch.

Wu Yunhua at Dongyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine told the Daily that the urine “diminishes the internal heat of the human body.”

But a more traditional doctor said he has doubts.

“After all, it is waste from the body,” said Huang Jian, chief urology physician of Jinhua Central Hospital.

While the snacks are extremely popular and sell for 23 cents, twice the price of regular eggs, not everyone is a fan of the town’s famous food.

“The smell kills me,” said a Mr. Li, who has lived in Dongyang for 30 years. “I feel like throwing up at the thought of it,” he told the Qianjiang Evening Post. “It stinks.”
