1. #15441
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: УКРАИНА

    Quote Originally Posted by robson View Post
    У вас своя правда. Отдельная, отличная от других. Это ваше дело, ваше право жить в мире своих иллюзий.
    Чи не ви хочете продали слов'янську шафу ?
    ( та нікельоване ліжко разом з тумбочкою )
    Жизнь дается человеку один раз и прожить ее надо так, чтобы не ошибиться в рецептах.
    Строить Асгардию побуждает тьма, посетившая людские души

  2. #15442
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Default Re: УКРАИНА

    US Under Secretary of State confident Congress will back further aid for Ukraine

    US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has expressed confidence that the US Congress will back additional aid for Ukraine.

    Source: European Pravda, citing Nuland during a meeting with journalists in Kyiv on 31 January

    Quote from Nuland: "The American people understand and admire the miracle Ukraine has already achieved in defending itself against this vicious Russian aggression. And they also understand what happens if you cannot continue not only to survive but to thrive. And so I have great confidence that that understanding will be reflected in the vote the Congress makes on the [supplemental funding] request of President Biden."

    Details: The US Congress has been considering the White House's request for supplemental funding, which includes $61 billion for Ukraine's needs, for several months now. The delay is due to a dispute between Republicans and Democrats over how to curb illegal immigration at the US-Mexico border.
    The White House has previously stated that it no longer has the money for further military support for Ukraine until it is approved by the US Congress.

    Earlier, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellencalled on Congress to "act quickly" to provide supplemental funding to Ukraine and warned that inaction would "hand a victory" to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

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  3. #15443
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    ⚡️Japan will provide $12.1 billion in aid to Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine said.

    This includes the announced and implemented volume, and, in particular, the $4.7 billion grant that Ukraine will receive by the end of February.

    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

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  4. #15444
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Default Re: УКРАИНА

    German parliament shifts stance on supplying TAURUS KEPD 350 missiles to Ukraine
    Story by PJU

    Initial discussions of Germany supplying Ukraine with powerful TAURUS KEPD 350 cruise missiles arose in the first half of 2023. However, a final decision was delayed due to hesitations amongst MPs from the SPD party, the dominant party in the current government.

    Interestingly, the British attempted to circumvent this issue by offering larger quantities of Storm Shadow missiles in exchange for German missiles. The passing of Alexei Navalny appears to have influenced the SPD's support for supplying Ukraine with these much-needed missiles capable of striking deep within Russian territory.

    TAURUS KEPD 350: Germany's bunker and bridge annihilator
    The TAURUS KEPD 350, a cruise missile developed through a joint venture between Berlin and Stockholm, was initiated in the 1990s. During the 1980s, Germany undertook a search for a cruise missile, subsequently joining the French Apache missile program, which later evolved into the Storm Shadow.
    Due to political reasons, Germany eventually withdrew from this program and opted to create its device with assistance from Sweden. The product of this collaboration is the TAURUS KEPD 350, which is short for Kinetic Energy Penetration Destroyer and was introduced in 2005.

    The TAURUS KEPD 350 is a cruise missile capable of covering over 311 miles. It incorporates stealth technology for launch from aircraft and measures 16.4 ft in length, and weighs 3086 lbs, with the dual-function MEPHISTO (Multi-Effect Penetrator Highly Sophisticated and Target Optimised) warhead accounting for 1058 lbs.

    This warhead can operate like a standard fragmentation warhead upon impact, explode in the air to scatter shrapnel over a large radius or delay its detonation. This mode of operation echoes the Storm Shadow, but the TAURUS KEPD 350 offers features not found in its competitors when attacking bunkers.
    While setting a manual delay on other missiles is required based on target characteristics, with the TAURUS, one can choose the "detonate after overcoming the second obstacle" mode. The MEPHISTO warhead features sensors that detect obstacles and empty spaces, eliminating room for error and enhancing the effectiveness of the attack.

    A turbojet engine ensures the missile's delivery to its target, providing a high subsonic speed (about 0.8-0.9 Ma) even at several dozen meters altitude. The missile also features a sophisticated guidance system that utilizes not only the common inertial and satellite navigation pair but also includes an optoelectronic head equipped with a fourth-generation IR sensor that detects the thermal image of the target, allowing for jamming.

    This is used not only for guidance during the final flight phase and confirmation of successful target hits but also for terrain mapping, which is compared with a pre-loaded digital map. Implementing such a system is expensive, but it ensures the missile's operation in environments where GPS navigation is jammed or unavailable.

    For the Ukrainians, this would be an invaluable resource enabling, among other things, the potential destruction of the Crimean Bridge. The likely launch vehicles for these missiles would be Su-24s, which already host the Storm Shadow.
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  5. #15445
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    Sweden Amplifies Support for Ukraine with Record $682 Million Military Aid Package
    Story by Isaac Jones • 3h

    Sweden has announced its most substantial military aid package yet for Ukraine, valued at a remarkable 7.1 billion Swedish kronor ($682 million). This significant move underscores Sweden’s steadfast support for Ukraine in the face of the ongoing conflict with Russia.

    Defence Minister Pal Jonson, addressing a news conference, delineated the components of this 15th Swedish aid installment to Ukraine. The package includes a formidable array of military hardware: artillery shells, an air defence system, boats, and advanced underwater weaponry such as mines and torpedoes. Additionally, it encompasses training provisions for Ukrainian soldiers, equipping them to effectively wield the new armaments.

    Jonson articulated the dual purpose behind Sweden’s unwavering assistance: a blend of humanitarian commitment and strategic calculus. “The reason we are continuing to support Ukraine is a matter of humanity and decency. Russia started an illegal, unprovoked and indefensible war,” he stated. The sizable military support also comes at a critical juncture as Ukraine faces intensified offensives in the east and south, along with severe shortages in ammunition and shells exacerbated by delays in international assistance.
    The timing of the announcement is poignant, as it arrives on the cusp of the third anniversary of the conflict, triggered by Russia’s invasion on February 24, 2022. The situation on the ground has been particularly dire recently, with Russian forces capturing the strategically pivotal town of Avdiivka. The Swedish Defence Minister acknowledged the challenging circumstances: “The situation in Ukraine is difficult.”

    Sweden’s initiative is not only an act of solidarity but also a strategic defense posture. As Mikael Oscarsson of the Christian Democrats, a member of the coalition government, highlighted, the package is vital for Sweden’s own long-term security. “There would be direct consequences for our own security if Putin were to win,” Oscarsson warned.

    The Swedish aid encompasses 10 CB 90 combat boats, 20 group boats, and an array of other military supplies, including the RBS 70 man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), anti-tank missiles, Carl Gustaf grenade launchers, hand grenades, and medical supplies. Moreover, approximately $96 million will be added to the Swedish-Danish joint procurement of CV90s for Ukraine, consolidating the shared commitment to the cause.

    Stockholm’s contribution since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion amounts to 30 billion Swedish kronor ($2.88 billion). Previous Swedish military aid included Archer mobile artillery systems, CV90 armoured combat vehicles, and variants of Leopard 2 tanks. This extensive support has positioned Sweden as an influential non-NATO member within the pro-Ukraine coalition. Although Sweden has expressed openness to supplying Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine, such considerations are on hold until Sweden’s pending NATO membership is finalized.
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  6. #15446
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    Украинские СМИ конечно добрейшие в мире, политкорректность зашкаливает.

    Что ни канал то сочуствует россиянам после теракта в подмосковье. Конечно говорят пуйло попытается на нас свалить, или хотябы частично Украина будет причастна к игиловским террористам. Но тутже долго рассказывают детали о погибших и пострадавших, ни слова злорадства я не услышал.

    И это после того как позавчера раздолбала русня кинджалами ДнепроГЭС и до сих пор не дает электичества???

    Также было после нападения хамаса из Газы - одни бесконечные соболезнования и детали жестокостей.
    И никто не вспомнил что ведь сколько просила Украина ПВО у Израиля когда Киев зимой позапрошлой замерзал када русня бомбила энергетику - все гробовое молчание и отказы, от тогоже Нетаньяху.
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

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  7. #15447
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Россия снова обвинила Украину в "терактах" и потребовала арестовать Малюка. СБУ резко ответила
    ВОСКРЕСЕНЬЕ 31 МАРТА 2024 21:14

    Российское МИД заявило о якобы причастности Украины к теракту в ТЦ под Москвой, а также потребовало ареста главы Службы безопасности Украины Василия Малюка. В СБУ назвали это заявление никчемным.

    Об этом сообщает РБК-Украина со ссылкой на заявление МИД РФ и комментарий пресс-службы СБУ.

    "Пытаясь апеллировать к нормам международного права, а именно конвенции о борьбе с терроризмом, МИД РФ забывает, что именно Путин официально объявлен в международный розыск - в частности, его ждут в Гаагском трибунале за похищение украинских детей", - отмечают в спецслужбе.

    В СБУ также обратили внимание на тот факт, что такие заявления министерства страны-агрессора по поводу событий в Подмосковье звучат именно во вторую годовщину освобождения украинскими защитниками Бучи от оккупантов, где были обнаружены многочисленные факты массовых убийств мирных жителей.

    "Особенно цинично заявления о терроризме звучат от самой страны-террориста на фоне годовщины освобождения Бучи и зверств, которые там совершали россияне. Мы помним каждого погибшего украинца и сделаем все, чтобы враг получил справедливое возмездие", - подчеркнули в пресс-службе СБУ в комментарии РБК-Украина.

    В СБУ добавили, что любые слова российского МИДа "являются ничтожными".

    "РФ на самом деле может сделать только одно заявление, которое стоит внимания - на весь мир объявить о своем поражении в войне и о выводе оккупационных войск с украинской земли", - говорят в спецслужбе.
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

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  8. #15448
    Forum Hero Agencys's Avatar
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    Default Re: УКРАИНА

    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE View Post
    Да, я редкостный идиот.
    Ватный пидорас сТУЛЯ, зачем прилепил позорную власовскую тряпку? На курсы китайского записался? Таджики - это сила?

    Не закрывай рот тому, кто открывает тебе глаза

  9. #15449
    VIP robson's Avatar
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    Default Re: УКРАИНА

    Quote Originally Posted by Agencys View Post
    Ватный пидорас сТУЛЯ, зачем прилепил позорную власовскую тряпку? На курсы китайского записался? Таджики - это сила?
    Тут еще Алексмир, бесфамильный, до усрачки верещит "Завтра будет Одесса Наш!!!" После разговора с одесскими родичами, предложила ему проверещать это не на форуме, а самим одесситам. Правда, еще посоветовала по доброте душевной, окно машины не открывать. Бо страшно.
    Пока не узнала, что про меня говорят… никогда бы не подумала, что так интересно живу!!

  10. #15450
    Forum Hero linde's Avatar
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    Default Re: УКРАИНА

    Quote Originally Posted by robson View Post
    Тут еще Алексмир, бесфамильный, до усрачки верещит "Завтра будет Одесса Наш!!!" После разговора с одесскими родичами, предложила ему проверещать это не на форуме, а самим одесситам. Правда, еще посоветовала по доброте душевной, окно машины не открывать. Бо страшно.

    Одесса русский город и всегда был русским.
    Я юродивый Москвы

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