Thread: Все о Планетах.

  1. #3501
    Sugar Town Dafna's Avatar
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    Default Re: Все о Планетах.

    Но, у них Урана и Плутона нет
    Kissing in the blue dark
    Playing pool and wild darts
    Video games ... (с)

  2. #3502
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Все о Планетах.

    Чето волнуюсь за нашего Трампа. Сделал хорар на предмет с ситуацией и к чему приведет его травля.
    Какбудто бы полуичается чта он преодолеет эти адверситис и будет на втором сроке...
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

    Зеленський про F-16: У нас будуть літаки

    не испытываю неприязни к бесзасчитным интеллигентым русским людям

  3. #3503
    VIP linde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Все о Планетах.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skylight View Post
    Чето волнуюсь за нашего Трампа. Сделал хорар на предмет с ситуацией и к чему приведет его травля.
    Какбудто бы полуичается чта он преодолеет эти адверситис и будет на втором сроке...
    Я тоже волнуюсь за Трампа.

  4. #3504
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Все о Планетах.

    Quote Originally Posted by linde View Post
    Я тоже волнуюсь за Трампа.
    ты на другом уровне, собирая крохи адекватного восприятия реальности...
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

    Зеленський про F-16: У нас будуть літаки

    не испытываю неприязни к бесзасчитным интеллигентым русским людям

  5. #3505
    VIP linde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Все о Планетах.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skylight View Post
    ты на другом уровне, собирая крохи адекватного восприятия реальности...
    С адекватностью у меня все хорошо.

    А вот у некоторых форумчан все не так.

  6. #3506
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Сделал хотрар "обо всем в ближайшем будисчем", это после моей видеоконференции по работе, одновременно жена провела видеоконференцию по своей работе и по послединм новостям о короновирусе...
    Получилось АС в 30 Близнецов, Меркурий в 1 Рыб, Луна в 30 Стрельца на ДС...
    Тоисть хорар не радикален, "все уже", а Меркурий "есче рано" но уже в заточении(шо таки правда, перешел на работу из дому)...
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

    Зеленський про F-16: У нас будуть літаки

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  7. #3507
    VIP Сиамчик's Avatar
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  8. #3508
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Все о Планетах.

    Quote Originally Posted by Сиамчик View Post
    киса, не ели бы вы на ночь зеленых помидоров...
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

    Зеленський про F-16: У нас будуть літаки

    не испытываю неприязни к бесзасчитным интеллигентым русским людям

  9. #3509
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Все о Планетах.

    Для Тельцов на май

    The month of May is often a time of celebration, but with the coronavirus impacting everyone on the globe, that may not be possible now, and rightly so. Giving yourself tender loving care at home will be more important, and if you follow the authorities’ rules—to stay home—it would be a relatively easy way to keep yourself and family safe, too. The new moon in Taurus last month on April 22 was conjunct Uranus, adding the element of surprise, not only to April, but also your entire year. (When an aspect happens on your birthday, called a solar return—literally the return of the Sun to the place it was at your birth—it’s important.)

    Uranus is the natural ruler of your tenth house of prestigious career advancement, fame, and honors, so that is the area most likely to bring twists and turns and lots of surprises in your birthday year ahead.

    You will see evidence of this if your birthday falls on April 25 or 26, plus or minus five days. If your birthday falls on these dates, you are likely feeling the effect of Uranus moving over your Sun, a once-in-84-year occurrence. All I have already said above, and will say below, will apply to you in a direct way. Every Taurus will eventually feel Uranus going over their Sun—those born April 20 to 24 already felt this aspect strongly last year, and the feeling has not evaporated. You will be in the process of changing your life to suit your evolving needs and desires as you move forward. Keep in mind that Uranus on your Sun can make you very famous, almost overnight. Of course, you have to be part of that—hard work will pay off.

    Will the surprises that Uranus brings be good or bad? I imagine there will be a mix of both, but either way, this could be an exciting time for you. A lot depends on each individual aspect involving Uranus in Taurus, for Uranus speaks to other planets in his slow orbit around the Sun. Those changes will come up throughout 2020, and for later-born Taurus, all the way to April 2026. (In coming years, those born in May will feel Uranus more than now.) Even so, I feel many of the surprises and changes will stem from within you, not from outside influences. You will get flashes of insight that will propel you to carve the path you always wanted for yourself. Your future is very much in your hands, like never before.
    Now let’s switch attention to the full moon May 7 in Scorpio, 17 degrees. On or within four days of this date, your partner will likely have important news to share. This person may be your spouse or long-term established romantic partner (not someone you have recently started to date). Alternatively, this person might be a serious, committed collaborator or partner in business. Anyone who works with you one on one, such as an agent with talent (or talent with an agent), a business partner, or your accountant or lawyer are good examples.

    I feel you will like the news you hear because it seems to involve money that is coming in. Scorpio, the sign of the full moon, is ruled by Pluto, a big-money sign, and Pluto will be in magnificent conjunction with Jupiter, the planet that expands all it touches. Also, the Sun and full moon will be in friendly alignment to both Jupiter and Pluto. Not only will your partner likely get favorable news, you might receive good financial news as well, for your chart is so strong for your ability to raise your profile in your industry.

    If you are saying, wait, I lost my job, millions of people are out of work, and I can’t go outside to interview because of the pandemic, how can I get a new job? Dear Taurus, you can, for you are holding all the aces. First, start calling influential people you know through your work, people who can vouch for your fine work ethic and skills. Next, call former co-workers—anyone who has an ear to the ground and who might hear of openings.
    Churning out your résumé on job-finder sites right now probably won’t work as well as contacting those who know you, and new employers will likely be wary about hiring you if they don’t already know you. If the new, prospective employer puts you on the payroll and the situation doesn’t work out, that company would have to pay half your unemployment insurance, which could be a hefty sum over time. (At least that’s how it works in the US.)

    If you sense a hesitation by the prospective employer to hire you, offer to do an audition—pick a period of time, such as three months, where you will work as an independent contractor. You won’t be on your new employer’s payroll at that time or receive any company benefits (the downside of this idea), but you will have a job. With millions of people out of work, that’s a serious plus. Of course, if you have a great résumé that reflects impressive skills and experience, you won’t have to suggest an audition. If you are young and don’t yet have a long list of successes, this method will lower the risk of the employer to take you on, and you will get your foot in the door.

    If you are self-employed, to get new business, offer the new client a below-your-usual-rate deal, and make it attractive. Stipulate that your fee will go up if the client is pleased with the work you demonstrate at the onset (in the time period you designate).
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

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  10. #3510
    hardscape dreamer Skylight's Avatar
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    The quality of time in September is still marked by the strong tension between Mars in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn. The tenacious struggle for solutions will continue. However, the mood changes noticeably in the course of the month, as Mars turns retrograde and Jupiter and Saturn turn direct.

    At the start of the month, there is an opportunity to sort a few things out. Concurrent with the Pisces Full Moon on September 2, Saturn receives an opposition from Venus and a trine from Mercury. The Sun forms a trine to Uranus and the Moon forms a wide conjunction with Neptune. During this time, feelings can be strong and personal needs can be great. However, instead of being swept away by emotions, you can use the opportunity to redefine what you really need. Try to consciously refrain from compensating actions or sidestepping tendencies and find out how you can find more inner harmony. Venus makes a square to Mars on September 4 and enters Leo on September 6. An inner radiance can then help you to find unexpected resonance in the world around you.

    On September 10, Mars in Aries becomes stationary retrograde (until November 14). During its retrograde phase it will form squares with Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. All of the latter are within the range of the positions they held last spring and are thus linked to the themes of that time. Now, the consequences of the events around Covid-19 must be dealt with. Behind all this, however, there is a deeper conflict, the main issue being whether to return to normality or whether the former normality is actually the problem itself. Jupiter ends its retrograde phase on September 13, and Jupiterʹs solution is usually called "even more". Presumably, big and expensive ideas will be presented again and partially implemented. However, a cautious attitude towards such interventions is called for.

    Towards the end of the month, on September 29, Saturn also ends its retrograde phase. At the same time, it will square to the Mars-Lilith conjunction. The Sun, in Libra since September 22, forms an opposition to Chiron in Aries. The Jupiterian solution of "even more" will therefore hardly be sustainable. Any structural weaknesses are now becoming more apparent again, the mood is becoming more nervous, and here and there fuel is probably being added to the fire. There will be fights with no holds barred, because some have a lot to lose.
    Російська армія не сильна, Вона просто довга.

    Зеленський про F-16: У нас будуть літаки

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