Thread: Косметика, которой мы пользуемся

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    7 Reasons Why Your Skin Wrinkles

    How Skin Ages and Wrinkles

    We know it's frustrating: You look in the mirror and see the first signs of fine lines and wrinkles. They're around your eyes, your mouth, even your forehead—and they're starting to set in. Depending on how much sun exposure you've had and how diligently you've protected your skin from sun damage, wrinkles can start showing up as early as your mid-twenties. Regardless of age, the concern and anxiety you have about your wrinkles can result in lots of money wasted as you try to stop them from getting worse.
    •Fact: Anti-wrinkle products that can't live up to their claims are a waste of your money and will do nothing but cause you disappointment.

    What's Behind Wrinkles?

    How your skin ages and wrinkles is a very complex series of events, but the primary factors are:
    1.Sun Damage
    Repeated exposure to the deadly, carcinogenic rays of the sun or tanning beds destroys collagen, elastin, and produces abnormal skin cells that cannot behave like young skin. It is the major cause of wrinkling.

    Your skin color effects how your skin handles sun damage. If you have inherited a darker skin tone, then you will be less vulnerable to the sun's impact on your skin
    3.Chronological Aging
    Every year we get a little older and those added years negatively influence our skin, just as they do for the rest of our body.
    4.Hormone Loss
    Menopause changes the texture and elasticity of skin. The most common sign? Skin becomes crepey, thinner, and doesn't bounce back when pinched.
    5.Fat and Bone Depletion
    Your skin is supported by both fat and bone. As you age, some of that support is lost, which causes skin to sag.
    6.Muscle Movement
    The parts of your face you use the most wrinkle the fastest and deepest. Plus, facial muscles lax over time, causing further sagging.
    7.Disruption of Skin's Protective Barrier
    Unprotected sun exposure decreases vital substances in skin (such as ceramides and lecithin), leaving your skin more vulnerable to damage by the sun, smoke, air (oxygen), and pollution.

    What About Collagen?

    So, you're at the cosmetics counter and the anti-wrinkle product you're thinking of buying claims it can build collagen, resulting in firmer, less-wrinkled skin. That sounds great, but is it really possible?

    No! Putting collagen in a skin-care product may sound like it can rebuild the collagen in your skin, but it absolutely cannot! Collagen as an added ingredient in a moisturizer can't make more collagen or bond to the collagen already in your skin. It just isn't possible, no matter what the claims on the label say.

    However, your skin does need collagen because it gives your skin its strength, resilience, and structure. The truth is your skin actually loves making collagen already! It's when the collagen becomes damaged by the seven reasons above that wrinkles begin to appear. Topically-applied collagen won't fix the problem, but there's a lot you can do to help repair the damage and bring your skin to a healthier, younger-looking state.

    Any anti-wrinkle product worth your time and money is one that can help your skin function as younger skin. Keep in mind that to accomplish that, it takes an entire skin-care routine, not just one product. Carefully choose skin-care products that include lots of antioxidants, ingredients that can put back into skin what it has lost, ingredients that help generate normal cells again, and, of course, SUNSCREEN!

    A couple more facts you need to know:
    •Fact: There isn't a miracle vitamin, plant extract, or any other ingredient anywhere in the world that can change one wrinkle on your face. Stop looking for one ingredient that does it all, because that just leads to disappointment. Just like your diet requires a variety of foods for you to be healthy, your skin needs a variety of ingredients to repair damage, strengthen its barrier, and make healthy collagen.

    •Fact: There are thousands of anti-wrinkle products available around the world with claims that are either misleading or just plain false about what they can do for your skin. Look for products that provide research to support their anti-wrinkle claims,

  2. #1442
    ********* nefertiti's Avatar
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    5 Tanning Bed Lies That Could Kill Your Skin

    Not too long ago, “Fry now, pay later” was the slogan for an advertising campaign describing the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and, especially, of using tanning beds. That message beautifully summed up the conclusions from abundant research showing what the 30 million people in the United States who routinely use tanning beds can potentially expect. (Many physicians describe tanning beds, more accurately, as “skin cancer beds.”) Even if you don’t get skin cancer, tanning of any kind, whether from the sun or from a tanning bed, whether frequent or not, causes cumulative damage that leads to skin changes you’re likely going to regret later in life:
    •Loss of firmness
    •Thinning, sagging skin
    •Uneven skin tone
    •Redness, broken capillaries, and rough texture
    •Brown spots and other patchy discolorations

    Research shows that all of the symptoms listed above can result from tanning, and that they can be significantly reduced if you stop tanning, from the sun or from tanning beds—now! It’s never too late to begin protecting your skin from further damage!

    Returning to the issue of skin cancer—it’s shocking to report that UV radiation from indoor tanning is associated with a 75% increase in melanoma—the deadliest form of skin cancer. The World Health Organization classifies UV radiation as a carcinogen, whether it’s from the sun or from tanning beds. And yet, people continue to do it!

    Many women think that tanning beds are safer than tanning in the sun, and the Indoor Tanning Association (a pro-tan organization) readily supports that belief. But the truth is, most of the positive information you hear about tanning beds and other types of indoor tanning is lies, or at the very least misleading information. We’ve gathered the five biggest lies that appear in advertisements for tanning salons and now we give you the research-supported facts you need to save your skin from pain and suffering later.

    Lie #1: The UV light from tanning beds is safer than the UV light from the sun.

    Truth: The UV light emitted from bulbs in tanning beds is composed primarily of UVA radiation because that is what causes you to tan. Although it’s the sun’s UVB rays that cause sunburn, it’s the UVA rays, from the sun and from tanning bulbs, that are much more insidious and damaging to your skin. UVA rays are mutagenic, which means they destroy or alter the cellular DNA, which in turn causes abnormal cells to be produced. The UVA rays also penetrate much deeper into the skin than UVB rays, so the damage runs deep.

    In addition, now there is new research showing that UVA exposure is even more damaging than we once thought. It seems that when UVA radiation hits the skin, it not only penetrates into the lower layers (where it destroys collagen and elastin, and affects the cells’ DNA), but also “bounces back,” like light reflecting from a mirror, giving every layer of your skin a double-whammy of damage. UVA radiation does prompt tanning, but any tan you see is direct evidence of your skin’s response to the onslaught of the damage it has just endured. Let us say it again: Any color change to your skin is a sign it has been damaged—and skin has a long memory when it comes to the damage caused by UVA radiation. In fact, the damage is cumulative, it just keeps building up with each exposure. It’s a fact: The more you tan, whether indoors or out, the worse your skin will look as you age (even though you may love how your tan looks now).

    Lie #2: Tanning beds are a great way to stimulate the body to produce vitamin D.

    Truth: Almost all tanning beds or booths emit UVA radiation—the kind of radiation that causes skin to tan, not burn—but it’s actually the UVB radiation that stimulates vitamin D production in the body. That means that the radiation from tanning beds is, at best, only minimally effective in promoting vitamin D production. But, even if that weren’t the case, doing something harmful to your skin (tanning) to get something positive (vitamin D) is bad advice. It’s like saying cigarette smoking is relaxing, so it’s worth the risk of lung cancer or emphysema—really? Without question, you’re better off getting your vitamin D from fortified foods or supplements than from the sun’s damaging rays, and it’s sobering to realize that you can’t get sufficient vitamin D from a tanning bed.

    Lie #3: Sunburn causes skin cancer, not tanning.

    Truth: As mentioned in Lie #1, any color change in your skin from exposure to UV radiation is a sign your skin has been damaged. Both UVA and UVB radiation cause mutations to cellular DNA, leading to skin cells that malfunction, cannot repair themselves, and are unable to form new cells correctly—all leading to changes you’ll see when you look in the mirror over the years to come. Tanning indoors is especially bad because of your skin’s proximity to the radiation source. At such close range, you get a potent dose of UVA radiation that prompts inflammation throughout the body—despite the fact that only hours later you may be marveling at your wonderful tan.

    You may have heard that getting a few bad sunburns as a child increases a person’s risk of skin cancer. That is true, but it’s also true that even those who always tan and never burn also get skin cancer. The real risk of developing skin cancer is directly related to cumulative exposure to UV radiation; it is not simply a matter of whether your skin burns or tans, whether you only expose your skin to UVA rays from tanning beds, or whether you have light or dark skin. Study after study shows that people who use tanning beds are at greater risk for skin cancer, whether they burn or, as is more often the case, tan.

    Lie #4: Tanning beds boost your mood and relieve depression.

    Truth: Many people report that their mood is lifted after a session at the tanning salon, but then many people who smoke cigarettes report feeling better after having one. In both cases, trading one serious problem for another is a fool’s game that solves nothing.

    Almost every medical expert in the world agrees that there are better, safer, and less expensive ways than tanning for people to boost their mood. Examples include daily exercise, meditation, yoga, eating a healthy diet rich in plant foods and omega-3 fatty acids, and many others, all of which can help relieve the symptoms of depression, improve your overall health, and reduce the risk of disease, and all without putting your skin at risk of pronounced signs of aging and skin cancer.

    Lie #5: It’s safe to use tanning beds if you apply sunscreen or “protective” tanning oils.

    Truth: Sorry, this just isn’t the case. Although applying a well-formulated sunscreen before using a tanning bed helps reduce the damage, it doesn’t stop the assault—any amount of tanning is just your skin telling you it’s being seriously injured. There is also the issue that tanning beds hit you with concentrated UVA radiation, just inches away from your skin, whereas sun exposure outside is diffused and less intense, although that doesn’t negate the cumulative damage caused over time and the critical need for sunscreen and being sun smart.

    As for tanning oils—they may spare your skin the drying effects from exposure to UV radiation, but they don’t offer a shred of sun protection. Let us be clear: Tanning oils are not protective! They merely provide you with a false sense of security, which may induce you to spend more time in the tanning bed, which in turn only increases your risk for all of the problems that result from UVA radiation.

    What it comes down to is this: The only safe tan is one you get from a bottle of self-tanner. There is no such thing as a safe or healthy tan from the sun or from tanning beds. The Indoor Tanning Association works hard to convince you otherwise, that nothing could be better than relaxing in an indoor tanning bed, but believing the lies about indoor tanning is asking for numerous negative effects to your skin’s health and, eventually, to an appearance that no one wants. (When was the last time you heard someone exclaim that they can’t wait for wrinkles and brown spots to show up?) You may not see the damage now (and you might love being tan), but the damage will show up eventually—and that’s the sad truth about tanning, whether from the sun or from tanning beds.

    Sources for the information above: Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, December 2011, pages 222–228; Happi, November 2011, page 34; Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, July 2011, pages 453–458; Journal of Investigative Dermatology, July 2011, pages 1539–1546; Dermatologic Clinics, April 2009, pages 149–154; British Journal of Dermatology, December 2010, pages 1269–1275; Cancer Management and Research, October 2010, pages 277–282; Dermatologic Therapy, January-February 2010, pages 61–71; and International Journal of Epidemiology, December 2006, pages 1514–1521.

  3. #1443
    VIP Елка's Avatar
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    Default Re: Косметика, которой мы пользуемся

    Quote Originally Posted by nefertiti View Post
    бокал вина только на пользу... а вот некоторые три шата текилы подрят могут выпить
    я бы не стала... это гарантия того, что эти капилярчики потрескаются...да.
    А мы их "лазарем"(так моя мама говорит про лазер)!
    Но я текилу не пью. Только вино и шампанское.
    Никогда не позволяйте болванам доводить вас до потери здравого смысла.(c)

  4. #1444
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vostochnaya View Post
    смари.. например от отёков кожи трескаются да?
    у меня на носу во время беременности так было..
    потому что нагрузка на сердечно сосудистую систему была большая. при беременности
    эти потрескавшиеся должны частично пройти, большинство их уходит... вроде..

  5. #1445
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    Морщин не будет, если умереть в молодом возрасте
    Они будут, загорай или не загорай.
    Можно минимализировать, но от возраста не убежишь
    Никогда не позволяйте болванам доводить вас до потери здравого смысла.(c)

  6. #1446
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    Last edited by Сиамчик; 11-25-2012 at 02:18 AM.

  7. #1447

    Default Re: Косметика, которой мы пользуемся

    морщины появляются из-за того что ткани высыхают и рвутся..
    надо всё время увлажнять кожу и пить много воды..
    я как-то читала что в египте у женщин меньше морщин чем у женщин живущих во влажном климате..
    кто живёт в сухом климате употребляет много воды и кожа у них увлажненная..
    а те кто во влажном меньше пьют воды вот у них и морщины..

  8. #1448
    ********* nefertiti's Avatar
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    Default Re: Косметика, которой мы пользуемся

    Quote Originally Posted by Vostochnaya View Post
    морщины появляются из-за того что ткани высыхают и рвутся..
    надо всё время увлажнять кожу и пить много воды..
    я как-то читала что в египте у женщин меньше морщин чем у женщин живущих во влажном климате..
    кто живёт в сухом климате употребляет много воды и кожа у них увлажненная..
    а те кто во влажном меньше пьют воды вот у них и морщины..
    я полагаю что это не на лонг ран
    вот в те дни когда достаточно гидрации - кожа лучше выглядит...

    а ещё бывает лишняя вода в организме. не лучше всего вид в такие дни... ну по крайней мере у меня. хотя это и заметно только мне... на определённом уровне, конечно
    арбуз и аспарагус хорошо выводит. балансирует

  9. #1449
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    Finding the Right Sunscreen for Your Skin Type

    It Takes Experimentation

    Finding the right sunscreen for your skin type is critical. You have to feel comfortable wearing it daily because if you don’t then the likelihood is you won’t wear it— and that’s not good!

    The issue for any skin-care product, but especially sunscreen, is that it can feel heavy, greasy, clog pores, cause irritation, or not be moisturizing or mattifying enough. It always takes some amount of experimenting to find the right one for you, but following the guidelines below can help you finally discover the perfect sunscreen for your skin type and preferences!

    •If you have combination skin, use sunscreens with a lightweight, silky feel that provide slight hydration and have a matte finish.
    •If you have oily skin, consider using a combination of foundation with sunscreen and pressed powder with sunscreen and be sure to apply them liberally.
    •If you have sensitive skin or rosacea, choose sunscreens that only use titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide as the active ingredients. More often than not, these sunscreens have a thicker, creamier texture but a satin matte finish.
    •If you have dry skin, a more emollient moisturizer with sunscreen is perfect (and there are plenty of options).
    •If you have very dry skin you may need to apply a more emollient moisturizer first and then apply a moisturizing sunscreen over it.

    What About Higher SPF Ratings?

    Although most people can use sunscreens without incident, sunscreens with higher SPF numbers (think SPF 30 and up) have a greater risk of causing irritation. You can test a sunscreen on the inside part of your arm over a period of days to see if your skin reacts. That isn’t always 100% accurate for your face, but it can help reduce the chance of a reaction. Generally, to avoid stinging around the eyes, you may need to stick with a sunscreen with mineral actives of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. And of course, wearing sunglasses is an extra measure of protection to keep the eye area from showing signs of aging.

  10. #1450
    женщина приятная во всех Эка Невидаль's Avatar
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    Default Re: Косметика, которой мы пользуемся

    Девчонки, а чем можно ноги намазать чтобы "загорелые" были?
    У меня как то они загорают "нипалюцки", сверху загар ложится, а от колена и ниже почему то не хоЧут загорать. Как-то покупала спрей для загара в CVS, набрызгалась, и вся была пятнистая, неравномерно получилось, хотя старалась все ровненько сделать. Может спрей не тот? Может что-то более качественное надо?
    Я вижу половину, другая половина видит меня...

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