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Thread: My Favorite Song Lyrics

  1. #621
    Schrödinger's Cat Alechko's Avatar
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    реальность физического мира

    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    Kazakhstan greatest country in the world.
    All other countries are run by little girls.
    Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium.
    Other countries have inferior potassium.

    Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool.
    It’s length thirty meter and width six meter.
    Filtration system a marvel to behold.
    It remove 80 percent of human solid waste.

    Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place.
    From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown.
    Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan.
    They very nosey people with bone in their brain.

    Kazakhstan industry best in the world.
    We incented toffee and trouser belt.
    Kazakhstan’s prostitutes cleanest in the region.
    Except of course Turkmenistan’s

    Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place.
    From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown.
    Come grasp the might phenis of our leader.
    From junction with the testes to tip of its face!
    No trees were killed in sending of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

  2. #622
    Eulen Spegel Птиц's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    "Она использует меня, чтоб заполнить пустые места.
    Использует меня, чтоб заполнить пустые места.
    Знаешь, если бы мы были вместе,
    То эта задача проста;
    Но я дал тебе руку, и рука осталась пуста.

    Мы шли через реку, пока нам хватало моста.
    Мы шли через реку, пока нам хватало моста.
    Мы что-то обещали друг другу,
    Кто был первым, ты или я?
    И вот мы все еще идем, но вода под нами чиста.

    В своем кругу мы выбивали двести из ста.
    В своем кругу мы выбивали двести из ста.
    Но каждый из нас стрелял в свое солнце,
    И времени было в обрез;
    Теперь я знаю песню, и эта песня проста.

    Мы используем друг друга, чтоб заполнить пустые
    Используем друг друга, чтоб заполнить пустые
    места..." (c)

  3. #623
    Eulen Spegel Птиц's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    "Между тем, кем я был,
    И тем, кем я стал,
    Лежит бесконечный путь;
    Но я шел весь день,
    И я устал,
    И мне хотелось уснуть.
    И она не спросила, кто я такой,
    И с чем я стучался к ней;
    Она сказала: "Возьми с собой
    Ключи от моих дверей."

    Между тем, кем я стал,
    И тем, кем я был -
    Семь часов до утра.
    Я ушел до рассвета, и я забыл,
    Чье лицо я носил вчера.
    И она не спросила, куда я ушел,
    Северней или южней;
    Она сказала: "Возьми с собой
    Ключи от моих дверей."

    Я трубил в эти дни в жестяную трубу,
    Я играл с терновым венцом,
    И мои восемь струн казались мне
    То воздухом, то свинцом;
    И десяткам друзей
    Хотелось сварить
    Суп из моих зверей;
    Она сказала: "Возьми с собой
    Ключи от моих дверей."

    И когда я решил, что некому петь,
    Я стал молчать и охрип.
    И когда я решил, что нет людей
    Между свиней и рыб;
    И когда я решил, что остался один
    Мой джокер средь их козырей,
    Она сказала: "Возьми с собой
    Ключи от моих дверей."


  4. #624
    ДоброкачественнаяАномалия Карлсон's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    Fall At Your Feet
    ------James Blunt

    I'm really close tonight
    And I feel like I'm moving inside her
    Lying in the dark
    And I think that I'm beginning to know her
    Let it go
    I'll be there when you call
    And whenever I fall at your feet
    Do you let your tears rain down on me
    Whenever I touch your slow turning pain

    You're hiding from me now
    There's something in the way that you're talkin’
    Words don't sound right
    But I hear them all moving inside you
    Go now
    I'll be there when you call
    And whenever I fall at your feet
    Do you let your tears rain down on me
    Whenever I touch your slow turning pain

    The finger of blame has turned upon itself
    And I'm more than willing to offer myself
    Do you want my presence or need my help?
    Who knows where that might lead
    I fall

    The finger of blame has turned upon itself
    And I'm more than willing to offer myself
    Do you want my presence or need my help?
    Who knows where that might lead
    I fall at your feet
    I'm #1 so why try harder
    Nobody dies a virgin... Life f**ks us all

  5. #625
    ДоброкачественнаяАномалия Карлсон's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    Goodbye My Lover
    ------James Blunt

    Did I disappoint you or let you down?
    Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
    'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
    Yes I saw you were blind and I knew I had won.

    So I took what's mine by eternal right.
    Took your soul out into the night.
    It may be over but it won't stop there,
    I am here for you if you'd only care.

    You touched my heart you touched my soul.
    You changed my life and all my goals.
    And love is blind but then I knew it,
    My heart was blinded by you.

    I've kissed your lips and held your head.
    Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
    I know you well, I know your smell.
    I've been addicted to you.

    Goodbye my lover.
    Goodbye my friend.
    You have been the one.
    You have been the one for me.(2x)

    I am a dreamer and when I wake,
    You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
    And as you move on, remember me,
    Remember us and all we used to be

    I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
    I've watched you sleeping for a while.
    I'd be the father of your child.
    I'd spend a lifetime with you.

    I know your fears and you know mine.
    We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
    And I love you, I swear that's true.
    I cannot live without you.

    Goodbye my lover.
    Goodbye my friend.
    You have been the one.
    You have been the one for me.(2x)

    And I still hold your hand in mine.
    In mine when I'm asleep.
    And I will bear my soul in time,
    When I'm kneeling at your feet.

    Goodbye my lover.
    Goodbye my friend.
    You have been the one.
    You have been the one for me.(2x)

    I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
    I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.(2x)
    I'm #1 so why try harder
    Nobody dies a virgin... Life f**ks us all

  6. #626
    Forum Master stupidass's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    for now,

    Lilly Allen- Friday Night

    Friday night last orders at the pub,
    Get in the car and drive to the club,
    There's a massive crowd outside so we get in to the queue
    It's quarter past 11 now we won't get in till quarter to.

    It's quarter to and we get to the front,
    Girl on a guest list dressed like a cunt
    She asked security to check inside my shoes,
    You can play this game with me but you know you're gonna lose.

    Looked me up and down,
    I don't make a sound,
    There's a lesson that I want you to learn,
    If you're gonna play with fire then you're gonna get burned,

    Don't try and test me cos you'll get reaction,
    Another drink and I'm ready for action,
    I don't know who you think you are,
    But making people scared wont get you very far.

    In the club make our way to the bar,
    Good dancing love but you should of worn a bra.
    Guy on the mike and he's making too much noise,
    There's these girls in the corner wanting attention from the boys.

    I see these girls and they're shouting through the crowd,
    Don't understand why they're being really loud.
    They make their way over to me,
    They try to push me out the way,
    I'll push her back, she looks at me and says,
    What you tryna say?

  7. #627
    Мария Антуанетта Odinokiy_Ostrov's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    And she pours herself another cup of coffee
    As she contemplates the stain across the wall
    and it's in between the cleaning and the washing
    That's when looking back's
    The hardest part of all

    And she always did her best to try and please him
    While he always did his best to make her cry
    And she got down on her knees to stop him leaving
    But he always knew one day he'd say goodbye

    Where are your friends
    Where are your children
    Is this your house
    Is this your home
    Does nothing ever last forever
    Does everybody sleep alone

    And he tears the business tags from his old suitcase
    As he packs away the pieces of his life
    They all love him but they always try to change him
    That's what happens when a girl becomes a wife

    And she pours herself another cup of coffee
    As the pictures leave a clean space on the wall
    and it's in between the leaving and the loving
    That's when looking back's
    The hardest part of all

    Where are your friends
    Where are your children
    Is this your house
    Is this your home
    Does nothing ever last forever
    Does everybody sleep alone

    Don't look back
    Don't give up
    Pour yourself another cup
    Подлинная феминистка сможет содержать мужика оставаясь при этом женщиной и не размахивая гаечным ключом. (c) Zuboskalov

    Рождённый трахать пыль протирать не может.
    (c) Nat123

  8. #628
    Eulen Spegel Птиц's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    Ich war ein Mensch mit 100 000 Plänen
    sie einzulösen fehlte mir der Mut.
    Von den Träumen blieb mir nur die Sehnsucht.
    Und schon lag die Asche auf der Glut.
    Da traf ich einen, der war junggeblieben.
    Der sagte mir: Paß auf, eh es zu spät.
    Schnell ist man von Fluß der Zeit verrieben.
    Versuche alles, sonst ist es zu spät.

    Wenn Träume sterben, dann wirst Du alt.
    Du bist Dein eigner Schatten nur und holst Dich nicht mehr ein.
    Wenn Träume sterben, dann wird es kalt.
    Du bist ein Mensch zwischen toten Dingen und bist allein.

    Viele sah ich, die warn erst 30 Jahre.
    Sie schienen jung und waren doch schon alt.
    Da beschloß ich: Wenn ich was bereue,
    bereu' ich nur, was ich noch nicht getan.

    Wenn Träume sterben, dann wirst Du alt.
    Du bist Dein eigner Schatten nur und holst Dich nicht mehr ein.
    Wenn Träume sterben, dann wird es kalt.
    Du bist ein Mensch zwischen toten Dingen und bist allein.

    Wenn Träume sterben, dann wirst Du alt.
    Du bist Dein eigner Schatten nur und holst Dich nicht mehr ein.
    Wenn Träume sterben, dann wird es kalt.
    Du bist ein Mensch zwischen toten Dingen und bist allein.

  9. #629
    VIP Serge7's Avatar
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    San Diego, CA, USA

    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    Whiskey in the Jar

    As I was goin' over the Cork and Kerry mountains
    I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was countin'
    I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier
    I said stand and deliver or the devil he may take ya

    Musha ring dum a doo dum a da
    Whack for my daddy-o
    Whack for my daddy-o
    There's whiskey in the jar-o

    I took all of his money and it was a pretty penny
    I took all of his money and I brought it home to Molly
    She swore that she'd love me, never would she leave me
    But the devil take that woman for you know she treat me easy

    Being drunk and weary I went to Molly's chamber
    Takin' my money with me and I never knew the danger
    For about six or maybe seven in walked Captain Farrell
    I jumped up, fired off my pistols and I shot him with both barrels

    Now some men like the fishin' and some men like the fowlin'
    And some men like ta hear a cannon ball a roarin'
    Me I like sleepin' specially in my Molly's chamber
    But here I am in prison, here I am with a ball and chain yeah

    ( 1972, Thin Lizzy) ;)
    Last edited by Serge7; 02-29-2008 at 03:24 AM.

  10. #630
    Forum Hero
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: My Favorite Song Lyrics

    I know you like me (I know you like me)
    I know you do (I know you do)
    Thats why whenever I come around
    She's all over you (she's all over you)
    I know you want it (I know you want it)
    It's easy to see (it's easy to see)
    And in the back of your mind
    I know you should be on with me (babe)

    Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
    Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
    Don't cha
    Don't cha
    Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
    Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
    Don't cha
    Don't cha

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