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Thread: Color.

  1. #1
    ********* nefertiti's Avatar
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    Default Color.

    While yellow is cheerful in small doses, long-term exposure to the color can lead to fatigue. Anecdotal evidence suggestes that couples fight more and babies cry more often in lemon-yellow rooms.

    Stores that are paited yellow tend to experience the least amount of theft.

    The doors of felons, traitors, and criminals, in 10-th-century France were painted yellow.

    In sales and marketing, orange is used on packages to indicate "freshness" to the consumer.

    In Feng Shui, orange is supposed to strengthen concentration.

    The color orange has proven to promote more sales in cafeteria and restaurants.

    Red is the most common solor in national flags.

    According to insurance records, red cars sre involved in more traffic accidents than any other color car. Because of this, Brazil and Ecuador don't allow anyone to drive red cars.

    While red is an "up", energizing color, its lighter cousin, pink, has the opposite effect. Many hospitals and correctionals institutions take advantage of this by painting some of their rooms pink.

    Red is favorite color of almost all children.

    In ancient Greece, green was a symbol of victory.

    Though actors and speakers who are not yet needed onstage frquently wait for their call in a "Green Room", the room itself is not always painted green, and the reasoning behind the naming convention is lost to history.

    Though most people associate the word blue with depression, 60% of adults worldwide will choose blue as their favorite color.

    Due to the fact that almost no natural foods are blue, it is the least appetizing color.

    Research has shown that kids test as much as 12 points higher when taking IQ tests in a room with a blue ceiling.

    If you're headed to a job interview, try wearing something bule-the color signifies "loyalty"

    A room painted blue is generally considered to be relaxing, making it an ideal bedroom color.

    According to color theory, putting purple in a child's room helps to develop imagination.

    Purple became a color of royalty in many parts of the world because purple dye was difficult to obtain and therefore, expenseve to produce. Only the wealthiest could afford to own the color.

  2. #2
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Color.

    :wink1: Сразу вспомнился тест "Я не думаю о жёлтой обезьяне". :grum:
    :leader: :leader: :leader: :leader: :leader: :leader: :leader: :leader: :leader:
    Жизнь дается человеку один раз и прожить ее надо так, чтобы не ошибиться в рецептах.
    Строить Асгардию побуждает тьма, посетившая людские души

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