Thread: Барби завоевала Иран

  1. #1191
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Iran Urges Interpol to Hunt Man behind Recent Riots
    December 31, 2017 - 19:03
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  2. #1192
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Muslims Join Christians in New Year Celebrations in Iran

    January 3, 2018 - 08:00

    Christians and Muslims get together in Christian New Year celebrations in Iran in a show of solidarity and rapport between followers of the two religions.
    A ceremony marking the beginning of the New Christian year was held in Iran, bringing together a host of high-profile Muslim and Christian officials.

    The ceremony was titled “The Manifestation of Friendship and Affinity between Muslims and Christians in Iran.”

    Present at the event was Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, who said he was pleased to see such an event was being held.

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  3. #1193
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    President Rouhani, Turkish Counterpart Discuss Recent Unrest in Iran

    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan have conferred on the latest developments in Iran and the world, particularly the ongoing unrest in various Iranian cities.
    During the Wednesday phone call, Erdogan criticised the stances held by US and Israeli officials on the recent unrest in some Iranian cities, saying Ankara is already familiar with Western media propaganda and interventionist comments by American and Israeli officials.

    He went on to say that he believes the stability and security of Turkey is integrated with that of Iran.

    Making an analogy between the recent unrest in Iran and the events in Turkey masterminded by certain powers, he said Ankara has the experience of facing Western media propaganda and is used to repetitious and interfering remarks from US President Donald Trump or Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu.

    He also voiced Turkey’s willingness to boost relations with Iran in all fields, expressing the hope for a jump in bilateral trade in 2018.

    Rouhani, for his part, referred to the recent unrest that caused damages to public and private properties and led to a number of deaths in Iran, and said the Iranian police’s prudent reaction to riots in some cities led to calm.

    Iran enjoys full security in light of national opposition to rioters, he added, according to a report by Tasnim.

    Reiterating the legality of protest rallies in Iran, Rouhani said the government would never remain silent on violent and illegal actions that threaten public security.

    He also called for closer cooperation with Turkey in various areas, stressing the need for efforts to strengthen economic interaction through facilitated banking ties and use of national currencies for trade.

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  4. #1194
    VIP Serge7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Quote Originally Posted by crazy-mike View Post
    там что-то загадочное. Начиналось с протестов в трёх "религиозных центрах". У меня даже возникло подозрение , что как бы сторонники Ахмадинежада начали катить бочку на Роухани.

    Ну а потом - как всегда - виновниками называют мировой сионизм из Израиля и Америки. При этом Трамп почему-то считается сионистом! Этот Аллах у шиитов как-то чересчур по-английски юморит.
    Ну конечно! А кто он по твоему? Абсолютный сионист, полностью на поводке своего зятя - Джарода Кушнера, и своей дочки, кстати, гиюрной Иудейки..

  5. #1195
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Quote Originally Posted by Serge7 View Post
    Ну конечно! А кто он по твоему? Абсолютный сионист, полностью на поводке своего зятя - Джарода Кушнера, и своей дочки, кстати, гиюрной Иудейки..
    но чтобы и "сионист" , и "alt right" , и кое-какой бизнес у саудов и в эмиратах ... - как-то противоречиво.
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  6. #1196
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Iran Opens First Cyber Health Clinic

    April 18, 2018 - 11:57

    The first cyber health clinic of Iran has been opened with a special focus on offering rehabilitation services to internet addicts in Tehran.
    The clinic established by Seraj Cyber Organization was inaugurated on Tuesday in a ceremony attended by a group of experts in the relative fields.

    “People who spend at least eight hours of their time per day in the Internet are deemed internet addicts and this type of addiction is more sensible among the adults,” Ahmad Reza Matinfar, Head of Seraj Organization, was quoted as saying in a Farsi report by YJC.

    Meanwhile, in an address to the opening ceremony, Ahmad Qayoumi, the Deputy Director for Planning at Seraj Cyber Organization, highlighted the undeniable role of internet and cyberspace in the society and added given the high penetration of cyberspace into our daily lives, controlling and regulating it is too difficult.

    He went on to say that sometimes overuse of the cyberspace has damaging effects which can be too dangerous.

    “Restricting children’s access to the Internet is not a good method to deal with the issue. We rather need to provide them with good clues while using the cyberspace,” he noted.

    He elaborated on the side-effects of Internet addiction on the daily life and added unfortunately some people don’t even want to admit the fact that they are addicted to the Internet.

    “Though the Western societies are far ahead of us when it comes to dealing with Internet addiction, opening of this clinic is by itself a good step in the right direction,” he concluded.
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    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Iran Welcomes Restoration of Peace, Security to Armenia

    May 12, 2018

    Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has welcomed a decision by the Armenian parliament to pick the country’s new prime minister, ending weeks of nationwide protests.
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    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Iran Leader Urges Muslim States to Prioritise Scientific Progress

    May 12, 2018

    The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on Muslim countries to invest huge efforts to advance in science and technology as it could wean them off obeying western powers.
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    Iran Must Escape from Nuclear Deal’s Handcuffs: Analyst

    May 12, 2018

    Hossein Shariatmadari, the editor-in-chief of the conservative newspaper Kayhan, says the recent “deceitful statement” by the UK, France and Germany shows the three European powers have undertaken to play the “destructive” role of the US.

    In an editorial published in Kayhan on Thursday, Shariatmadari said the statement shows Europeans are not only trying to compensate for US withdrawal from the deal, but they ask Iran to offer more concessions.

    The statement calls on Iran to give in to demands made by US President Donald Trump to fix the so-called flaws of the nuclear deal...
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  10. #1200
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    “Turkey Faced with Threat of Losing Trust of Iran, Russia”

    June 25, 2018 - 07:52

    Turkish leaders ought to be careful not to allow their highly pragmatic foreign policy to damage the trust other countries have in Ankara, as they need the cooperation of regional states in dealing with huge challenges facing them.
    In a recent article, the Tasnim News Agency warns the US is working hard to drive a wedge between Turkey, Russia and Iran, and Ankara would do well not to fall in this trap.

    Following is an excerpt of the article:

    Turkey, Iran and Russia are continuing to cooperate in the region, particularly in Syria and Iraq. They have managed to reduce the violence in Syria and prevent the Kurdistan Regional Government from disintegrating Iraq.

    But there are problems that could endanger the future of this cooperation. One of them is that Turkey is insisting on its enmity towards the Syrian government and refuses to take any step towards reconciliation with Damascus.

    The other problem is that Turkey has shown willingness to cooperate with other parties too, probably to maximize its benefits. A clear example is the meetings held behind closed doors between Turkish officials and their American counterparts on Syria. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has announced the talks are focused on Manbij, where the US forces are present.

    But this shows Turkey has decided to cooperate with the US on the eastern side of the Euphrates and collaborate with Iran and Russia on the western side of the river. This has put a question mark over Turkey’s claim that it supports Syria’s territorial integrity and has worried Iran and Syria.

    Iran seems to be eager to expand its relations with Turkey in all aspects, including in the region, but Turkey’s behaviour has created obstacles and the Turkish government would do well to take confidence-building measures. Turkish leaders are aware of this, but unfortunately have failed to take any steps.

    US Dissatisfied with Tehran-Ankara Partnership

    Of course, the US is really concerned that Turkey could draw closer to Tehran and engage in stronger regional cooperation with Washington’s foe, so they are employing carrot and stick policy to prevent the deepening of Tehran-Ankara partnership. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are among the figures who have been trying to drive a wedge between Tehran and Ankara.

    The US and Europe are by no means interested in creation of a regional alliance between Turkey and Iran, and are making every effort to prevent that. French President Emmanuel Macron has openly declared this fact.

    Turkey is losing trust of Russia too. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said in the ground-breaking ceremony of the Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) held in Turkey earlier this month that “TANAP is a project against Putin.” The Turkish government has done nothing to compensate for the insult and this can fuel a feeling of distrust towards Turkey in Russia.

    Through engaging in cooperation with the US in Syria, Turkey is breaking the trust of Iran and Russia, and this can have grave consequences for the country. Ankara should be aware that it could be the next target of the US warmongers who have wreaked havoc in Iraq, Libya and Syria.

    Turkish Defence Minister Nurettin Canikli announced last week in a press conference that the country has engaged in talks with Iran about conducting a joint operation against PKK in the two countries’ border areas. He said Iran supports Turkey’s operation against PKK but is not currently interested in a joint operation.

    Turkish leaders ought to ask themselves why this joint operation has been cancelled, while PKK is a common enemy of Turkey and Iran. Turkey could receive Iran’s help in solving PKK conflict if it had taken confidence-building measures regarding regional issues, particularly Syria.

    It is hoped that Turkey could regain the trust of regional countries, particularly Iran. Tehran and Ankara, as two regional heavyweights, are capable of settling regional conflicts and prevent the imperialist US from interfering in the region’s affairs.
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