Как я вижу, тут достаточно много крутых компьютерных ребят. Но и чайников хватает.
Неплохо бы начать делиться/обмениваться какими-нибудь интересными вещами, новым софтом, идеями, триками. Уверен, что у многих есть этого навалом. Почему бы и не поделиться?

Вот, например для тех кто не хочет возиться с Фотошопом, а просто желает подкорректировать цвета на своих фото.

CorrectPhoto. Is there a better photo correction program? It's for those of us who don't care to master PhotoShop. With this little tool, just point and click a few times, and a very natural, subtle color correction happens before your eyes. And this app achieves that loftiest of software states: it's effective and fun to use.

Или вот это для пассвордов.

MetaPass. Here's a really slick password solution, from the hardware to the software to the packaging. I really was getting to the end of my rope on password retention, and this kind of dongle makes things a lot easier. Now I'm actually going back through all my sites and assigning the really tough, unmemorable passwords like I should have done in the first place. (My only fear, and I'm sure it's irrational: Couldn't a product like this also contain rogue code that could be sending all of my logon credentials to a database somewhere? This company's background page is almost as cryptic as the X-Files!)