* Democrats buy most of the books that have been banned somewhere.
Republicans form censorship committees and read them as a group.

* Republicans usually wear hats and almost always clean their paint

* Republicans employ exterminators. Democrats step on the bugs.

* Democrats name their children after currently popular sports figures,
politicians and entertainers. Republican children are named after
their parents or grandparents, according to where the money is.

* Democrats keep trying to cut down on smoking but are not successful.
Neither are Republicans.

* Republicans tend to keep their shades drawn, although there is seldom
any reason why they should. Democrats ought to, but don't.

* Republicans study the financial pages of the newspaper. Democrats put
them in the bottom of the bird cage.

* Republicans raise dahlias, dalmatians and eyebrows. Democrats raise
Airedales, kids and taxes.

* Democrats eat the fish they catch. Republicans hang them on the wall.

* Republican boys date Democratic girls. They plan to marry Republican
girls, but feel they're entitled to a little fun first.

* Republicans sleep in twin beds . . . some even in separate rooms. That
is why there are more Democrats.