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Thread: Astrological cusp

  1. #1
    ********* nefertiti's Avatar
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    Default Astrological cusp

    С 19 по 23 числах месяца, как правило тяжело определить в каком знаке пребывает Солнце: в "предыдущем" или уже в "следующeм".
    Считается, что эти люди обьединяют в себе характеристики двух знаков...
    Но интересно, что многие, родившиеся в этот период, весьма хорошо знают, какой именно зодиакальный знак отражает специфику их характера.

    .................................................. .................................................. ..............................................

    The Aries/Taurus Cusp is approximately from dates April 19 to April 24. Individuals born during this time period may be referred to as a "Taurares". The Arian/Taurean is thought to be humorous, sensitive, money-oriented, nice, active, dynamic, talented, quiet, sensual, strong, opinionated, bold, flirtatious, sexual, eloquent, stable, dependable, helpful, practical, hard-working, extrovert, patient, athletic, aggressive, perseverance, and initiative. The Arian/Taurean is prone to aloof, quarrelsome, trouble-maker, phony, stubborn, hyper-sensitive, jealous, high-strung, moody, changeability, fickle, and head strong. Also known as the Cusp of Power.

    The Taurus/Gemini is approximately from dates May 19 to May 24. The term for the Taurus/Gemini is Gemininus (Sometimes Taureminie). The Taurean/Gemini is thought to be sensual, great imagination, expressive, see both sides of a situation, energetic, adaptable, multi-tasker, reliable, conversionalists, charming, intelligent, leaders, broad-minded, hard-working, introvert, honest, shy, helpful, youthful, light-hearted, practical, mature, tolerant, gentle, quiet, versatile, laid-back, dependable, stable, and persevered. The Taurean/Gemini is prone to be scattered, fickle, dual, changeable, restless, blunt, wear-them-selves-out, over-indulgent, nervous, high-strung, and reluctant to confront fears and insecurities. Also called the Cusp of Energy (Secret Language Series by Gary Goldschneider)

    The Gemini/Cancer Cusp is approximately from dates June 19 to June 24. The term for Gemini/Cancer is Cancimini. The Gemini/Cancerian is thought to be affectionate, seductive, opinionated, nice, cheerful, caring, thoughtful, playful, loving, graceful, understanding, sociable, funny, intelligent, pure, humorous, assertive, extrovert, friendly, bubbly, honest, attractive, confident, a good leader, spontaneous, sexual, flirtatious, fearless, and loyal. The Gemini/Cancerian is prone to be rebellious, jealous, detached, self-centered, duality, a chatterbox, annoyed, clumsy, blunt, boastful, restless, random, aggressive, extreme, inconsistent, careless, devious, demanding, manipulative, fickle, unreliable, insincere, immature and calculating. Also called the Cusp of Magic.

    The Cancer/Leo Cusp is approximately from dates July 19 to July 24. May sometimes be referred to as "Leoncer". The Leoncer is thought to be sensitive, introvert, ambitious, proud, creative, flamboyant, nurturing, traditional, strong, expressive, organized, inspiring, intuitive, cheerful, self-assured, practical, realistic, romantic, social, dependent, passionate, generous, and emotional. The Cancerian/Leo is prone to hyper-sensitivity, boastfulness, being self-centered, quarrelsome, demanding, having dependency issues, and touchiness. Also known as the Cusp of Oscillation.

    The Leo/Virgo Cusp is approximately from dates August 19 to August 28. The Leo/Virgo is thought to ambivert, ambitious, artistic, flamboyant, creative, logical, practical, routine, organized, dependent, loves attention, dramatic, inspiring, leader, reliable, quick, optimistic, fun-loving, social, honest, and unique. They are prone to being blunt, ego-oriented, stubborn, aloof, quarrelsome, cold, and perfectionist. Also known as the Cusp of Exposure.

    The Virgo/Libra Cusp is approximately from dates September 19 to September 24. The Virgo/Libran, also known as Virgobra, are thought to be excellent arbitrators, industrious, modest, efficient, go-getter, charming, see all sides of a situation, introvert, practical, logical, rational, attractive, meticulous, practical, diligent, hard-working, ambitious, intellectual, even-tempered, great communicators, perfectionist, idealistic, peaceable, urbane, charming, diplomatic, polite, mannerful, clean, open-minded, fair, playful, romantic, and devoted. The Virgo/Libran is prone to being aloof, unfair, easily influenced, self-indulgent, quarrelsome, fussy, worrier, insecure, doubting themself, a hypochondriac (a person who worries and talks excessively about their health), fickle, and indecisive. Also known as the Cusp of Beauty.

    The Libra/Scorpio Cusp is approximately from dates October 20 to October 26. The Libran/Scorpion is thought to strive to create & balance harmony, intuitive, diplomatic, hard-working, go-getter, ambitious, intense, attractive, aware, sexual, ambivert, talkative, introverted, powerful, sensitive, communicative, mystical, motivated, loyal, devoted, romantic, playful, scientific, abstract reasoning, cooperative, and penetrating. The Libran/Scorpion is prone to be stubborn, lazy, overbearing, sly, manipulative, hedonistic, dictatorial, sarcastic, volatile, self-indulgent, and compulsive. (Goldschneider: "The Cusp of Drama & Criticism.")

    The Scorpio/Sagittarius Cusp is approximately from dates November 19 to November 25. The 'Scorpittarian' individual is thought to be a truth-seeker, sexual, like to learn, determined, intuitive, honest, independent, freedom-loving, extrovert, versatile, progressive, powerful, good-humored, flirty, playful, caring, high-spirited, loyal, motivated, broad-minded, enjoy competition, self-confident, enthusiastic and generous. The Scorpion/Sagittarian is prone to being stubborn, possessive, suspicious, mean, impatient, pushy, argumentative, jealous, vain, quick-tempered, teasing, and blunt. Also known as the Cusp of Revolution.

    The Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp is approximately from dates December 19 to December 24. Sometimes referred to as Sagicorn or Caprittarius. The Sagittarian/Capricorn is thought to be ambitious, truth-seeking, physically and mentally exploratory, undiscriminating, loyal, freedom-loving, charitable, self-controlled, self-reliant, trustworthy, charming, adaptable, extrovert, physical, practical, economical, mature, shrewd, conservative, fun, self-confident, outgoing, friendly, responsible, polite, warm, optimistic, straight-forward, funny, competitive, high-spirited, devoted, playful, romantic, successful, and enthusiastic. On the negative side, the Sagittarian/Capricorn is prone to being argumentative, blunt, exaggerating, hot-headed, impulsive, quick-tempered, vain, and aggressive. (Goldschneider: "The Cusp of Prophecy.")

    The Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp is approximately from dates January 15 to January 22. Sometimes referred to as Capriquarius or Aquaccorn.The Capricorn/Aquarian is thought to be ambitious, disciplined, shrewd, patient, loyal, responsible, traditional, careful, reserved, extrovert, funny, deadpan, stable, fixed, tolerant, broad-minded, self-confident, striking, unique, attractive, intuitive, curious, inquisitive, friendly, humanitarian, intellectual, progressive, original, eccentric, offbeat, experimental, cautious, practical, realistic, competitive, business-oriented, and multi-talented. The Capricorn/Aquarian is prone to be rebellious, saturnine, over-critical, dogmatic, narrow-minded, over-cautious, workaholic, judgmental, cold, stubborn, harsh, depressed, secretive, exacting and aloof. Also known as the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination.

    The Pisces/Aquarius Cusp occurs approximately from dates February 18 to February 22. Sometimes referred to as Aquarices. The Aquarian/Piscean is thought to be tolerant, open-minded, undiscriminating, intellectual, sensitive, compassionate, original, offbeat, imaginative, timid, romantic, sentimental, sympathetic, unique, multi-talented, caring, flirtatious, extroverted, shy, quiet, modest, thoughtful, visionary, and understanding. The Aquarian/Piscean is prone to escapism, fickleness, hyper-sensitivity, dependability, eccentricity, goallessness, neglectfulness, impracticality and rebelliousness. (Goldschneider: "The Cusp of Sensitivity.")

    The Pisces/Aries Cusp (sometimes referred to as "Parisces") is approximately from dates March 19 to March 22,. The "parisces" individual is thought to be assertive, dominant, shy, sensitive, emotional, artistic, talented, heplful, dependent, intuitive, unique, ambivert, practical, doer, dreamer, nurturing, sensual, clean-minded, traditional,A Leader, active, organized, idealistic, broad-minded, brave, thoughtful, playful, devoted, flirtatious, idealistic, quiet, proud, loyal, athletic, romantic, compassionate, sympathetic, often funny, flamboyant, caring, and imaginative. The Piscean/Arian is prone to aloof, quarrelesome, perfectionist, mean, cold, pessimitic, hyper-sensitive, touchy, duality, moody, secretive, impractical, impatient, and stubborn. (Goldschneider: "The Cusp of Rebirth.")

  2. #2
    Forum Hero Ne-Blondinka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    Во мне прочно засели оба моих знака. Причем совершенно непохожие друг на дружку.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    пересечения знаков - это конечно проблема, а вот вы мне объясните,
    какой знак принимает человек, родившийся на географическом полюсе или на орбите или скажем на Марсе (что теоретически вполне возможно) ?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    Quote Originally Posted by Hallucinogen View Post
    пересечения знаков - это конечно проблема, а вот вы мне объясните,
    какой знак принимает человек, родившийся на географическом полюсе или на орбите или скажем на Марсе (что теоретически вполне возможно) ?
    А что на полюсе нет координат и нет неба над ним?
    Горизонта тоже там нет?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    Quote Originally Posted by Mature View Post
    А что на полюсе нет координат и нет неба над ним?
    Горизонта тоже там нет?

    есть координата 0,0
    времени локального там нет
    солнца тоже по нескольку месяцев в году нет

    а если речь идет еще и южном полюсе, то там о зодиакальных созвездиях и слыхом не слыхивали и видом не видывал... наверное и солнце в них не забегает


    со временем - та же петрушка - нет локального времени
    с координатами - нет постоянной координаты, привязанной к широте-долготе
    орбиту можно замутить так, что солнце будет шастать по небу как сумашедшее


    координаты, время, проход солнца по созвездиям свои

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    Quote Originally Posted by Hallucinogen View Post

    есть координата 0,0
    времени локального там нет
    солнца тоже по нескольку месяцев в году нет

    а если речь идет еще и южном полюсе, то там о зодиакальных созвездиях и слыхом не слыхивали и видом не видывал... наверное и солнце в них не забегает


    со временем - та же петрушка - нет локального времени
    с координатами - нет постоянной координаты, привязанной к широте-долготе
    орбиту можно замутить так, что солнце будет шастать по небу как сумашедшее


    координаты, время, проход солнца по созвездиям свои
    Ах, да. Спасибо.

    Просто как правило, там никто не живет, и мало кто рождается - из людей. Вот в чем "сикрет". Были ли такие статистические случаи? :D

    Особые случаи и рассматриватся особо.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    Quote Originally Posted by Mature View Post
    Ах, да. Спасибо.

    Просто как правило, там никто не живет, и мало кто рождается - из людей. Вот в чем "сикрет". Были ли такие статистические случаи? :D

    Особые случаи и рассматриватся особо.
    я в общем-то намекал на беспочвенность привязки судьбы человека ко времени и месту рождения и к тому, какие в это время узоры на небесной сфере образовывали светила...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    Quote Originally Posted by Hallucinogen View Post
    я в общем-то намекал на беспочвенность привязки судьбы человека ко времени и месту рождения и к тому, какие в это время узоры на небесной сфере образовывали светила...
    Да. А я к тому что любая жесткая система (знаний) условна. Подчиняется большинству. Систематизация такая. Пока что подавляющее большинство людей занято выживанием. На небо редко смотрят... :D Вопросов мало задают по этой теме. Это ж все равно, что из плоского пространства в трехмерное переходить. (Это я о способах мыслить. П.с. А не об отсутствии почвы.)

  9. #9
    Forumer Vinn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    у тех, кто на Марсе родился, всё не как у людей

  10. #10
    Enigma per Lei CAPRI's Avatar
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    Default Re: Astrological cusp

    Quote Originally Posted by Hallucinogen View Post
    я в общем-то намекал на беспочвенность привязки судьбы человека ко времени и месту рождения и к тому, какие в это время узоры на небесной сфере образовывали светила...
    Был такой знаменитый астроном Иоганн Кеплер. Серьезный ученый. Это не помешало ему составить личный гороскоп знаменитому полководцу герцогу Валленштейну, и прогноз Кеплера полностью сбылся...

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