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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #81
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    And now let's move on to the usual press review, for the use and consumption of the distracted and the all-out optimists.

    Riyadh 'categorically' rejects the evacuation of Gaza


    US to diplomats, 'avoid bloodbath phrases'


    Israel, the war spreads to Lebanon. “Big losses”, Hezbollah's attack


    World alert over Hamas call for "Friday of Rage"


    Russia, Kim Jong-un's weapons arrive: a thousand containers from North Korea


    Prof stabbed to death, France plunges back into the nightmare of terrorism. It's high tension in Europe


    'Israeli embassy employee stabbed in Beijing'


    Cyclone Medusa, storms and great cold on the way. Here's where and when it will strike, the predictions


    Bed bugs, after France also in Italy? "Boom in requests for intervention"


    The mosquito is the deadliest killer, and the climate crisis helps it


    Zika, the risks for Europe and Italy: everything you need to know


    Ukrainian media, 'explosions in Sevastopol hit a Russian ship'


    US F-15 fighter jets arrived in the Middle East


    Here's what would happen if China invaded Taiwan


    Tropical Storm Sean pushes northwest into the Atlantic


    Devastating Hurricane Lidia hits the western coast of Mexico


    Doomsday Tree, Sign of Biggest Solar Storm Ever Discovered: When It Could Happen Again


    "Don't touch it." The luminous trail, then the meteorite falls on Sardinia

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  2. #82
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Nordista wrote:
    Even now. Indeed there are several countries where a foreigner can only buy in cash.
    Some ignorant people don't know how many people go to the real estate agent with money in a briefcase .
    No, I know very well...

    Until recently, I used to say that I admired the category of Notaries, because, given the nature of their work, i.e. officially and legally registering transfers of ownership of properties, inheritances, and other things, they could not escape. And in fact notaries have always been the richest in our cities (at least fiscally).

    Recently, however, a friend of mine opened my eyes: he transferred ownership of a house, and on the notarial deed, he and the builder wrote a figure that was half the agreed (and market) value. The notary didn't bat an eyelid, as long as his fee was paid on the real value of the property. That is, half with a bank transfer, and half in cash, passed from under the table, tax-free, and in the black. And the notaries are the most dutiful ones. Think #Northerner what all those others can get up to.

    Ah, the transaction took place in Fano. So, I say it for our @Mary Ann, who investigates like this. Anyway, if we wait for our couple of users in uniform to do something, we're cool... Those are paid to do nothing. Or, worse, they often get paid for doing nothing. And turn away.

    Meanwhile, our Italian Public Debt (Bananiferous) has reached 2,840,264,710,901 euros, and is heading full speed towards 3,000,000,000,000 . See below:

    Find out exactly how much the Public Debt of the Italian (Banana) Republic has reached at this precise moment

    In my opinion, however, we won't reach that record: we will crash (financially) somewhere much sooner.

    Ah, if possible, give me baby much more often ... (1)

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Скрытый текст

    At that moment the disciples approached Jesus saying: "Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?". [2]Then Jesus called a child to him, placed him among them and said: [3]"Truly I say to you, unless you convert and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. [4]Therefore whoever becomes as little as this child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.


    They presented children to him so that he could caress them, but the disciples rebuked them. [14] When Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like them. [15] Truly I say to you, Whoever he does not welcome the kingdom of God like a child, he will not enter into it." [16] And taking them in his arms and placing his hands on them, he blessed them.


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  3. #83
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Since today is a holiday, I can do both a morning and an evening press review. And I remind you that the purpose of all this is to get your help. I don't know who you are, reading all these things on that screen, without doing anything. But Someone Else Yes. The same one who knows how many hairs you have on your head now. Treasure the mistakes of the past: don't disappear, all of you, on the sly. It would be a huge nonsense, which should be added to all the others you have already done so far (1).

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Скрытый текст

    These things said Jesus, teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. [60] Many of his disciples, after hearing, said, “This language is harsh ; who can understand it?”. [61]Jesus, knowing within himself that his disciples were murmuring about this very thing, said to them: "Does this scandalize you? [62] What if you saw the Son of Man go up where he was before? [63]It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no use; the words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. [64]But there are some among you who do not believe." In fact, Jesus knew from the beginning who those who did not believe were and who it was who would betray him. [65] And he continued: "Therefore I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted to him by my Father."

    [66] From then on many of his disciples withdrew and no longer went with him.



    Panic in Paris, bomb scare at the Louvre museum and the palace of Versailles: visitors fleeing


    "They are ready for the invasion." The US raises the alarm: a new war is coming (in Azerbaijan)


    The Russians attempt the pincer maneuver at Avdiivka. But it's a massacre of tanks


    Minister of the Interior: "Difficult months awaiting." Defense Minister: "I'm thinking of canceling the Armed Forces Day to avoid risks"


    Iran: Khamenei, 'the Islamic world helps the Palestinian people'


    Incoming polar cold, drastic drop in temperatures and risk of water bombs. Here's where and when


    Middle East war, the United States deploys F-15 Strike Eagle fighters: what they are and why this positioning


    How a crack in Kenya is dividing Africa in two


    North Korea raises the specter of a nuclear attack on the arrival of the American aircraft carrier in South Korea


    The joining of Hezbollah, supported by Iran, in the conflict between Israel and Hamas would represent a "turning point"


    A US Navy carrier strike group is now in action to stop anyone from making the war between Israel and Hamas worse than it already is


    France, a teacher beheaded. Macron: "Attack on the values ​​of the Republic"


    Lancet: Disease X, accelerate the development of medical countermeasures for the next pandemic


    Tropical Storm Lidia leaves seven dead on Mexico's Baja Peninsula in California


    They sell their house and buy a cabin on a cruise ship: "We are 80 years old and still have little time to travel the world"


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  4. #84
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @mary ann wrote:
    That is, hundreds of thousands of foreigners can enter Italy even without documents and the Sentence says nothing.
    The state prohibits taking one's money abroad and Sentenza finds it normal. Incredible.
    To avoid any misunderstanding, I have nothing to take abroad, because I'm poor, but I feel sorry for the others.
    The Italian (Banana) Republic does not prevent you from taking all your money abroad. If you do it with a nice bank transfer of, let's say, 1,500,000 euros, you can do it in a flash tomorrow morning. Nor does it stop you from buying 10 houses (sea view) abroad.

    If I have declared 10 million euros of income in the last 10 years, and I move 10 million euros tomorrow morning, no one will dream of coming to break my balls. It is different if, in the last 10 years, I have declared less than 10,000 euros gross. That is, if I declared as 57% of Italian (banana) taxpayers did last year.

    The important thing is that you declare all these assets on the RW box of your Income Tax Return. Then, when someone definitively goes to another country, or becomes exclusively a taxpayer and citizen of that nation, then everyone becomes exclusively a dick about him. And of the country that welcomed him.

    They are very simple concepts. Only those who don't want to understand them don't understand these things. The ended up stupid, by bias, and for self-interest.


    The RW form must be completed, for tax monitoring purposes, by natural persons resident in Italy who hold investments abroad and foreign assets of a financial nature by way of ownership or other real right regardless of the methods of their acquisition

    =============== ===============

    @mary ann wrote:
    The thing that makes me angry is the double standards.
    The state takes everyone's money.
    Did you buy the house? Pay taxes on what you've already bought.
    You also have to pay to the real estate agent and the notary.
    Did you buy the car? Pay the tax.
    Do you want to fill up with petrol? Ok, there are 67% taxes to pay.
    Did you buy the TV? Pay the fee.
    Have you won more than 2 thousand euros in the lottery? You have to report the winnings, who knows why, since you have already paid 20% in taxes.
    Do you want to give a generous gift? I have to tell the state.
    Whoever receives it must report the fact because it earns income and taxes must be paid.
    I repeat, all this does not concern me in the slightest, because I don't own property, I don't have a car, I didn't win the lottery, I don't have to take the money abroad, also because I don't have it, I don't buy petrol, but I feel sorry for the others.
    People have fewer and fewer rights.
    The council house he's living in was built with this nasty, nasty stuff called taxes.

    You don't realize it, but you are simply spitting on the plate you eat on, and on the roof over your head... There are millions of people who have not had your luck, and who have the same thoughts as me, reading the your last post. Which, last but not least, unfortunately, will not be...

    ========================== ================

    @Nordista wrote (his nonsense, as usual...):
    I don't know about today but when I emigrated the limit was 5 million lire. After emigrating and settling down I could have taken more.*
    I had a Mercedes and a Fiat 500. I decided to use the 500 to export what I had. And instead of going directly to Switzerland I went through Brenner and then Voralberg, Liechtenstein to get to Zurich.
    I chose a place where the state takes 50% of taxes (compared to Italy), the agent is a choice, I pay the tax (55 euros), I pay half the price for petrol, there is no state fee, I don't pay no taxes on winnings (lotteries, casinos, horses) and no taxes if I give or receive gifts, whether $10.00 or ten million.

    SO THERE IS NO POINT TO COMPLAIN, YOU JUST MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES (such as paying the maximum VAT at 5% and zero on all food and children's shoes and clothes).
    The country from which our #Northerner is now writing to us is also a place where very few council houses are built. Virtually none. There is rampant poverty. As well as a place whose King has somewhat extravagant behaviors. Noble, yes, but only in words. Dear #Northerner, what can I tell you... For the series: those who are alike, take each other...

    The dark tale of the three Thai queens and the richest polygamist king in the world

    "... There are those who call them Cinderella, even though none of them has ever been a scullery maid. At most, one of them, as a flight attendant at Thai Airways, served drinks to Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, the future king of Thailand, and thanks to this she took the proverbial path that changed her final destination. For better or for worse? From afar, and as mere mortals, we cannot know. But this story unfolds between three beautiful Thai women who their names are Suthida Tidjai, Srirasmi Suwadee and Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi, for whom the current king of Thailand is the common denominator. The first is the current official wife. The second is the previous wife. The third is the new official wife because, just three months after her wedding, Suthida Tidjai witnessed her husband's new "marriage" with her rival without batting an eyelid, without ever having divorced. These three women are intriguing the world because it is not clear who they are, if the qualities that in time the king has attributed to them are true, if they are victims of a bizarre fate that has delivered them to the whims of an extravagant character of blue blood..." (CONTINUED IN THE LINK ABOVE)

    By the way, are there any of you, there, lost on the web, who would have about ten minutes a day to automatically translate a post and stick it, translated into Thai, onto a server in Bangkok? I'm not asking you #Nordic, I'll skip you. I already know it would be a waste of breath. You take a boat ride. Possibly, where the signal does not reach your mobile phone...

    =============== ============

    I don't know if Hell will be organized and divided into infernal circles and pits, as the great Dante Alighieri imagined it in his unparalleled literary work.

    But I'm sure that, if it resembles that pattern, the Tax Evaders ' Pool will be, by far, the most crowded.

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  5. #85
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    People against People, Nation against Nation. Breaking waves, that is, storms. Plagues everywhere. And, soon, even very powerful earthquakes and tsunamis, which will become daily. Don't sit idle. It's a terrible idea. She always has been. To do so in these days, then, would be the stupidest thing in the universe (Matthew, chapter 25, verses from number 14 to number 30. Especially number thirty)

    Iran has sent a message to Israel: it will have to intervene if the Israeli operation in Gaza continues.


    Milan, shouts Allah Akbar and attacks three people with the Koran in their hands: stopped


    Israel will put Gaza to fire and sword. It's a matter of hours


    USA, second aircraft carrier against hostile actions towards Israel


    What to do in case of floods and water bombs in Fiesole: exercises and practical tests with volunteers


    Bed bugs also in Italy, how to avoid and eliminate them


    France is once again plunged into the nightmare of terrorism: after the Louvre, the Palace of Versailles was also evacuated


    The fire ant has arrived in Italy: "Invasion alert"


    Non-emergency US embassy staff may leave Israel


    Migrants: night of landings in Lampedusa, NGOs also come to the rescue


    Australia. The No vote wins in the historic referendum to guarantee rights to Aboriginal people


    The swine fever alarm: "No more slaughter in shelters"


    India, alarm over the Nipah virus grows in Kerala


    Rating alarm, Fitch rejects Italian accounts. Downgrading is approaching


    The exceptionally warm Atlantic was the "rocket fuel" for a hyperactive hurricane season. But it's not over


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  6. #86
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    " Immediately after the tribulation of those days,
    the sun will be darkened,
    the moon will no longer give its light,
    the stars will fall from heaven
    , and the powers of the heavens will be shaken

    The heavens will be shaken. And the reason that will put them in turmoil, in my opinion, will be this.

    Earth's magnetic north pole is on the move: here's what will happen when our poles reverse

    “…Humans have never experienced a complete reversal of the magnetic poles before, so if the poles reversed, what would happen to us? The Earth having more than two poles is not a good thing. This causes the planet to have multiple magnetic fields that then battle each other. When the poles reverse, this battle weakens Earth's protective magnetic field by up to 90%..."


    Something like this is already happening. In the Lower Atlantic Anomaly. Watch this video

    In short, ears are popping up for the grand finale too. And this, despite what one might think, is a very good sign. It means that he decided to shorten our suffering. You can't ask for more. Because you too have heard the words of the Carpenter's Son: everything that is written must be fulfilled.

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  7. #87
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @mixkey3 wrote:
    During the pole reversal phase in many places on Earth the solar wind would reach the Earth, tumors would skyrocket and cultivation would be difficult.

    Tumors will be the least of your worries. All waterways would dry up. While the first of your worries, from now on, must be the tobacconist near your house...*


    Post Office United Kingdom: rates for sending a letter all over the world

    Poste Italiane: rates for sending a letter all over the world

    French Post: rates for sending a letter all over the world

    Find the rates for other countries yourself.


    And, right after, comes the copy and paste work. In Thailand, in Malaysia, in Algeria, in Uzbekistan, etc, etc, as if you were a little medieval scribe friar. But it does everything much faster and more excitedly

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  8. #88
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    "As it was in the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For just as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until Noah entered the ark, and they were not aware of nothing until the flood came and swallowed everyone up, so it will be also at the coming of the Son of man."

    Ukraine used ATACMS long-range missiles to hit a Russian military base 80 kilometers from the border. Will Russia now supply the exact same missile to Iran which, from Lebanon, could sink the two aircraft carriers moored off the coast of Israel? Two very strong earthquakes in Afghanistan, within a week of each other. Terrorist attacks in the West have become daily. The inevitable and automatic response will be the upper hand of all xenophobic far-right parties, who will propose the expulsion of all Arab residents. And then there will be violence and chaos in all the streets all over the world.

    Ukraine, Kiev uses Atacms missiles: 9 Russian helicopters destroyed


    Strategic bombers capable of carrying weapons fly over the Sea of ​​Japan


    There were two more strong earthquakes in western Afghanistan


    "Dangerous and reckless." The maneuver of the Chinese fighter against the Canadian plane


    Hamas: “Hundreds dead from the bombing of a hospital in Gaza”


    The American shield around Israel: the means and men deployed by the Pentagon in the region


    Who was Abdesalem Lassoued, the Brussels attacker: having landed in Lampedusa, he passed through Bologna and Genoa


    Chicago, kills a six-year-old boy with 26 stab wounds because he is Palestinian: 71-year-old arrested. Biden: “Horrible act”


    Russia and China intensify collaboration, Putin flies to Beijing


    Iranian President Raissi: US bomb flames will devour Israel


    Terrorism alert in Europe: the Palace of Versailles closes again, maximum alert for England-Italy in London


    Stop the nuclear test treaty: Moscow's "atomic" move


    Cuba, 'the United States is asphyxiating us'


    "Fever and muscle aches": the new infection that scares Asia


    France, correspondent of the Italian Mediaset TV attacked outside a mosque: thrown to the ground


    Tropical Storm Norma forms off the Pacific coast of Mexico and could threaten Los Cabos


    The tropical depression is likely to form within 48 hours and hit the eastern Caribbean by Friday


    Map shows where Storm Babet is set to hit the UK with fears a red warning could be issued


    Naples earthquake, the earthquake at the Campi Flegrei is the beginning of a new swarm. «A thousand a month»


    Amazon river port records lowest water level in 120 years as much of world falls into drought


    Swine fever, two more infected carcasses found in the Ticino Park: "The river is a highway for the virus"


    The evocative images of the Northern Lights in the skies of Canada

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  9. #89
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Maybe I'm wrong, but in my opinion things are going from bad to worse. There are these constant meetings between Moscow, Beijing and North Korea. Without forgetting Tehran, which has armed itself, and has been armed, to the teeth. But I'm not worried about global thermonuclear war. I'm sure that's the only danger we're not in. Everything else, yes. But that's the one thing that won't happen. Because the Carpenter's Son didn't mention it. I always said this to my friends King John Landless, and his faithful Sir Hisssss: what are you still waiting for? Is the comet coming? Will arrive. It will come this time too. But too many will arrive. And they will arrive when it is too late. Ah, @Pietro, I left the last box on that A4 sheet of paper for you, because I would have put the QrCode in the Indonesian language of the post that you would have had to translate. Where is this Indonesian language site? You will all be held accountable for your inaction and cowardice. Because despite all this mess, your asses are all still firmly glued to the wall.

    Palace of Versailles evacuated for the third time in a few days


    B-52H bomber flies to Korea: what the US warning reveals


    Putin with the nuclear briefcase in China. The video that makes the world tremble. How Cheget works


    Kim Jong Un launches new tactical nuclear submarine. Towards summit with Putin


    Storm Babet, the effects arriving on Italy: "unprecedented" rains. Where and when she will strike


    Bomb on hospital, 500 killed in Gaza. And the occupied territories explode


    Italy and eight other states suspend Schengen: controls return to the border with Slovenia.


    Israel - Gaza, Arab squares riot: embassies attacked. Berlin: Molotov cocktail against synagogue


    This is the most dangerous moment in decades and the situation will only get worse


    France, bomb alert: six airports evacuated


    Sweden reports damage to a submarine cable to Estonia, while Finland reports damage to a gas pipeline


    The U.S. hurricane center sees an 80% chance of cyclone formation near the Windward Islands


    US Weather Forecast: Severe cyclones threaten to destroy America in the next 72 hours


    Xi and Putin hail Belt and Road as the antithesis of the US-led world order


    Taiwan: new sortie from China with 14 planes and 5 warships


    West Nile in Italy, new death: cases rise to 298 and deaths to 18


    Avian influenza massacres seabirds: 10,000 dead and sick specimens in Scotland


    Spread of swine fever, many farms in crisis: the plan to contain the virus is mass slaughter


    Disinfestation in Trieste after a case of dengue fever: it is a doctor who returned from India, order of the mayor


    Comet three times the size of Everest is headed towards Earth: diameter 30 km. The planned date


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  10. #90
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Frère Barnabé a ecrit:
    avec internet (médias et réseaux sociaux ) tout va plus vite dans le monde pour précipiter la fin ou en finir radicalement avec les guerres et terrorisme !!!

    ---- translated --------

    @Frère Barnabé wrote:
    with the internet (media and social media) everything goes more alive in the world to précipiter the end or end radically with wars and terrorism !!!
    The things that are happening, will happen anyway. Whatever action we could take. No attempts at peace agreements will be needed, no mediations will be needed, nothing will have any effect. And everything will happen this way because they are already pre-established, already programmed. Everything is written that it must go like this. And everything that is written will come true (1). It is a roadmap that was made, and existed, long before the creation of the Universe. Nothing, and no one, can stop what has started. Wars, insurrections, plagues, hurricanes, droughts, famines, earthquakes, and all those things that now, like it or not, you all know a little about. In all of this, we only have one factor at our disposal.

    We can only determine the speed with which all this will happen. And if these days are not shortened, no human being would survive on this Earth (3). All of this is really just the beginning of what awaits us. To see the End arrive, or rather the end of this massacre, one fact must be verified: all the inhabitants of this Planet must become aware of what the Carpenter's Son said and did (2). And this is the real reason why I invented this whole megaphone, laying out wires that reach as far as possible. And that they reach people who, once they realize what is happening, they too, in turn, are able to reach, each one, a thousand other people. And this must be just the beginning.

    Because, at this precise moment, there are 8,067,649,540 people on this Earth. And we shouldn't skip a single one

    There are too many of us now. Even if we (really) started sharing all the resources and riches among us, as we were ordered, and as we have never done, this Planet can no longer feed us all. In short, the time has come to move out. To go somewhere else.

    *) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Скрытый текст

    Point (1)
    He replied: «Be careful not to be deceived. Many will come under my name, saying, “It is I,” and, “The time is near”; don't follow them. [9]When you hear about wars and revolutions, do not be terrified. In fact, these things must happen first, but it will not be the end immediately." [10] Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, [11] and there will be earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place; there will also be terrifying events and great signs from heaven. [12] But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, handing you over to synagogues and prisons, and dragging you before kings and governors, because of my name. [13]This will give you opportunity to bear witness. [14]Make sure that you do not prepare your defense beforehand; [15] I will give you a tongue and wisdom, which all your adversaries will not be able to resist or counter. [16]You will even be betrayed by your parents, your brothers, your relatives and your friends, and they will put some of you to death; [17]you will be hated by all because of my name. [18]But not a hair of your head will perish. [19]By your perseverance you will save your souls. But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its devastation is near. [21] Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, those who are within the city must leave it, and those in the countryside must not return to the city; [22] For they will be days of vengeance, so that everything that has been written will be fulfilled .


    Point (2)
    Jesus replied: «Take care that no one deceives you; [5]many will come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and they will mislead many. [6]You will then hear about wars and rumors of wars. Be careful not to be alarmed; it is necessary for all this to happen, but it is not the end yet. [7]Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes in various places; [8]but all this is only the beginning of the pain. [9] Then they will hand you over to execution and will kill you, and you will be hated by all peoples because of my name. [10]Many will be scandalized, and they will betray each other and hate one another. [11]Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; [12] because of the spread of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold. [13]But whoever endures to the end will be saved. [14] Meanwhile this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world, so that it may be witnessed to all people; and then the end will come.


    Point (3)
    When therefore you see the abomination of desolation, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, standing in the holy place - let the reader understand - [16] then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, [17] whoever is on the terrace should not go down to take the household goods, [18] and whoever is in the field should not go back to get his cloak. [19]Woe to pregnant women and to those who will breastfeed in those days. [20]Pray that your escape does not happen in winter or on the Sabbath. [21]For then there will be a great tribulation, such as never occurred from the beginning of the world until now, nor will there ever be again. [22] And if those days were not shortened, no living person would be saved ; but because of the elect those days will be shortened . [23] Then if anyone says to you, Behold, the Christ is here, or, He is there, do not believe it. [24] For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform great wonders and miracles, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. [25]Behold, I have told you before .


    The original post was here:
    https://forum. %86%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A9.470/post-859 fine/ -vom-Ende
    https :// .php?threads/pax-et-bonum-from-holubice.571201/ .uk/forum/thread/49648-uk-debt-how-to-manage-it-can-the-rich-do-more/?postID=148068#post148068 /the-end-of-cash.363575/post-18276984
    Last edited by holubice; 10-19-2023 at 05:31 PM.

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