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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #151
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    ([email protected], please, set the setting of this form with a maximum number for each post of 20,000 characters, otherwise, I waste a lot of time making this useless fragments, when I work on your forum. Thanks in advance, and to your good heart. If you need help to understand how to do it, just ask, I'll help you)

    Ok, this super volcano (in California) that we thought was dormant has just woken up

    “We don't think the region is preparing for another supervolcanic eruption, but the cooling process could release enough gases and liquids to cause earthquakes and small eruptions,” says geophysicist Zhongwen Zhan. “For example, in May 1980, four magnitude 6 earthquakes occurred in the region alone.” The team's findings are based on data collected from a 100-kilometer stretch of fiber optic cable, using distributed acoustic sensing. With this interconnected system they have cataloged more than 2,000 seismic events, many of which cannot be perceived by humans. This data was then fed into a machine learning algorithm, which transformed the measurements into a high-resolution map of the caldera and the volcano that lies beneath. The results show a clear separation between the volcano's large magma chamber, located 12 kilometers below the surface, and the shallow hydrothermal system above. It appears that as the deeper chamber cools, gases and liquids rise to the surface, possibly causing earthquakes and swollen ground." (CONTINUED IN ABOVE LINK)

    Listen @WalterA, I don't know what to invent anymore to make you detach that €u/o (anus) of yours from that wall of your house, so that you can start giving me a hand. I repeat it for the umpteenth time (cubed): what the hell are you still waiting for? What do you want to do like my friends (and enemies) King John Landless, and his faithful Sir Hisssssssss who, after 13 years of catechism and admonitions, are still a "dear friend", that is, everything I told him, he understood out of one ear, and it always immediately came out of the other? That funny guy Sir Hisssss, exactly at this point below (the link will not open, I'll warn you straight away).

    Italian Protestant Atheists Forum: discussion entitled "What if things started to fall apart?"

    I was saying, exactly at this point above, that it is now accessible only to those who are registered or, much more likely, it is only accessible to the moderators of that forum, they have censored a thread, identical to the one I am now offering to you, but which started in the year 2010, and continued until a few months ago. In that thread, all the survivors (and still living) of that period can testify to you, Sir Hisssss told me: "How much do you bet, Holubice, that in another year, we will all still be here, and you, like a fool, will will you have once again broken the €o@lions with your cyclical apocalyptic crises, and all in vain?". The discussion is in that submenu that has this icon below.

    The sub-menu which, if Sir Hisssss has not modified it in the meantime, is called, not surprisingly, "Padded Cell (for the crazy in the brain)". As done a thousand other times with other users, often non-believers like them, when it became clear and obvious that they had said some nonsense, or done some bullshit, they proceeded to delete everything, or make everything disappear. But here are the good @Paolo(SenzaAltro), the good @Paolo(Spazio1999), the good @SergioAD, the good @AteusVulgaris (now transformed into @AteusMillantatorius) who can testify to what happened. And this behavior, if you are able to read between the lines, was followed by many others around the world, among those who, in the list of links at the bottom of my posts, after a few posts, saw clearly to censor everything immediately. By banning my user account or, better yet, completely deleting the conversation I had started. Now, at this point, I ask you without paraphrasing: who do you think you've been fooling? Why did you censor content that did not violate any law, neither in Heaven nor on Earth? Contents which, as can be seen from the thread statistics, which are public, were guaranteeing you a growing number of visitors to your site, and therefore, advertising revenue from banners. But, despite this, you hastily sawed off the branch where you could sit and get fat. Why? I wonder, and I ask you: those who behaved like this, what were they up to in their lives? Because here, the problem is always that. The fear that grips some people when they realize that everything said by the Carpenter's Son is not a fairy tale for simpletons, but is all true. And, for them, the moment of fame is approaching (click below).

    Redde Rationem

    What do you hope to do with your games? With your subterfuge? With your small and large censures? Get this into your head: He who made the outside of the plate also made, and knows what it is made of, the inside of the plate (1). Except that the problem here, dear @SuperMario, is that there are a lot of people who are quicker to get it in the €u/o (anus), than in the head. And that's where everyone will take it. In the €u/o (year). And in saecula saeculorum.

    ([email protected], please, set the setting of this form with a maximum number for each post of 20,000 characters, otherwise, I waste a lot of time making this useless fragments, when I work on your forum. Thanks in advance, and to your good heart. If you need help to understand how to do it, just ask, I'll help you)


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  2. #152
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    ([email protected], please, set the setting of this form with a maximum number for each post of 20,000 characters, otherwise, I waste a lot of time making this useless fragments, when I work on your forum. Thanks in advance, and to your good heart. If you need help to understand how to do it, just ask, I'll help you)

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Скрытый текст

    [13]Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who shut the kingdom of heaven before men; because so you do not enter it, and do not even let in those who want to enter [14]]. [15] Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who travel the sea and the land to make a single proselyte and, having obtained him, you make him twice as much a son of Gehenna as yourselves. [16] Woe to you, blind guides, who say: If one swears by the temple it is no good, but if one swears by the gold of the temple he is obligated. [17]Fools and blind: what is greater, the gold or the temple that makes the gold sacred? [18] And say again: If one swears by the altar it is not valid, but if one swears by the offering that is on it, one remains obligated. [19]Blind! Which is greater, the offering or the altar that makes the offering sacred? [20] Well, whoever swears by the altar swears by the altar and by everything on it; [21] and whoever swears by the temple swears by the temple and by Him who inhabits it. [22]And whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits there. [23] Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who pay the tithe of mint, dill and cumin, and transgress the gravest prescriptions of the law: justice, mercy and faithfulness. These things needed to be practiced, without omitting those. [24]Blind guides, who filter out the gnat and swallow the camel! [25]Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who clean the outside of the glass and the plate while inside they are full of robbery and intemperance. [26]Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the glass, so that the outside also becomes clean! [27] Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who are like whitewashed tombs: on the outside they are beautiful to look at, but on the inside they are full of dead men's bones and all kinds of putridity. [28] So you also appear righteous on the outside before men, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. [29] Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who raise the tombs of the prophets and decorate the tombs of the righteous, [30] and say: If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have associated with them in shedding blood. of the prophets; [31]and thus you testify against yourselves that you are sons of the killers of the prophets. [32]Well, fill the measure of your fathers!


    After he finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to lunch. He came in and sat down at the table. [38] The Pharisee was amazed that he had not performed his ablutions before lunch. [39] Then the Lord said to him: «You Pharisees purify the outside of the cup and the plate, but your inside is full of robbery and iniquity. [40] Fools ! Didn't he who made the outside also make the inside? [41] Rather, give alms from what is within you, and behold, everything will be clean for you. [42]But woe to you, Pharisees, who pay a tithe of mint, rue and every herb, and then transgress justice and the love of God. These things needed to be taken care of without neglecting the others. [43]Woe to you, Pharisees, who cherish the first places in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. [44] Woe to you because you are like those tombs that cannot be seen and people pass over them without knowing it." [45]One of the doctors of the law intervened: "Master, by saying this, you offend us too." [46]He replied: “Woe also to you, doctors of the law, who burden men with unbearable burdens, and you do not even touch those burdens with a finger! [47] Woe to you, who build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers killed them. [48] ​​Thus you bear witness and approval to the works of your fathers: they killed them, and you build their tombs. [49]Therefore the wisdom of God said: I will send to them prophets and apostles, and they will kill them and persecute them; [50]so that this generation may be held accountable for the blood of all the prophets, shed since the beginning of the world, [51]from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held accountable. [52]Woe to you, doctors of the law, who have taken away the key to science. You did not enter, and you prevented those who wanted to enter." [53] When he went out from there, the scribes and Pharisees began to treat him hostilely and to make him speak on many subjects, [54] setting traps for him, to surprise him in some word that came from his own mouth.


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  3. #153
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    I finally understood, dear @WalterA, because in my entire working career I have never come across any public security officer who monitored the regularity of my working environment: always, they were too busy pursuing, and tracking down, the very dangerous in€ hia//e||chicken rapists...

    Pesaro, Ghanaian has sex with goats and chickens. The owner of the animals reports him and he settles for six months

    "A story that would be incredible if it weren't for the fact that it brought a man to trial before a judge. The accusation is of sexual violence against chickens and goats. And yesterday the accused agreed to a plea bargain. the story, however absurd and apparently unreal, of a 27-year-old Ghanaian and of a trial that risked ending because he was untraceable.But the agents of the flying squad of the Pesaro police headquarters tracked him down and yesterday he ended up in front of the judge. In January the court had extended its searches to be able to start the trial. The Ghanaian, who already has various precedents, could not have been traced. According to the latest news, he is a regular but homeless man who is staying in Pesaro, but not having the residence has been canceled from the registry lists" (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE, AND IN ALL THE JOKES ABOUT THE CARABINIERI, NOW ABUNDANTLY DUBBED BY REALITY)

    Do not deserve the magistrate

    Roman Law, or rather the principles (and technical legal mechanisms) that our ancestors had invented, should be the foundations on which the legal system of our Italian (Banana) Republic was also built. And, among other things, there is that very sentence above. That is, you couldn't ask the judge of the Roman Empire for some nonsense. We have transformed what is recognized by all as the cradle of Law into his tomb.

    I thought the news above was a joke. Instead, I also find it in other national newspapers. In any case, we must return to dealing with the tangled technical, political, economic, social and general moral situation. Meanwhile, it is not known why, further worsened.

    Gentlemen, perhaps there is a new epidemic, and it comes from Asia. Vietnam, India and Pakistan are facing a conjunctivitis epidemic that is much more contagious than normal


    Hamas, 'the death toll in Gaza rises to 11,180'


    'Uranium enriched in Iran exceeds the limit 22 times'


    Iceland, imminent volcano eruption: Reykjavik evacuated. An Italian guarding the magma: "We haven't slept since Friday"


    Germany gets serious with plans to make Armed Forces 'fit for war'


    "90% of the US population could die." The shocking study on the nuclear apocalypse


    “A reserve of 10,000 men in case of war”: what Crosetto's proposal reveals


    Weather: Strong WINDS and RAIN return on Friday 17th! Here is in which areas of Italy it can become a BLACK day


    "Trials of dictatorship". Bompiani's shocking outburst against the government. The redhead writer lashes out against the government for requiring the strike: "Serious act, it's one of the freedoms that are taken away from us one by one"


    Weapons and military instructors, this is how the United States supports Taiwan (while Biden meets Xi)


    Migrants: the Albanian government approves agreement with Italy (to deport asylum seekers to Albania)


    Spain, clashes under the PSOE headquarters: police charge protesters


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  4. #154
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Good morning. Oh good evening. Depending on the time zone you are in. Let's start the usual press review. I would gently point out to you what the prophet Isaiah said a long time ago: "On that Day, there will be no "ifs", and there will be no "buts". If it wasn't Isaiah, it was Ezekiel. But, reversing the order of prophets, the result does not change.

    "This is a coup d'état": Sanchez takes his seat and all hell breaks loose


    ISRAEL: UN experts point to evidence of "incitement to genocide" against Palestinians


    Finland will close four of its eight border crossings with Russia from tomorrow night due to the influx of migrants, the prime minister has announced


    Iceland, fear for the possible eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano: the town of Grindavik evacuated - The images


    How Big Tech Billionaires Are Preparing for the End of the World


    Sagrada Familia, work finished after 140 years: when Gaudi's church will be completed


    Tragedy foretold: what will happen if the terrible volcano in Iceland erupts?


    Ukraine, strategic turning point in Kherson, a foothold on the eastern bank of the Dnipro


    We must not delude ourselves about the new phase of good feelings between Biden and Xi


    Biden: «Xi is a dictator». Beijing responds: «Irresponsible political manipulation». Tensions after the meeting


    Immigration, the British Supreme Court declares the "Rwanda Plan" illegal (immigrant deportation to Rwanda)


    Last Generation Blitz in Milan, Arco della Pace smeared with orange paint: seven suspects


    Madonna's incredible transformation over the years


    Etna, expansion of lava flows captured by satellites

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  5. #155
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    (Natalia, please increase the maximum character count of posts to 20,000 characters)

    Witness to BBC, 'Israeli soldiers shoot inside Shifa'


    Spain: some PSOE deputies attacked outside Congress


    The general secretary of Vox speaks: "The amnesty for Catalan separatists is a coup d'état"


    Italian lifeguards: the State collects (approximately) 350 million euros in government tax on the use of beaches, while lifeguards collect (approximately) 39,000 million euros. The European Union is moving forward with the infringement procedure against Italy. And then Italy, for sure, in a few days, will return to Brussels, to cry misery, because it will not have money to pay its abnormal public debt


    Bad weather: yellow alert in Lazio and Tuscany. A disturbance will affect the two regions until Saturday. Attention is paid above all to the areas already affected by floods in recent days


    60% of catering companies cannot find workers


    Seasonal workers' contracts. The hourly wage? Less than 3 euros, without exceptions. Even less for animators: novices are even satisfied with 1 euro per hour


    Backbreaking shifts and illegal payments: here is seasonal work in Rimini (in the photo "We are looking for a slave")


    New strain of coronavirus massacres cats in Cyprus. Veterinarians who raised the alarm earlier this year counted 8,000 deaths among felines


    Gaza, UN: "Civilians risk death from starvation". Israel: "The western part of the city was taken, two underground attacks were carried out with devastating effects"


    Francis' move to fire the American bishop just because he is conservative exacerbates the conflict in the Church in the USA


    He builds a 10 meter deep shelter under his house: “I spent 50 thousand euros. That's why I did it."


    The Panama Canal is dying: there is not enough water. There is a risk of damage amounting to 200 million


    Brazil in the grip of extreme heat, 58.5 degrees felt in Rio de Janeiro


    Record heat, Environmental Medicine Society: "Mosquitoes until Christmas, risk of yellow fever and other diseases"


    Iceland, the (possible) consequences of the volcanic eruption: “It's imminent”


    Supersonic B-1B Lancer bombers flying in the Middle East: US warning to Iran. Three missions in one week


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  6. #156
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    No comment.*

    Nile, the river water turns blood red: biblical prophecy or scientific phenomenon?

    "The Nile is turning red: the variation observed with respect to the color of the river's waters has driven the web crazy. In fact, countless fake news and hoaxes are circulating online that associate the phenomenon with biblical prophecy. In reality, the situation has a scientific explanation. Here's what happened. The Nile turns red: fake news and hoaxes
    For days, images and videos showing the waters of the Nile dyed red have gone viral on social media. The multimedia materials, captured in unknown locations, are very suggestive but many users have found distressing shots and videos. Meanwhile, between one sharing and another, fake news and hoaxes of all kinds are proliferating. On Instagram and TikTok, for example, the news has spread that the water of the Nile would have been transformed into blood, following a famous prophecy from the Bible. The reference, specifically, is to the first plague of Egypt which is presented in the book of Exodus, also known as the Second Book of Moses " (CONTINUE IN THE LINKS ABOVE AND UNDER)

    Other sources: hypothesis-legate-alla-prima- plague-of-degypt-here-is-the-true-scientific-explanation/7355317/ hypothesis-legate-alla-prima- plague-of-degypt-here-is-the-true-scientific-explanation/7355317/

    This fact has a precedent. That is, number one:

    Look, I'm not commenting on anything. I have to go and meet my friends. I have the feeling, and the feeling, that it will be one of the last times I will be able to do it. So I won't dwell on it. I turn to you two, @WalterA and @SuperMario. You two, of all the clique I've gotten to know in recent months, seem to me to be the two people with the most salt in their head. Behold, if you are salt, salt this Earth (Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses from number 13 to number 16). I'm going to relax a bit this evening. Let's make sure that, tomorrow morning, many of you have decided what to do, and write here on the forum, publicly, or with a private message (in Italian, in German, in French, in Russian, in Hindi, in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, choose the language you want, it makes no difference). But detach that €u/0 (anus) hole of yours from that wall of your room, or your office. Act as if there were no tomorrow or, at most, the day after tomorrow. Later.

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  7. #157
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Right now, having a lot of money, and having it in Italy, is a source of big worries. What do you do, convert everything into gold ingots, and put them under the dog's kennel? Or in diamonds, lapis lazuli, emeralds and zircons? It's quite a headache. Strong earthquake in the Philippines, in Taiwan, and also in the State of Washington, that is, near the Santa Elena volcano, the one which, if it explodes, melts so much ice that it causes floods at the bottom of the valley, which would wipe out all the cities, up to the sea. I fly over the floods that have been submerging France and many other nations around the world for days. The stars falling from the sky would be missing. But, reading the news below, I know that those are starting too. Those that don't arrive, however, are the posts translated by our @Pietro, by our @Nordistico, by our @Dèdè in Paris, and all of you, scattered across the five continents. "The voice of one crying in the desert", this is how someone had described the Carpenter's Son, referring to someone else who, two thousand years ago, was raising the alarm, unheard. Don't treasure the stupid things committed by those who preceded you, a couple of centuries ago. You want to remain glued and bolted to that chair of yours until the very end. What should I tell you? Congratulations...

    Italy overcomes the Moody's obstacle well. It remains permanently one step above the junk level


    Bin Laden's "Letter to America" ​​goes viral on TikTok: the Guardian deletes it 21 years after publication


    Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro pays homage to Taylor Swift


    Elon Musk agreed with an anti-Semitic post. The billionaire's action caused Tesla shares to fall by 3.8% and the cancellation of all advertisements from the European Commission and IBM


    A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits the waters off Sarangani in the Philippines


    An ally of President Vladimir Putin warned NATO that a Russian defeat in Ukraine could spark nuclear war, while the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said the world would end if the West tried to destroy Russia


    Earth will experience “red level” magnetic storms throughout this week


    Iran-backed groups return fire after US airstrikes


    Australia: Naval divers from HMAS Toowoomba forced out of water by sonar pulses from Chinese warship


    Maps show Thanksgiving superstorm will blanket US in snow and wreak travel chaos for a week


    3.1 magnitude earthquake reported near Stanwood (Washington State, USA)


    Map of all the earthquakes that have occurred in the world, and of all the volcanoes that are erupting (in real time)


    Another tropical cyclone? Caribbean Hurricane Meteorological Observation System


    The terrifying sounds that suggest Iceland's volcano is ready to explode


    Cyprus, massacre of cats due to feline coronavirus


    Two million fleeing the war, squeezed (trapped) in southern Gaza. UN alarm: health emergency


    What is Bombogenesis? Everything you need to know


    Scramble over the Norwegian Sea, NATO F-35s intercept Putin's supersonic bombers near the United Kingdom


    Putin deploys the Avangard nuclear missile, where he can strike in case of attack


    The cryovolcanic comet explodes again on its way to Earth


    This comet, which is crumbling as it approaches the Earth, doesn't make me feel very comfortable. Anyway, I'm going shopping now. I'll be back soon. If any of you have decided what you want to do when you grow up, let me know. Meanwhile, I'm going to look at a wooden house, one of those that can be put together in an instant, where you can put the tractor and, by making a hole in the roof, you can even put a wood stove. I want it made of wood. Because wood is the only thing that, no matter how much the earth starts to dance under your feet, cannot kill you. Later.

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  8. #158
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Here in Pesaro, dear @Nordistico, a new madman has arrived. Last week I went downtown to do some shopping and to meet up with some friends. I arrived a little early, so as to have breakfast in peace, in a bar that has many newspapers, of all types, from Bolshevik ones to Nazi ones. On the main square, near the town hall, at a certain point a bizarre guy jumped out. He had a hieratic face and look, very long hair and a beard, which he kept tied with some rubber bands. He didn't have torn or dirty clothes, but it was clear that they were very used or second-hand clothes. And, above all, as a necklace, he wore a wooden rosary, which could be seen quite well.

    This character took a few steps, and then stopped every now and then. You see him mumble a few words in a low voice. He could sense that he was praying. He didn't break anyone's fingers, he didn't ask for any alms, but he continually made that gesture, and he did it in several places in the square. At a certain point, he came towards the small group of people where I was also standing. In that little group there were also some ladies, and some gentlemen, he could tell from the good workmanship of the husbands' jackets and coats, and from the fresh styling of the wives. When they saw this penitent coming towards them, they became afraid of the Madonna. If a screaming guy with a machete had come towards them, maybe they would have been less scared. The penitent also said a prayer near us, and then went away into another street. But the gentlemen, and the ladies well, were disconcerted for a long time by the sight of that spectacle.

    I saw that penitent again the following week, he had covered his long beard, and his long hair as best he could, with those tube-shaped wool caps, so as to be less conspicuous, and less noticed, and I saw him go to the public library. Libraries, you may already know, always have a reading room, usually full of university students who prefer to study in company. And well-kept public toilets. Since the penitent left the building almost immediately, I presume that he went to do his morning toilet, so as to be very clean and tidy. Despite what they thought in their little heads the gentlemen and ladies well the morning before. Take notes @Nordistico, because it may be useful to you in the near future.


    You who have been following me for a while @Nordistico, know that I am looking for catechists of last resort, almost out of time, those who the Carpenter's Son called the workers of the last hour (1). Here, rather than the last hour, we should be talking about the last minute but, all things considered, I would say that you should try everything. Above all, given how you are @Nordistico. I don't want to hold against you again that Bankruptcy you did in South Tyrol, which money you stole in cash, aboard a yellow ocher Fiat 500, passing through Brenner, through North Tyrol, Liechtenstein and finally Switzerland. In my opinion, you didn't go bankrupt in South Tyrol. Just as you didn't live in North Dakota, but rather lived in Vancouver (in Canada), in the same way, I think that you committed bankruptcy in Mezzocorona, or in the province of Trento, and not in the province of Bolzano . Likewise, I think you are writing to us from the beaches of Cambodia, and not from those of Thailand. Because in Cambodia it is much more difficult, or even impossible, to obtain extradition for financial crimes. And then, because those 10 billion lire, the result of that bankruptcy, once exchanged in Cambodia, are worth much more than if exchanged in Bangkok. And then, right now, the beaches of Cambodia have nothing to envy of those of Thailand.

    Now, however, you know what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself into. And most importantly, you know what's waiting for you. And now you only have two paths: enjoy the last weeks of sunshine on that little Cambodian beach, before hurricanes, or earthquakes, or both together, wipe out the village where you are now, or you can also be a penitent you, like the character that I, and the good gentlemen, saw here in Piazza del Popolo, in Pesaro. But before you go and clean your stolen €u/o (anus) in the library, you must first try to put a stop to all the evil (and the scams) you have done. Take a piece of paper and a pen. You need to transfer all the money you have in Cambodia to that account you keep in Switzerland. You hastily take a plane, from Cambodia to Switzerland, to return in person to the Swiss bank branch where you keep your ill-gotten gains. Do it quickly, because when the Icelandic volcano blows, probably no airplane will be able to fly again. And that volcano, if it gives me a lot, will be in good company. Once you are physically in, say, Zurich, you withdraw all your money in euros. Go and get that ocher yellow Fiat 500 of yours from the garage where you parked it, and make the reverse journey. That is Zurich, Liechtenstein, North Tyrol, Brenner, South Tyrol, and finally the Autonomous Province of Trento, that is, Mezzocorona.

    Go slowly, because that car has its years. Once you exit at the Mezzocorona motorway toll booth, you put on that raincoat of yours that makes you look like Inspector Clouseau from the Pink Panther, you put on that pair of dark sunglasses of yours, you put on that Borsalino hat of yours and, finally, you put on a nice mask anti Covid.

    Dressed in this way, divide those 10 billion lire resulting from that mess of 37 years ago (or what is left of it) into wads of, maximum 999 euros each. Once this is done, open your Android phone, go to the Google Maps application and, at the top, write: "Post Office near here". A map will appear on the screen, with red dots. Those dots are all the Italian Post Offices that are near Mezzocorona. Don't go to the office in your city, rather, start from an office that is 20 kilometers from where you lived and, like a kind of bee that goes to pollinate, you always stop at a post office, and every time you pay to a humanitarian organization (which you will choose) an amount that is a little under 999 euros. In this way, the anti-money laundering software does not trigger, that is, you will not be forced to show your document to the employee, that is, your charity will remain totally anonymous. Don't always deposit the same amount, but always deposit a different amount, so that your deposit doesn't stand out from the others. When you stop in your ocher yellow Fiat 500 in front of a post office, before entering the office, look to see if there is a building with ten or twenty condominiums. You go towards that building, you approach the intercoms of the building. Look at the names on the doorbells. You write down on a piece of paper the name and surname of a random resident of that building. For example, Mr. Rossi Mario, resident in Via Garibaldi 16, Mezzolombardo.

    Here, that will be the name and address that you will put on the postal slip that you will pay at the post offices. Don't take a guy on the street from the post office. Get someone who lives nearby, but not on the same street. So that nothing, and no one, can trace your payments and, somehow, by declaring yourself mentally ill, revoke those payments. At each office, you look for a different name, with the same technique. Did you understand me @Nordistico? Because here, those who have ears to hear, it's time to start understanding each other. A clarification, the postal bulletin above, I took it from the internet at random, the data shown is invented. You choose the ONLUS you want. And who you trust the most. However, do me something as a personal favor, give something to Doctors Without Borders, and to Gino Strada's Emergency association. But above all, don't say anything about your intentions to your Russian wife. Because that one, I'll bet both my |a//e (testicles), that one is a third your age, has a pressure of 2.2 bars on the left breast, and 2.1 bars on the right breast, what do you do to it? check, and swell, one year yes, and another as well. Ditto on lips and cheekbones. And, if she finds out about your plans, not only will she not let you get on that plane to Zurich, she'll even gouge your eyes out with a knife. And then, blind man, how can you find the library to go take a piss? So, be very, very careful. You must fear your wife much more than the Italian Interpol which, in vain, has been searching for you for 37 years for that scam of yours (3).

    Look, I give you this advice reluctantly. You know that, a long time ago, some of your bankrupt colleagues caused the bankruptcy of my company. And many troubles and financial setbacks for my family members. If it all depended on me, with the €a$$o (certainly not) I would suggest this loophole to you, to get away with it, at the drop of a hat (in extremis). If it were all up to me, I would only give you in the €u/0 (I would sodomize you), and I would set your hair on fire. And if you don't listen to me, I'm happier.

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  9. #159
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    (Natalia, please increase the character limit to 20,000 characters. Thank you)

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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    Point (1)
    «The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire workers for his vineyard. [2] Having agreed with them for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. [3] Then going out about nine in the morning, he saw others standing idle in the square [4] and said to them: You too go into my vineyard; I will give you what is right. And they went. [5] he went out again about noon and about three o'clock and did the same. [6] When he went out again about five o'clock, he saw others standing there, and said to them, Why do you stand here idle all day? [7] They answered him, Because no one has hired us. And he said to them: You also go into my vineyard. [8] When it was evening, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward: Call the workers and give them their wages, starting from the last to the first. [9]When the five o'clock men came, they each received a denarius. [10]When the first arrived, they thought they would receive more. But they also received a denarius each. [11]But when they took it away, they murmured against the master, saying, [12]These last ones worked only for an hour, and you treated them like us, who bore the burden of the day and the heat. [13]But the master, answering one of them, said, Friend, I do you no wrong. Have you not agreed with me for a denarius? [14]Take yours and go; but I also want to give to the latter as much as to you. [15]Can't I do what I want with my things? Or are you jealous because I'm good? [16]So the last will be first, and the first last."


    Point (2)
    He also said to the disciples: «There was a rich man who had a manager, and he was accused before him of squandering his possessions. [2] he called him and said to him: What is this that I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, because you can no longer be a steward. [3]The steward said to himself, What will I do now that my master takes the stewardship from me? Hoeing, I have no strength, begging, I'm ashamed. [4] I know what to do so that, when I am removed from the administration, there is someone to welcome me into his house. [5] He called the master's debtors one by one and said to the first: [6] How much do you owe my master? He replied: One hundred barrels of oil. He said to him: Take your receipt, sit down and write fifty immediately. [7] Then he said to another, How much do you owe? He replied: One hundred measures of wheat. He said to him: Take your receipt and write eighty. [8] The master praised that dishonest steward, because he had acted shrewdly. In fact, the children of this world are more cunning towards their peers than the children of light. [9] Well, I say to you: Make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, they will welcome you into eternal homes. [10]He who is faithful in little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in little is also dishonest in much. [11] If therefore you have not been faithful in dishonest wealth, who will entrust you with true wealth? [12]And if you have not been faithful in another's wealth, who will give you your own? [13] No servant can serve two masters: either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be fond of one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." [14]The Pharisees, who were attached to money, heard all these things and mocked him. [15]He said, “You think yourselves righteous before men, but God knows your hearts: that which is exalted among men is detestable before God.


    Point (3)
    I have come to bring fire to the earth; and how I wish it were already on! [50]There is a baptism that I must receive; and how anxious I am until it is accomplished! [51]Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but the division. [52]From now on in a house of five people [53]three will be divided against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law ."



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  10. #160
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    The Italian Banking Association, that is, the union of Italian banks, always complains, because it says that Italians have no culture or smattering of economics and finance. In this regard, I would like to make my small and modest contribution.

    “Investment grade” and “junk”: what the rating is and why it matters

    We are one step away from the abyss, my dear... When we finally end up in the yellow zone, and in my opinion it will happen in a few days, we will officially be a country with rubbish Sovereign Debt. On that day, thousands of international pension funds, by statute, will be forced to sell our BOTs, CCTs and BTPs.

    The good thing is that we also have to place (trim), in a few months, 490 billion in maturing debt. We ask for money to borrow from the whole world but, at the same time, we have made the tax returns of Italians secret (until 2008 it was mandatory by law to publicize those data, now, however, it is a crime to disclose them, punished with no less than 35,000 euro fine). The Italian (Brado) State collects 300 million euros from beach concessions, and the lifeguards collect 39,000 million euros from those same beaches.

    The European Union wants us to increase the fees, just as it wants the same thing for taxi drivers, but we don't feel like it, and we act melina, procrastinating endlessly. At the same time, almost half of citizens do not pay a single euro in taxes (47% of all taxpayers) because they declare incomes below the poverty limit. Meanwhile, all of these people receive state social benefits, have their electricity and gas bills paid by the municipality, and secretly do two or three illegal jobs. I had a cousin who acted like this since he was 14. According to the Italian tax authorities, he should have lived under a bridge. Instead he bought himself an apartment, a few meters from the beach in Pesaro, and made dozens of pleasure trips, including intercontinental ones.

    And all this, without the Italian (Banana) Republic officially noticing anything. Let's gloss over, for a matter of time, the efficiency, productivity and meaningfulness of the work of those 4 million public employees. Often hired in organizations whose function no one knows. In some cases, we almost don't even know about their existence. A good part of these people, in addition to earning a free salary, also work as painters, window fitters and waiters in the black. That is, they steal from the State with their right hand during the day, and with their left hand at night, or in the afternoons. Even this, without the Guardia di Finanza (the Italian Tax Police) ever noticing anything. Often, it is the police themselves who do illegal work. Myself, I personally know several of them. Very often at night, as a bouncer.

    Our problem, dear @Supermario, is that the electoral base of the Tax Evaders Party votes. And it is, in fact, before everyone's eyes, and at every election, the overwhelming majority of voters on the Peninsula on which we are camped. Consider that we are a country that has had very few children in the last 40 years, that in the last 40 years has greatly extended the average lifespan, and therefore also the period in which it pays pensions, consider that, after Covid, young couples have half of the few children they had before, and finally consider that the most prepared and intelligent young people, that is, those truly capable of counting, and of making this country progress, look around, get on a plane, and go to build their own career in London, Berlin, or New York, in short, at the end of the day, we can deduce that, if all goes well, we are still ruined. In the renowned national newspapers there is always talk of economic 'fundamentals'. Well, basically, we have already failed.

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