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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #131
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End


    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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    Point (1)
    Then Jesus turned to the crowd and his disciples saying: [2] «The scribes and Pharisees sat on the chair of Moses. [3] Whatever they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their works, because they say and do not do. [4]For they bind heavy burdens and place them on the shoulders of the people, but they do not want to move them even with a finger. [5] They do all their works to be admired by men: they widen their phylacteries and lengthen their fringes; [6]they love places of honor at banquets, the first seats in the synagogues [7]and greetings in the squares, as well as hearing themselves called "rabbi" by the people. [8]But do not let yourselves be called "rabbi", because one he alone is your master and you are all brothers. [9]And do not call anyone "father" on earth, for there is only one Father in heaven. [10] And do not call yourselves "master", for there is only one Master , the Christ. [11] Let the greatest among you be your servant; [12] but whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

    Point (2)
    Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee approached him with her sons, and prostrated herself to ask him something. [21]He said to her: "What do you want?". She replied: "Tell these sons of mine to sit down one at your right and one at your left in your kingdom". [22]Jesus answered: "You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I am about to drink?". They said to him: "We can". [23] ]And he added: "You will drink my cup; however, it is not up to me to allow you to sit at my right or at my left, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father." [24]The other ten When they heard this, they were indignant at the two brothers; [25] but Jesus called them to him and said, "You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them, and the great ones exercise power over them. [26] so it must be among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant , [27] and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave ; [28] just like the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

    Point (3)
    Then Jesus turned to the crowd and his disciples saying: [2] «The scribes and Pharisees sat on Moses' chair. [3] Whatever they tell you, do and observe , but do not do according to their works, because they say and do notthey do. [4]For they bind heavy burdens and place them on the shoulders of the people, but they do not want to move them even with a finger. [5] They do all their works to be admired by men: they widen their phylacteries and lengthen their fringes; [6]they love places of honor at banquets, the first seats in the synagogues [7]and greetings in the squares, as well as hearing themselves called "rabbi" by the people. [8]But do not let yourselves be called "rabbi", because one he alone is your master and you are all brothers. [9]And do not call anyone 'father' on earth, for there is only one Father in heaven. [10]And do not call yourselves 'master', for there is only one your Master, the Christ. [11] Let the greatest among you be your servant; [12] but whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

    Point (4)
    «Cursed is the man who trusts in man,
    who places his support in the flesh
    and turns his heart away from the Lord.
    6 He will be like a tamarisk in the steppe,
    when good comes he does not see it ;
    he will dwell in dry places in the desert,
    in a land of salt, where no one can live.
    7 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
    and the Lord trusts him.
    8 He is like a tree planted by the water,
    stretching out its roots towards the stream;
    he is not afraid when the heat comes,
    his leaves remain green;
    in the year of drought he does not become sad,
    he does not stop producing his fruits.

    Point (5)
    Among the Pharisees there was a man called Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews. [2]He came to Jesus at night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher from God; in fact, no one can do the signs that you do if God is not with him." [3] Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God." [4] Nicodèmo said to him: «How can a man be born when he is old? Can he perhaps enter his mother's womb a second time and be reborn?" [5] Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. [6] That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born from the Spirit is Spirit. [7]Do not be surprised if I said to you: you must be born again from above. [8]The wind blows where it wants and you hear its voice, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes: so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." [9] Nicodèmo replied: "How can this happen?". [10]Jesus answered him, “Are you a teacher in Israel and do not know these things? [11]Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak what we know and testify what we have seen; but you do not accept our testimony. [12]If I have told you things of the earth and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you things of heaven? [13] Yet no one has ascended into heaven except the Son of man who came down from heaven. [14]And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, [15]so that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." [16] For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him. [18]Whoever believes in him is not condemned; but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he did not believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [19] And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil . [20] For whoever does evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works be revealed . [21] But he who does the truth comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works were done in God.


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  2. #132
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    And now, let's return to the unfortunate press review of this day. Which is hard to keep up with. And that, in my opinion, is starting to raise some doubts even among professional journalists themselves. Yesterday, I was reading the Corriere della Sera (the largest Italian newspaper) on my cell phone, and I could sense that the person who inserted (in bursts) those news items on the site was wondering: "What the fuck is happening...?" . The video of that American who, in order to make his way through the environmentalist demonstrators who were blocking his way, and killing some of them, makes us understand what will soon happen in the United States of America, now saturated with pistols, rifles and machine guns. Because whoever sows wind always reaps storm. In this case, hurricanes. "Adam22". But what does that twenty-two mean? Is it the years of age? The measurements of something...?

    Attack in Madrid, shots in the face of the former leader of the People's Party of Catalonia and founder (of the far-right party) Vox: Alejo Vidal Quadras Roca is very serious


    Romania, alarm is growing over Russian attacks near the border: Germany sends Eurofighters


    Alarm in Italy: Dengue fever arrives, schools and public facilities closed


    Gratteri: «Interceptions? The reform is a scandal. (In Italy) I can arrest those who steal milk and not those who corrupt or are corrupt"


    Germany is also cracking down on migrants. And it does not exclude the Albania model (deportation to another country)


    The fire is in our home: thus the war between Israel and Hamas is tearing Western societies apart


    Argentina, over 100 economists warn of Milei's danger


    Treviso, the post-shock of the mathematics teacher: «Hitler was right, Jews go to hell». Now he risks suspension


    Unrest in Spain, eight thousand in the streets against Psoe-Junts: the police charges


    "Let me pass or I'll shoot." And he kills two environmentalists: the shocking video


    The world's first vaccine for chikungunya has been approved in the USA. FDA: Virus is an emerging threat to global health


    Weather: Friday 10th, torrential RAIN and strong WINDS towards the Centre-South, new WEATHER ALERT!


    According to statistics, there are currently more than 8 billion people (approximately 8.071 billion) living on planet Earth. More than 114 million people were born this year (about 114,957) and more than 52 million people died


    The poorest nations on the planet are in a desperate situation


    Watch: The exact moment a new island emerged in the Pacific near Tokyo


    Trump Calls Judge Engoron a Puppet and AG Letitia James a Fraud in Truth Social Outburst


    Trump ally Steve Bannon appeals conviction in Jan. 6 commission contempt case


    Clashes in the bread lines, desperation in the shelters. Fights break out in the bread lines. Residents wait hours for a liter of brackish water that makes them sick.


    Texas claims three islands in the Rio Grande to stem the flow of migrants crossing the border


    Porn star Adam22 and his wife Lena the Plug launch a new reality show that will see contestants compete for the chance to have a THREE with the couple


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  4. #134
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Dédé 2B a ecrit:
    Tout a commencé en Grèce Antique avec Aristote, explique Sorensen. Dans une traduction d'un livre de Fénelon sur les anciens philosophes, on peut lire cette réflexion du philosophe grec:
    «Il ne pouvait y avoir un premier œuf pour faire naître un oiseau, ou il y aurait eu un premier oiseau pour faire un œuf, puisque les oiseaux viennent des œufs.»
    Cette réflexion pour le moins compliquée s’est développée au cours du temps et a changé avec les époques de Plutarch à Thomas d’Aquin, en passant par Denis Diderot et Charles Darwin. Plus d'un siècle après De l’origine des espèces de Darwin, on va peut-être enfin arrêter de se poser la question
    @Vladimir de Volog a ecrit:
    L'idée d'un Dieu tout-puissant et infiniment bon est une fiction forgée pour dédouaner l'homme de ses propres imperfections.

    --------- translation --------------

    @Dédé 2B wrote:
    It all started in ancient Greece with Aristotle, explains Sorensen. In a translation of a book by Fénelon on ancient philosophers, we can read this reflection of the Greek philosopher:
    “There could not have been a first egg to give birth to a bird, or there would have been a first bird to lay an egg, since birds they come from eggs."
    This complicated reflection, to say the least, has developed over time and has changed with the eras, from Plutarch to Thomas Aquinas, passing through Denis Diderot and Charles Darwin. More than a century later On Darwin's Origin of Species, perhaps we will finally stop asking the question
    @Vladimir de Volog wrote:
    The idea of ​​an omnipotent and infinitely good God is a fiction forged to free man from the same imperfections as him .
    I know it's not very nice to say, from inside a discussion forum, to go and read the pages of another forum, but please, make an exception, and read again about the famous Boeing 747, which was assembled on its own (in this link)

    In essence, a scientist named Hoyle claims that the mechanisms underlying life are so complicated, even if taken individually, and there are so many, that he considers it more probable that a hurricane hits a pile of scrap, and that this hurricane, once finished, will build the Boeing 747 airplane, with all the wires, all the seats, and all the bolts in place. And all by chance. It is impossible that something like this could have happened on its own, and spontaneously. The mechanisms that are necessary to reach the five or six of us who are writing on these keyboards are too many, and too perfect. This is what I have already said to you: if you enter a room of a large restaurant, and find a very long table, set for 250 people, with all the plates perfectly aligned, one in front of the other, with all the forks, knives, and spoons, arranged perfectly on the right, and on the left, and also symmetrical with the other places, all the candlesticks placed in the right places, well, who would be so stupid as to say that everything he sees is arranged in that way , simply shaking the building where the restaurant is located, and in a spontaneous and fortuitous way?

    The thesis, formulated by non-believers, essentially hypothesizes that a hydrogen atom and a helium atom, colliding with each other over the course of 13.5 billion years, arrived, on their own, and by fortuitous chance , to the table above, and to all the wonders that exist in our Creation. All this is impossible, not even in 13.5 billion, multiplied by another 13.5 billion, and on to the second. You can wait as long as you want, but if something is impossible, it is impossible. Not even waiting all eternity. The table below describes the chances of winning a lottery where 6 numbers are drawn.

    From it we understand that the probability of an extra number being rolled causes the chances of winning to collapse. And to get that Boeing 747, or to life on this Earth, the numbers that would have had to come out are not just 6, but thousands and thousands. And if even one of all these thousands of numbers had not been drawn, life would not have appeared. Even Albert Einstein mused about it, in a letter to a friend of his. He observed, and highlighted, the perfection of the physical forces in elementary particles, or, for example, the speed with which an electron revolves around its nucleus, and the force of attraction between them. If those values ​​had been, even slightly, different from what they are now, there would have been no physics as we know it. And, least of all, life.

    And these things, said the good Albert, a priori, we were not justified in expecting. But let's hear directly from the interested party.

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    «Dear Solovine […]. You find it strange that I consider the comprehensibility of nature (as far as we are allowed to speak of comprehensibility), as a miracle or an eternal mystery. Well, what we should expect, a priori, is precisely a chaotic world completely inaccessible to thought. We could (moreover, we should) expect the world to be governed by laws only to the extent that we intervene with our ordering intelligence: it would be an order similar to the alphabetical one, of the dictionary, whereas the type of order created by example from Newton's theory of gravitation has a completely different character. Even if the axioms of the theory are imposed by man, the success of such a construction presupposes a high degree of order in the objective world, that is, something that, a priori, one is not at all authorized to expect . This is the "miracle" that is increasingly strengthened with the development of our knowledge. This is where the weakness of the positivists and professional atheists lies, happy only because they are aware of having, with complete success, stripped the world not only of God, but also of miracles. The curious fact is that we must be content to recognize "the miracle" without there being a legitimate way to go further. I say this so that you don't think that I - weakened by age - am now easy prey for priests"


    «I am not an atheist and I don't think I can define myself as a pantheist. We are in the situation of a small child entering a vast library filled with books written in many different languages. The child knows that someone must have written those books. He doesn't know how. The child suspects that there must be a mysterious order in the arrangement of those books, but he doesn't know what it is. This seems to me to be the behavior of the most intelligent human being towards God. We see a wonderfully ordered universe that respects precise laws, which we can however understand only in an obscure way. Our limited thoughts cannot fully grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations"

    In short, we clearly see everywhere, the footsteps and footprints of the one who made everything around us. We have no excuses. And, if we make excuses, and if we cling to bizarre theories, it is only because our bad conscience is trying in every way to free itself from a camera that, since our first cry, has taken note, and recorded, everything that we combined. Misdeeds included. No, we will have no excuses (1),

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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    In reality the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all impiety and all injustice of men who suffocate the truth in injustice, [19] since what can be known about God is manifest to them ; God himself showed it to them. [20] Indeed, from the creation of the world onwards, the invisible perfections of him can be contemplated with the intellect in the works he has accomplished , such as the eternal power and divinity of him; [21] They are therefore inexcusable, because, although they knew God, they did not give him glory or give thanks to him as to God, but they became delusional in their reasoning and their dull minds were darkened. [22] While they claimed to be wise, they became fools [23] and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the image and image of corruptible man, of birds, of quadrupeds and of reptiles. [24] Therefore God gave them up to impurity according to the desires of their hearts, so that they would dishonor their bodies among themselves, [25] because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and venerated and worshiped the creature place of the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.


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  6. #136
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Holubice wrote:
    Hello everyone from Holubice...
    A former student, otherwise young, passionate (and curious) about everything.
    @Bmastro wrote:
    Hello and welcome to the forum

    @Bmastro wrote:
    Attention Holubice: I remind you that this is a forum and here we discuss topics relating to the university. So don't just open threads that are actually just links to other websites. You've already done this twice and both times I deleted the threads.
    Tell me, why did you join the forum? Are you studying? Have you already graduated? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DISCUSS?

    @Bmastro, dear son... Why are you asking me these rhetorical questions? That is, why are you asking me something to which you already know the answer very well? You know very well why I am here. And, I play with both spheres that I have under my belt, you, now, have also become my assiduous reader...

    If you are a smart guy, however, you will also have understood other things:

    1) First, that I am not doing what I am doing for profit. That is, I don't do it to distract users and readers from your site, to divert them to other sites, your competitors. You've seen it too, I write the same things, identical (but translated into different foreign languages) everywhere.

    2) Second: you have just opened this site, dedicated to those enrolled in Italian universities. So you have, at least now, relatively few readers. I could bring the users I would take away from you a thousand times over.

    3) Third: I'm not a user who messes up. My stuff, I always post, and only in one thread. Except for very rare cases, usually, to give raspberries to my friend (and enemy) @Nordistico, I don't dare enter into any other discussion. I don't even have the time.

    4) What I do, I do in Open Source mode. That is, I authorize anyone, or rather, I encourage everyone, to be able to copy what I write, and then paste it into their own website. My aim is only to spread what I write as much as possible, and as far as possible.

    5) You know that I have a site, all mine, where I write the draft of these posts. But it is a site identical to what I write everywhere else. I use it to be able to write my things in peace, and to have a locker in which nothing, and no one, will ever be able to erase, or tamper with, what I have written. And which, in case of need, can be consulted, to see if what I have written, in the meantime, somewhere, and in some other language, has been tampered with without my knowledge. But I don't give any advertisement to this website. I only use it as a safe, hidden behind an anonymous painting in the corridor of my house. And nothing else.

    Ok @Bmastro, now I'll also open here, in the 'Off Topic' section, i.e. the one dedicated to off-topic people, and called "Coffee Break", yet another version of my public diary. I'll call it, as usual:

    "This is the Beginning of the End"

    Remember what Forest Gump always said...

    "Stupid is whoever is stupid..."

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  7. #137
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Doctor wrote:

    1. Who is the author of this poorly translated and ungrammatical article ?
    2. Since when is Wikipedia a source ?
    If you are referring to my profuse use of a ton of commas, even where there is no need and even where it would not be permitted to do so, know that I do it for a good purpose. And that there is an electrotechnical reason that pushes me to do it. I noticed that if I divide my sentences, when I write them in Italian, with lots of commas, then the automatic translation software, when it does its translation, makes much fewer errors. And then, come on, I have to abound. Which then, you teach me, is always a wise thing to do:

    Melius abundare quam deficere

    I don't consider myself a man of letters. I confess that I have read several books, but only in the intervals between reading one technical manual and another. When I had to, in a hurry, and on my weekends, quickly study some new product, or some new machinery. Readings to be done, by default, always and only in English. And it is thanks to this tireless, uninterrupted and, at times, exhausting work that I have managed to become a Spearhead of the advanced Tertiary sector. Appreciated throughout Italy.

    I don't know exactly what you do in life, but I advise you to reflect on these three sentences by Confucius. An extremely modest man. And extremely intelligent:

    "It's much easier to know how to do things than to do things"

    "Remember: you know what you know. And you don't know everything you don't know"

    "When the finger points to the Moon, the fool looks at the finger"

    Oh, don't give me acid for being so frank and direct with you. And don't throw me out right away... Ah, the article is not badly translated. It's all my own making. Maybe written straight away, and with some oversights, but all in a genuine way. Don't offend Wikipedia. Know that I just gave him some money, from my not exorbitant salary. And it is only there that, up to this point, I have still managed to find information, even from the recent past which, in the meantime, has all disappeared from everywhere else. Because journalists, all journalists, even the most barricade-bearers, at the end of the fair, must always tie the donkey, always, and only, where their owner tells them to tie it. In addition to being more modest, in the future, I also advise you to unstitch a little something...

    Make a Donation to Wikipedia

    A source of information, to be independent, as a precondition, must be made independent. First of all, from a financial point of view. Otherwise, rather than an encyclopedia, it immediately becomes a hustler. And the risk we run by not giving each of us that paltry 20 euros a year is a phenomenon that you, who studied in schools where they eat slices and sirloin, should know well:

    Damnatio memoriae

    Our late, unattainable, inimitable, immeasurable and immutable former Italian Prime Minister and tycoon, the Cavalier del Lavoro Silvio Berlusconi, in fact, had a plaque hanging in his office, which read:

    History is always written by the winners

    But let's leave these jokes aside, dear @Doctor, and let's get back to dealing with the burning current affairs. There is this new fact, that is, Australia's initiative to give asylum to the inhabitants of a small atoll, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but still geographically in the waters facing their coasts, which is already almost submerged by the rising of sea level.

    Climate asylum in Australia for the inhabitants of Tuvalu, the archipelago threatened by rising waters

    "Australia has announced that it will offer residents of Tuvalu, the Pacific archipelago particularly threatened by rising waters, access to the education and health system and to financial and family assistance. These are "special rights" which will allow them to settle and work easily, according to a treaty published today by the two countries and shared in the media by them, which in particular allows freedom of movement" (CONTINUED IN THE LINK ABOVE)

    This statement comes from a country, Australia, which was the inventor of the deportation in Out Sourcing of all the immigrants who reached their coasts, coming from Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua and New Guinea and, above all, from the very dangerous (and very populous) China

    Until a few years ago, Australia's population was only 19 and a half million inhabitants. Now, he has a few more. They have reached 26 million inhabitants, in a territory that is as large as the whole of Europe.

    All this hairy (and very hypocritical) solidarity, I suspect, is dictated only by the recent activism of the People's Republic of China, which has established economic, and military, ties with the Solomon Islands. In practice, it has flooded the Government with those little islands of money, and is rapidly building military bases. A few kilometers from the Australian coast, and in competition with US military bases. If you open a geographical atlas again, in fact, you will notice that there are many atolls and islets, scattered throughout the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean, which have their own name, with the acronym at the end "USA". Under what right does the United States of America, and some of its allies (with a colonial past) have the right to place their soldiers, and their warships, practically throughout the globe, while all the others, maybe with 1,400 million inhabitants, they can't do the same, honestly, it hasn't been understood yet. I suspect that the famous International Law, in the end, is nothing more than the good old Law of the Strongest. Everything suits me, dear @Doctor. But, at least, let's call things by their name.

    "Calling things by their name is the beginning of wisdom


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  8. #138
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  9. #139
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    I invite all of you who, for some time now, have been reading these things I write, to raise your heads for a moment and look carefully at what is happening all around you.

    US military plane crashes in the Mediterranean: mystery on the causes of the accident


    'Arrests and deportations', Trump's plan against migrants


    Freight train derails in Russia, investigation for terrorism: "Improvised explosive device"


    Kiev, Russian ship with 8 Kalibr missiles in the Mediterranean Sea


    Netanyahu, no international pressure will stop us


    “It was Ukraine that blew it up.” The revelation about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline


    The Italy-Albania agreement (to deport migrants to Albania) splits the Euro-left. But Scholz wants to copy it


    The Spanish opposition prepares mass "resistance" against Sanchez-Puidgemont's "coup d'état".


    “May Allah strike down this woman.” Fury against the Meloni line


    Pro-Palestine march in London. The organizers: "We are 800 thousand"


    Wars shatter the United States: the wait for the electoral revolution grows


    The scientist: “We absolutely must destroy this (possible) asteroid”


    Here is the B-21 Raider, the new nuclear stealth bomber presented by the Pentagon


    «I live on a cruise ship bought online with 85 cabins and a swimming pool»


    Video shows the moment a tsunami sweeps away cars and causes panic on a beach in Brazil


    Milk and bacon "condemn" Biden: the numbers that can cost him the White House


    Violence in the subway, destroys the ATM booth with a terrified employee inside: a 27-year-old Salvadoran arrested


    Flood (endless) in Tuscany. The state of emergency expands. Even the inmates shoveled the mud


    Bad weather, winter is coming: polar cold and risk of storms, here's where (and when). The forecast for the next few days



    Northern Lights in Italy, the bad omens that history has given us (they're starting to steal my job...)


    Iceland, volcano threatens powerful eruption: thousands of people evacuated


    I gave you the analogy of the rabbit who, when trapped, despite being a rabbit, is still ready to fight. But I realize that you, instead, are behaving like that animal who, when he sees a car coming at full speed, which is coming towards him...

    ... instead of doing everything possible to save himself , he remains dazed, still, motionless, in the face of the danger that is about to hit him in full.


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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    I confess to you, dear @Nordistico, that I'm starting to get a little scared when, early in the morning, I put on the coffee and open MSN News Italy, MSN News USA and MSN News France, or rather my automatic collectors of news from all over the world. As long as that product was created by Bill Gates, it always sucked. Since, however, they replaced that immature, shady and mediocre technician, and put in his place a brilliant student, then a shrewd manager of Indian origins, Microsoft's products stopped being the nightmare of all engineers and all the geeks on the planet, and they are incredibly reliable and fast. Everyone thank this guy below.

    Satya Nadella

    I confessed to you @Nordistico, that in the past, I worked side by side with an Italian gentleman, who emigrated to the United States very early, and who was, for some time, Bill Gates' boss, and who gave him jobs to do. Which jobs, this guy told me, were always done in a mess. And he always kicked him in the ass (literally, or metaphorically, I don't know). I only know that, for many years, I would have wanted to give it to him too. Having made this long, light-hearted introduction, let's dive into the gruesome daily news. But you @WalterA, now all this is just a deafening background noise, which will accompany your determined catechism work of last resort, almost out of time. It will stay with you until someone, with something, somewhere, hooks you up. A little bad. Anyway, you know it by now, it's the end we'll all end up with. All in all, you would be ahead of everyone else by just a few months. How lucky you were to have met me @WalterA, you seem like some kind of Queen of Sheba (see Matthew, chapter 12, verses number 38, to number 42). And, while you're at it, re-read the entire Gospel of St. Matthew in one sitting. Which never hurts.

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