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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #101
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its devastation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are within the city leave it, and those in the country must not return to the city; for they will be days of vengeance , so that everything that has been written may be fulfilled."

    They will be days of revenge. And those days, they are already starting. An airliner, coming from Israel, and landing in Dagestan, was attacked, to lynch the occupants. Two strong earthquakes, in rapid succession, in the Italian region of Veneto, and one immediately afterwards in Corinth, Greece. Earthquakes are also on that list. And they will come too.

    Dagestan, the crowd storms a plane coming from Israel. The images published on social media are dramatic, testifying to what appears to be a real hunt for Jews, with sinister echoes of pogroms


    Mortar shelling against Israeli tanks in northern Gaza


    Sullivan, settler violence is totally unacceptable


    Libya: four dead in armed clashes in Tripolitania


    Israel under attack, 9 rockets from Lebanon in one hour. In Gaza, thousands attack food warehouses


    Wagner mercenaries now pass with Kadyrov: "Mass influx"


    Vox in the streets against amnesty for Catalanists, one hundred thousand in Madrid


    Last Generation Blitz in Verona stopped by passers-by


    "Girls in class with burqas". Islamic radicalism enters Italian schools


    Kiev: 300 thousand Russian soldiers dead since the beginning of the war. Lukashenko: “It's time to negotiate”. But he glosses over Moscow's withdrawal


    Israel, rocket launches from Yemen and Syria. Biden to Netanyahu: "Increase the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza"


    Jordan asks the US to deploy the Patriots to defend the borders


    Ukraine, Moscow accuses the West: constant escalation of conflict


    Lecco, the plague massacres river prawns in the Bevera: risk of extinction


    In Veneto the earth trembles again, a 4.2 magnitude earthquake in the province of Rovigo


    Bad weather: red alert in Emilia Romagna, orange in Tuscany and Veneto


    A strong earthquake, of magnitude 4.7, occurred in Greece, in the Gulf of Corinth


    Swine fever, Pavia and Vigevano in the red zone with 40 other municipalities in the Ticino Park


    Iran: Raisi, 'Israeli crimes have crossed the red line'


    Mexico sends troops, aid to Acapulco as hurricane death toll rises


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  2. #102

  3. #103
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    The massacre in Gaza is starting. Which will correspond to a worldwide Jew hunt by all Arabs who have emigrated anywhere on the planet. Last night, at three in the morning, I went out onto the balcony and there was a sirocco wind, so hot that I felt good in my underwear. And we are now in the month of November. But every exceptional heat wave is systematically followed by floods. All over the world. In all this mess, our #Northern has not yet decided to do anything. He enjoys the money he stole from that fraudulent bankruptcy, made thirty-seven years ago, brought to Switzerland, with his mother-in-law's Fiat 500 stuffed with cash. Convinced that all this mess, sooner or later, will stop. And instead, the next day he gets up and always finds himself in the same nightmare. Meanwhile, it got worse.

    Israel, Hamas today's news. Egypt deploys tanks on the border with the Strip. Dozens dead in bombed refugee camps in Gaza. Fatah proclaims 'day of anger'


    France, Stars of David painted on houses and shops in Paris at night


    Outraged with black paint two stumbling blocks in Rome. The Jewish community: “What we see in Paris does not happen here”


    Erdogan, 'Israel commits crimes before the eyes of the world'


    Missiles towards Eilat, Yemen (Shiite) also declares war on Israel. Who are the Houthis and what do they have to do with the conflict in Gaza


    Zelensky: «Moscow has transformed the Black Sea into a battlefield». Family exterminated in Volnovakha


    Bad weather in Emilia: two bridges collapsed and one person missing. Damage also in Piacenza


    Bad weather in Milan, city flooded after flooding of the Seveso and storm: live news


    Stoltenberg: "Iran and Hezbollah do not increase tensions in the Middle East"


    Attack alert in Paris, shots fired at a woman on board a regional train


    Campi Flegrei super volcano, Musumeci: the alert threshold could rise to orange


    Overlooking Central America is Hurricane Pilar from the eastern Pacific, and a developing system in the Caribbean


    Around 5,000 migrants set off on foot from Mexico's southern border, tired of long waits for visas


    A mob that stormed a Russian airport hunting Jews received their marching orders from Telegram


    President Joe Biden's age and mental state are of concern


    Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are rampant on college campuses


    "Storm train" loaded with heavy rain, gusty winds returning from the northwest in early November


    Swine fever in the Ticino park: 4 dead wild boars found, red zone activated


    The deadly Nipah bat virus killed two people and put hundreds of others in quarantine recently in Kerala, India


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  4. #104
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    There is this unforgivable and criminal assault on Halloween candy bags hanging on doorsteps across the United States by immigrants. Very serious. In this regard, I recommend reading the Gospel of Luke, chapter 16, verses from number 19 to number 31, especially verse twenty-one. Oh yes, dear @Nordistico, the more I look around, the more I think that, soon, not even that bush where I always tell you to go and pray will be left standing. This fig plant, from every point of view, has not borne any fruit for a long time now. And it should have been learned much, much earlier. It occupies the ground really empty.

    Viral video of adults stealing Halloween candy sparks anti-immigrant backlash


    Vietnam is facing a deadly flood disaster


    Jewish social media influencers are calling on TikTok to fight an alarming surge in anti-Semitism


    A neo-Nazi who tried to build a white nationalist enclave on a piece of land he purchased


    Taiwan accuses the Chinese military of sending 43 planes and seven ships near the autonomous island


    In the West Bank, Israeli settlers intensify attacks against Palestinians


    Israeli missile boats are joining US combat power in the Red Sea as more Iranian-backed militants fire weapons in their direction


    Saudi Arabia's armed forces prepare for combat


    A "Devil Comet" with 2 distinct horns is flying towards Earth


    The eruption of Eurasia's highest active volcano sends columns of ash over the Russian peninsula


    Pentagon says 900 US troops have deployed or are deploying to Middle East amid rising tensions


    Solar maximum will occur sooner than expected: why it is a serious problem


    Elon Musk still hasn't deleted an X-rated post that falsely showed 26 US military bases around Iran: 'Oh the Irany'


    A US Navy Aircraft Carrier Is Heading Toward Iran's “Home Door.”


    Kim Jong Un urges: "Be prepared." Is World War III looming?


    Romania, Bulgaria report bird flu as Europe faces new wave of virus


    The original post was here:
    https://forum. %86%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A9.470/post-859 fine/ -vom-Ende
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  5. #105
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    "There will be signs in the Sun, in the Moon and in the stars, and on the earth the anguish of people anxious for the roar of the sea and the waves, [26] while men will die from fear and from the expectation of what must happen on the earth. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

    Weather report. Historic storm Ciaran, wind gusts close to 200 km/h in Brittany. Blackout and a victim

    "The island of Jersey, in the western English Channel, may have been crossed by a tornado during the night, with destructive winds accompanied by hailstorms. There was various damage including cars with smashed windshields, fallen trees and transported rubbish bins tens of meters away - As storm Ciaran intensifies on the English Channel, the first news arrives of critical issues that are causing disruption in the United Kingdom and northern France. 1.2 million homes are left without electricity in France, of which 780,000 in Brittany - Hurricane-like wind gusts are affecting north-western France and the south of England as storm Ciaran passes through. Brittany is particularly hard hit with gusts of wind reaching 200 km/h on the coasts in the Finistere. In particular, 195 km/ha were recorded on the Ile de Batz - " (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

    In all honesty, I would have busted my balls talking idly. Spending my little free time writing in front of a computer has never been my passion. I've always considered it a pastime for slightly unlucky hamsters. A thousand times better to drink an aperitif, laughing with friends. I only do it because I have to. Who among you, among those thousands of people who, in these days, are reading what I write, is convinced that things are as I say? That is, which of you is willing to give me a hand right away? Or rather, to give it to 120 million Japanese?

    I don't want to hide anything from you: most likely, you will end up badly (1). But it will always be better than the end of all those who do nothing (2).

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Скрытый текст

    1) Point One.
    Jesus replied: «See that no one deceives you; [5]many will come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and they will mislead many. [6]You will then hear about wars and rumors of wars. Be careful not to be alarmed; it is necessary for all this to happen, but it is not the end yet. [7]Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes in various places; [8]but all this is only the beginning of the pain. [9]Then they will hand you over to execution and will kill you , and you will be hated by all peoples because of my name. [10]Many will be scandalized, and they will betray each other and hate one another. [11]Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; [12] because of the spread of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold. [13]But whoever endures to the end will be saved. [14] Meanwhile this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world, so that it may be witnessed to all people; and then the end will come.


    2) Point Two.
    It will happen like a man who, going on a journey, called his servants and handed over his goods to them. [15] To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability, and he departed. [16]He who had received five talents immediately went to employ them and earned five more. [17] So also that which he had received two, he gained two more. [18]But he who had received one talent went and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money there. [19] After a long time the master of those servants returned and wanted to settle accounts with them. [20]He who had received five talents presented five talents more, saying, Lord, you have given me five talents; here, I earned five more. [21] Well, good and faithful servant, his master said to him, you have been faithful over a little, I will give you authority over much; take part in your master's joy. [22] And when he who had received the two talents came forward, he said, Lord, you have given me two talents; see, I gained two more. [23] Well, good and faithful servant, the master answered him, you have been faithful over a little, I will give you authority over much; take part in your master's joy. [24] Finally he who had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I know that you are a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered; [25] Out of fear I went and hid your talent underground; here's yours. [26]The master answered him, You wicked and slothful servant, you knew that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter; [27]you should have entrusted my money to the bankers and so, when I returned, I would have withdrawn mine with interest. [28] Take therefore the talent from him, and give it to him who has the ten talents. [29]For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. [30]And throw the idle servant out into the darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


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  6. #106
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Is the joker about to enter the arena? That is, the international actor who will set fire to the entire Pacific Ocean, and much of the Indian Ocean? And why has Iran decided, right now, to openly challenge Israel, threatening it militarily? Has he perhaps received unconventional weapons from Russia, so that the Russian Federation can shoot its thermonuclear warheads at the heads of the USA and its allies through a third party? But, above all, why does everything, absolutely everything, have to go down the drain? Everything now, and everything at the same time? @Pietro, I'm still waiting for you to tell me about that Japanese forum, and that Indonesian forum, where you finally copied and pasted these things.

    Philippines: "Military ship in our waters". The alarm goes off in China: because there is a risk of escalation


    Russia, Putin revokes ratification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty


    Swine fever, Pavia farmers: "No income for two months: let us go back to work"


    Lake Como flooding: the city is underwater


    "Something great." Now Storm Ciaran is scary: what can happen


    The Arno is scary in Florence: the flood is expected at 12


    Suprematist sentenced to 5 years for international terrorism: "ready for the ultimate sacrifice"


    ISRAEL: "serious risk of genocide" for Palestinians in Gaza. UN experts


    Hezbollah, thousands in the streets await Nasrallah's speech


    Migrants, shooting on the border between Serbia and Hungary. Three people killed


    Seoul: "North Korea supplied Putin with short-range missiles"


    Solovyov: An imminent world war will be fought between the West and Muslim nations supported by Russian weapons and assets. Here's what he said and why it matters


    Weather, storm Ciaran is not enough: bad weather doubles over the weekend. Heavy rain and winds up to 100 km/h


    Those "magma tanks": what happens under the Campi Flegrei super volcano


    Dengue in Italy, 288 cases since the beginning of the year


    Nipah virus: will it start the new pandemic?


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    Last edited by holubice; 11-03-2023 at 10:15 AM.

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  7. #107
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Cyclone Ciaran has not yet finished doing its damage, as Cyclone Debi has already followed immediately behind. Which could be even more destructive than the first. At least, in terms of precipitation. And then there is this speculation that Palestinian fighters in Lebanon may soon receive missile defense systems, supplied by Russia. And then there is this enormous military apparatus, moved from the People's Republic of China in front of the island of Taiwan. When an arrow is strung on the bowstring, Confucius said, it must be shot. @Nordic, don't get angry with me if I give you this news. I am just the thermometer. There is nothing more stupid than throwing the thermometer at the wall, just because it tells you that you are in very bad shape.

    Weather Warning: new STORM Debi imminent, more floods are feared in the next few hours. The areas at risk


    Weather Report Bad weather: Tuscany, it's a TRAGEDY! The number of dead and missing in Storm Ciaran is worsening


    The anomaly then self-destruction: mystery about the US Minuteman III intercontinental missile


    Kremlin denies rumors about Wagner plan to supply air defense system to Hezbollah


    Netanyahu to Hezbollah: "The escalation will cost you dearly." Israeli raid hits ambulances: "There were Hamas weapons on board"


    China on alert for US and Canadian warships in the Taiwan Strait


    China sends dozens of military planes and ships near Taiwan


    Deportation to third countries for asylum seekers in Austria: "Europe do the same"


    Guterres, horrified by attack on ambulances in Gaza


    Portofino, the sea invades the square and overwhelms the bar customers. The photo of the stampede looks like a painting


    Great chaos on the Brazilian circuit: in a very short time the sky became black as pitch on and around the track, while the rain fell very violently


    The Long Valley supervolcano in California is feared to erupt


    Supervolcanoes, the danger for the Planet comes from underground and not from Space II Campi Flegrei a time bomb


    The pandemics of the future: which are the most dangerous viruses


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  8. #108
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Do you see these statistics below #Gianluca?*

    This is what I tried to do on your site, that is, carry on the exact same discussion, but also in other languages. This is because, when I tried to do it on websites in China, Arab countries and, unexpectedly, also in the United States and England, I found a lot of hostility, and I was kicked out almost immediately. The posts inserted are practically all inserted by me myself. From the reading statistics, we can see that, on average, each post written corresponds to 100 readers, spread across China, Arabic-speaking countries, the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Russia. The discussion in Chinese has recently been read by up to 200 people a day. At least on weekends. All this to say that this is all I managed to do, with my own strength alone. And with these two hands.

    I don't know what you need to overcome your hesitation and start giving me a hand. But I am sure that, at a certain point, the stimuli will have become so many, and so frightening, that there will be too many would-be helpers. But everyone arrived after the deadline.

    Do you represent dental products? Are you a truck driver, or at least someone who travels a lot by car? Then print those twenty copies of that sheet that I prepared for you and, with adhesive tape, stick those 20 copies each on the toilet seat of the toilets of the motorway service station between Moscow and St. Petersburg, or between London and Liverpool , or between Madrid and Seville, or between Beijing and Shanghai, or between Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt. Anything, even this bizarre solution, is fine. As long as you do something concrete to spread this information. *

    Without forgetting the work of translation (with one click) and copy and paste, into other languages, and in other countries

    As much as I do, dear @WalterA, I feel the need to go to some isolated, remote place, like that hermit monk did at the top of the mountains, with whom I spoke a long time ago, at the beginning of my adventure. But it's not so much the desire for meditation that pushes me to do it. But just the desire to disappear and hide. Because, perhaps after an initial euphoria, then trouble will come. And if the Carpenter's Son said that persecutions will come, in addition to disturbances, those will certainly come too.

    But when your time comes, remember: you too will be giving your life, as a ransom for many .

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  9. #109
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @mixkey3 wrote:
    The problem with being a hermit is not Satan tempting but toothache.
    I would do it too, at my age it's easy not to sin
    You are lucky. Because you're old, and you don't have a penny. But think for a moment about our poor @Nordistico, who escaped from Italy with those two ocher yellow Fiat 500s, packed full of millions of lire in cash, the result of that fraudulent bankruptcy? Millions of lire that he moved in a poor country, where every million lire, at the local exchange rate, multiplies ten times? And then, recently, there was the invention of this little blue pill and, if before many industrialists and financiers, once they were in their sixties, came to terms with it and resigned themselves to the inevitable peace of mind, now, thanks to pharmacies, hundreds of thousands of dirty old men have returned to the slut market. And then, our @Nordistico is just a very, very small and peripheral fish.

    In fact, I remember that, at an international meeting, our inimitable Prime Minister and Cavalier of Labor Silvio Berlusconi had a conversation with the French President Chirac, who told him: - Silvio, have you heard that a pill has just come out, called Cialis, which is not blue, but yellow, and which allows you to make love with five women in the same night? -And our incomparable prime minister, he replied:-Ah... I understand, it's a sedative...! -

    But that's not what I want to talk to you about. Which are obvious, and which you all know. I want to go to that part of the school curriculum, of the book that talks about the exploits of the Carpenter's Son, which is more difficult. That part which, upon closer inspection, in two thousand years, almost no one has put into practice. If not the very first Christians, then those who converted in the years of the emperor Diocletian, and who were massacred by the Roman soldiers. Those who made a historian of the time say: "The blood of Christians is a fertilizer, which makes many others appear". Translated: the more we kill, the more our cities fill with them. Which goes hand in hand with what I wrote in the last sentence, just above: when your time comes, your life will be a price, which you will give as a ransom, to have the salvation (and conversion) of many. This concept, and this mechanism, can only be understood by listening to these words (1).

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Скрытый текст

    Among those who had come up to worship during the festival, there were also some Greeks. [21]These approached Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, "Sir, we want to see Jesus." [22]Philip went to tell Andrew, and then Andrew and Philip went to tell Jesus. [23]Jesus answered, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. [24]Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies , it remains alone ; but if it dies , it produces much fruit . [25] Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. [26] If anyone wants to serve me, let him follow me, and where I am, there my servant will also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. [27] Now my soul is troubled; and what should I say? Father, save me from this hour? But this is why I have come to this hour! [28] Father, glorify your name." Then a voice came from heaven: "I have glorified him and I will glorify him again!".

    [29] The crowd that was present and heard said that he was thunder. Others said: "An angel spoke to him." [30]Jesus answered, “This voice did not come for me, but for you. [31] Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be thrown out. [32] When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself." [33] This he said to indicate the kind of death he was to die. [34]Then the crowd answered him: «We have learned from the Law that Christ remains forever; how then do you say that the Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of man?». [35]Jesus then said to them, “The light is with you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness does not overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. [36] While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become children of the light."

    Jesus said these things, then went away and hid from them.


    Here, dear @WalterA: the time has come to put this teaching into practice. And then, if you are able to do the math, you will realize that your life will now have the same duration, and the same expiry date, as a yogurt: it should be easy for you to make such a choice. It is, from every point of view, also the most rational. Or, if you want, remember the words of the great Confucius:

    "Even a rabbit, once trapped, is ready to fight"

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  10. #110
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Dear site administrator...

    Forum area

    ... whoever you are, I ask you to kindly activate links to external sites, not only to those who have logged in to your site, but also to all those who will read your forum, even if they are not registered. Otherwise, the vast majority of those who connect and click on the newspaper articles I have inserted will not be able to read them. And above all because, soon, they could reach millions. Both from Italy and Germany. I have created a copy of these posts on your space for this very purpose. Please, go to the forum administration panel, and enable this functionality, without distinction, for everyone. And, if you can, change that photo option, so that they are automatically shrunk when they are too large for the borders of your site, otherwise you won't even be able to read them, and the Germans will understand little or nothing about them. Otherwise, I will have to interrupt this collaboration and go to the new forum of Italian University Students.

    Who is waiting for me with open arms... (1)

    1) Open arms:

    Скрытый текст

    @Holubice wrote:
    Hello everyone from Holubice...
    A former student, otherwise young, passionate (and curious) about everything.


    @Bmastro wrote:
    Hello and welcome to the forum


    @Bmastro wrote:
    Attention Holubice: I remind you that this is a forum and topics relating to the university are discussed here. So don't just open threads that are actually just links to other websites. You've already done this twice and both times I deleted the threads.
    Tell me, why did you join the forum? Are you studying? Have you already graduated? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DISCUSS?


    If feelings of guilt once followed me, for some time now, they seem to be starting to precede me.

    But let's go back to our usual press review of daily bad luck. As has always happened in Florida, here in Europe too we have begun to give names to all future hurricanes, large and small, that will appear on the coasts of our continent. They are: Agnese, Babetta, Ciaràn, Debi, Elin, Fergus, Gerrit, Henk, Isha, Jocelyn, Katleen, Lilian, Minnie, Nicola, Olga, Piet, Regina, Stuart, Tamiko, Vincenzo, Wallid. But now, unexpectedly, the major Italian newspaper writes that Domingos is also there. And that he's pretty pissed off. The day before yesterday the USA tested its Minuteman III intercontinental thermonuclear missile, which was lost along the way. Yesterday, to return the courtesy, Russia launched their ICBM Balova, which launched from the White Sea, and fell on Kamchatka, sending it on a journey across all nine time zones of the Russian Federation. Tension between Israel and Iran is reaching the point of no return. A war between Lebanon and Israel, in fact, has already begun, with the mutual exchange of several missiles in their respective territories. Turkey has recalled the Israeli ambassador, a fact that does not bode well, and which very often precedes a conflict. Jordan is desperately trying to buy anti-aircraft missiles, and Egypt, despite the enormous funding it receives from the USA, is also about to intervene in some way. Blood. Which will call for more blood.


    Weather: Cyclone Domingos is arriving after Ciaran


    Storm Debi in Italy, weather warning in these regions between water bombs and snow


    Moscow tests the Bulava intercontinental missile: «From the White Sea to Kamchatka»


    Gaza, the threat from Iran: «US hit hard without ceasefire» Israeli Minister evokes the «atomic bomb»: Netanyahu suspends him


    Lebanon, Israel hits Hezbollah positions in the south


    Turkey recalls its ambassador to Israel for consultations. Erdogan: “We can't even talk to Netanyahu anymore"


    “Use of nuclear weapons on Gaza is an option”: Israeli minister suspended. Netanyahu: “Words out of reality”


    Zelensky between the EU and fear. "Don't forget about us"


    Imran Khan, the former Pakistani prime minister, is back in handcuffs


    In Liguria, in Vernazza the sea storm eats up the marina and enters the alley: the images are incredible


    El Nino can create Maverik waves, the highest for surfers


    The head of a Los Angeles homeless aid organization can no longer afford to live in the city


    Extreme solar storms could have huge impacts on Earth, leaving us in the dark


    First case of Powassan virus found in US as 'brain swelling' disease spreads across nation


    Listen @Pietro, I had the illusion that these two hands would immediately become four. And instead, I still haven't seen anything at all. What are you doing, are you also waiting for the rooster to start crowing? Everyone take advantage of what has already happened, so as not to make the same mistakes again. This ride, doubly unforgivable. I know that all this just seems like a very bad nightmare, from here you hope to wake up, and as soon as possible. At the time, it also took me years to understand what was happening. But you don't have all this time. You must act. Everywhere. And immediately .

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