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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #91
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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  2. #92
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Cpotriano Cpotriano Iniciado por:
    Por mucho que se empeñen los marxistas, la vida seguirá en la tierra, sin nosotros pero seguirá. Solo hay que ver el gran laboratorio que es prypiat (chernobyl), el ser humano lleva décadas sin estar allí, pues... Especies que estaban al borde de la extinción, allí están proliferando, los árboles y la vegetación se han comido las carreteras y los edificios.
    El lugar donde más contaminación hay para el ser humano, es el sitio donde más vida se genera.
    Somos un puto cáncer. Y la tierra lo único que está aplicando es quimioterapia para controlar el cáncer.

    @Edouard de Montmonrency a ecrit:
    Le Pape a aussi dit que l'on n'était pas des lapins (donc qu'il faut aussi réguler notre démographie).

    ----- translated -----------

    @Cpotriano Cpotrian wrote:
    No matter how hard Marxists try, life will continue on earth, without us, but it will continue. Just look at the great laboratory that is Prypiat (Chernobyl), humans have not been there for decades, well... Endangered species proliferate there, the trees and vegetation have devoured the streets and buildings.
    The place where there is the most pollution for humans is the place where the most life is generated.
    We're a damn cancer. And the only thing Earth is applying is chemotherapy to control cancer.

    @Edouard de Montmonrency wrote:
    The Pope also said that we are not rabbits (so we need to regulate our demographics too).
    The Pope, whether the current one or the previous one, makes no difference, he said something wrong. Because he set limits to Providence. Let's be clear, until not long ago, I too thought that we had to do everything to conserve our planet and reduce environmental pollution. Especially, I thought about it with my mind on my children, and on the broken world I was handing over to them. But now I realized that I was doing it wrong too. And my mistake was not having understood that this Earth, with the entire Universe and the billions of stars that surround us, is nothing more than a ...

    ... cocoon . That is, a bad copy, which is only useful to then move on to something else. And much better. For this reason, spending money on the environment is a wasted effort. Attention towards something that is only a temporary container, and which also serves as a filter, that is to make selection at the entrance, and get rid of all those individuals who, inside this cocoon, have demonstrated that they are not suitable for butterfly meadows.

    Those who have proven to be just worms must remain in the cocoon. This, and nothing else, is what the earth you are trampling under your feet is for.

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  3. #93
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    The American aircraft carrier Reagan is in fourth gear and is heading straight towards the South China Sea. Will it be the beginning of the war against China, i.e. will the entire Pacific Ocean catch fire? And, by any chance, has anyone seen these things around, translated into Indonesian and Japanese, made by our good @Pietro, the master of chatter? He, of the two sons that are on Matthew, chapter 20, verses from number 28 to number 32, of those two brothers, he is the first. Ah, there was also a strong earthquake in the Mariana Trench. Anyway, by now you know, they must arrive too, that is, earthquakes and volcanoes. It is now evident that there is something wrong in the bowels of our planet, that is, a strong stomach ache, which is modifying the movement of the immense convective motion of the magma contained within it. And, as if the weakening of our shield against the solar wind wasn't enough, this will certainly also have consequences on the intensity of earthquakes and the explosiveness of our volcanoes. In short, everything as per the schedule.

    USA, aircraft carrier deployed in the China Sea. The move that shakes Asia


    Record heat in Southern Italy, flames break out in Bagnara Calabra: the cemetery also burns


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    'The US warns Israel, avoid attacks on Hezbollah'


    Storm Babet scares Europe: 2 deaths in Scotland and floods in Great Britain. Will it arrive in Italy?


    Media, US ship shoots down 3 missiles from Yemen in the Red Sea


    Ballistic missiles that can hit anywhere in the world: China's move that worries the US


    Versailles evacuated for the fifth time in 7 days. Yet another terrorism alert


    Gaza: Aid does not get through, despite Guterres' arrival at the Egyptian crossing: "I'm heartbroken"


    The president of Latvia announces: the Baltic could be closed to navigation


    Strong earthquake off the coast of the Northern Mariana Islands


    Campi Flegrei earthquake, new seismic swarm / Rubble fallen in two schools in Naples


    Hurricane Norma targets the Mexican resorts of Los Cabos, while Tammy threatens the Atlantic islands


    Mozambique burns 45,000 chickens as bird flu spreads from South Africa


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  4. #94
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Holubice wrote:
    And in any case, leaving aside my Sacred Reference Text for a moment, there would be a lot to learn from them. This, of course, if we still had the time to do it...

    In Sweden since 1999 the law does not punish those who prostitute themselves but those who pay for sex. According to some studies, the effects were evident. A resolution voted by the European Parliament in February invited member countries to follow this example, even if there is no shortage of contrary positions.

    And in any case, I think that a whore who used her meager earnings, those that remain, after the robbery carried out daily from the pimp, to support a daughter or parents, in Ghana, or in Moldova, it will really pass us by.

    And with the sirens blaring...


    @Xenu wrote:
    The EU prides itself on being the homeland of rights and then one of its states has a law that punishes those who pay for sex, a very natural thing, present since the dawn of time .

    What clowns.
    Theft, violence and exploitation at work have also always existed. Equally natural. What does this mean, that we have to clear them for the same reason?

    In Iceland, they even banned any form of pornography. And that, not surprisingly, is the country with the most women represented in Parliament.

    Both Sweden and Iceland, from very permissive countries on these things, convinced that it was a way, in some way, to "contain the damage", after having looked around, and realizing that those legislations did not really calm nothing, and that the legal brothels were still full of former girls abandoned in Romanian concentration camp orphanages, they decided to tackle the problem at its root. That is, the customers ' dicks .

    It doesn't take much to put a note inside a phone booth in Gothenburg, belonging to a supposed Escort, and wait for someone to take the bait. At the meeting, you find a policewoman in garter belts and handcuffs. But not to play the hoped-for games.

    Now they have another problem: the futuristic bridge built between Copenhagen and Malmo is filled with dirty old men on weekends.

    Commuters on the hustler. Who take their strips of meat to the brothels of Copenhagen.

    You need to earn your pussy Xenu. Otherwise, if you solve everything with two or three hundred euro cards, you send all the feeling away. And this modus operandi spreads, like a virus. Ah, right, you're only interested in the stern panel, that is, the second radio and television channel. And no breasts... While our @Northerner likes the same article, but only of the straight type (one question, is a woman's ass more elastic than a male's? Does it contain less shit in the final stretch? Boh.. ... mystery...). As you can see, I struggle to keep in mind all your deviations.

    Do not burn all the inhabitants of Sodom, said Lot to the Eternal Father. Spare them, out of pity for those hundred who are good people. Then he lowered the figure to fifty. Then to twenty. And then you know how it ended

    And now, at least you who read this, also know how it will end.

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    Last edited by holubice; 10-22-2023 at 04:54 PM.

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  5. #95
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    There are many problems today too. Of all, perhaps the most worrying is this. And it could be the prelude to conflicts, if possible, much more serious than those we are already seeing now, and set the entire Pacific Ocean on fire. The war of all, against all, which someone predicted, in front of a Temple, in Jerusalem, approximately 1990 years ago.

    Manila accuses Beijing: "Chinese Coast Guard ship rams Philippine vessel"

    "... High tension in the South China Sea: The Philippines accuses a Chinese Coast Guard vessel of colliding with a Philippine supply vessel in the disputed sea zone. "The dangerous blocking maneuvers of the Chinese Coast Guard vessel 5203 - claims Manila - caused the collision with the supply vessel of the Philippine Armed Forces" in the Spratleys, about 25 kilometers from the Second Thomas Shoal atoll, where the Philippine Navy is stationed..." (CONTINUED IN THE ABOVE LINK)

    For the rest of the bad luck, which is always plentiful, go to your search engine and write: "MSN NEWS". The result will be identical to the lists I make for you, since I draw everything from there. Good night. At least, to everyone in Europe.

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    Last edited by holubice; 10-22-2023 at 05:40 PM.

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  6. #96
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Everyone is placing their pieces on the board. The US is moving its numerous aircraft carriers towards Israel, and towards the South China Sea. In return, Russia, and above all China, are making economic, and even military, agreements right in the Americans' backyard, that is, in Guatemala and, above all, in Cuba, where there is a great coming and going of technicians with camouflage. Everyone is taking a stand. Waiting for the right moment to be able to slaughter each other. And then there is this news of a heart attack that Putin allegedly suffered. The head of the Kremlin is certainly not a saint, but at least he is not stupid: he is a former officer of the Soviet secret services, very rational: it is not that we are losing him, and his replacement, in a Russia in the throes of anger at the defeat, everything is in the hands of a madman, much more dangerous and reckless than him? However, we are talking about a country that holds 6,500 missiles, many of which are a power capable, alone, of destroying a country as large as France. Meanwhile, Israel is preparing its revenge for the attacks and, in order not to have very high losses, it can only raze all the buildings of a population trapped in a refugee camp of two and a half million people. The death of a thousand people, Stalin said, is a tragedy. The death of 10 million people, however, is a statistic.

    And now I make an appeal to @Jessica, and to those hundred of atheist activists, with whom I have been discussing for 13 years now: get ready, what I told you in times you didn't suspect would happen, a long time ago, has arrived: you have to forget about that pharmacy, or that medical analysis laboratory you run now, and you have to start helping me. And with me, help millions of other people. I know that, among those hundred people who read these posts in Italian, you are there too. And now you know, that I know, that you know. And you also know that the real problem is that someone else knows it too. Contact all those naive people who were raging in the non-believers forum with us, explain the situation to them, and tell everyone to be ready. I have already asked King John Without Land and his faithful Sir Hisssss a thousand times, but they don't want to hear it. Do it yourself.

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    Australia has sent a boat full of asylum seekers to offshore detention on Nauru for the first time in nine years.


    The melting of the Florida-sized Doomsday Glacier is of grave concern, with the potential for significant global sea level rise.


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  7. #97
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    It ends up that even the inhabitants of Alto Adige, the small German-speaking Italian province on the border with Austria, will ask for independence and make war. To make them feel good, the Italian (Banana) Republic has pampered them in every way, leaving all the taxes on site, in their pockets, and with a thousand advantages which, objectively, makes their staying in the Italian State much more convenient than being a any Austrian region. But, we don't know why dear #Nordic, they are going crazy too, and right now, and they will wage war on us. Then there's Hurricane Otis in Mexico, what number have we reached? I've lost count. And much, much more.

    Alto Adige, after the elections the secessionists are pressing: “The separation of South Tyrol from Italy is feasible. No to the control of Rome, Milan or Brussels"


    Mexico, Hurricane Otis strengthens and approaches Acapulco


    Weather, Icelandic cyclone and "semi-permanent vortex": Italy, nightmare days


    Li Shangfu, Chinese defense minister, has been fired: it is the second "defenestration" in the government in 3 months


    China Philippines, high tension over control of the China Sea


    Middle East, an American military base in Iraq attacked


    Bad weather, storm in Prato. Flooded roads and closed underpasses


    Louisiana, fog engulfs the highway: 7 dead and 158 cars involved in a huge accident. Hell on Interstate 55


    Brazil, paramilitary militias set fire to 35 buses in Rio de Janeiro


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    War Israel, the bombings in Gaza destroyed 42% of the houses


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    Avangard, Putin's new hypersonic missile repositioned in Orenburg: it can hit any target in the world in less than 30 minutes


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    Nipah virus between India and Bangladesh: risk of new pandemic?


    Fiesole, the European University 'cancels' Christmas. The president: “Let's rename the party for ethnic equality”


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  8. #98
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End


    Una nave cinese ha tranciato il gasdotto baltico trascinando l’ancora: è stato un sabotaggio?


    Strike nucleare coi missili intercontinentali: Putin testa l'attacco di ritorsione


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    Cina, l'indipendenza di Taiwan significa la guerra


    Messico, l'uragano Otis si rafforza e tocca terra ad Acapulco: "Potenzialmente catastrofico"


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    Dengue, salgono a 66 i casi confermati: 36 nel Lodigiano. Autoctono un caso su 3 in Lombardia, cosa succede


    In Italia sono 5,6 milioni le persone che vivono in povertà assoluta


    Sanità Gaza, bilancio sale a 6.546 morti e 17.439 feriti


    Lo scioglimento della calotta antartica occidentale è ormai “inevitabile”: abbiamo già superato il punto di non ritorno


    Terremoto in Veneto oggi di 4.2, avvertito a Bologna, Ferrara e Trieste. Circolazione ferroviaria sospesa tra Isola della Scala e Rovigo


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  9. #99
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    China's encirclement of Taiwan has resumed. Yesterday, a Chinese military plane came within three meters of an American bomber that was buzzing in the waters off China. And, on the same day, two military ships, again Chinese and American, played bumper cars. In my opinion, the same mechanism already in place in Ukraine and Iran will be repeated: to damage one's enemy, without going to war personally, old grievances that have never subsided are fomented, so that a local conflict, fueled by an abundance of armaments , ends up weakening your enemy. See the USA, with Ukraine, against Russia. See Iran (and Palestine), with the support of Russia and China, against the USA and Israel. Waiting for the big bang to happen in the Persian Gulf, that is, a real American attack against Iran, a carbon copy of what was done twenty years ago in Iraq. Except that Iran now has two iron allies, who have put their hat on Tehran's oil. The Philippines, supported by the USA, will end up creating a conflict with China. Like North Korea, supported by Russia and China, it will do the same with South Korea and Japan. And then we need to see what the Chinese are planning in the USA's backyard, that is, on the coasts of Guatemala, Nicaragua and, above all, on the white beaches of Cuba. All these countries are just pawns. The ones that all of you are very willing to sacrifice, without many problems, in every chess game. *

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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

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