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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #141
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

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  2. #142
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @attila621 wrote:
    Attila looking for the hypotenuse ...

    (Translation of the text of the drawing:
    Devil: "Suppose He didn't exist, I would still be able to get by, but what about you? What would you do?"
    Angelo: "I would open an ice cream shop: "Beato with chocolate flavour". Do you like the idea..."


    @Nordistico wrote:
    Serafino/Holubice, return. With "normal" posts of course. My beach is empty without you.*
    You have to stick to the €a$$o. And pull hard. (Explanation for the automatic translator: it is a colloquial expression, in Italian, to say that I refuse the invitation).

    For months I've been asking that $empli€iotto @Attila to make me a simple copy and paste of a single, unique post, which I usually post in the middle of the night, before going to work and, until here, he never made a damn thing (for translator: nothing). On the other hand, the count of posts he has inserted, on this platform alone, has reached, at this precise moment, 102,098 min€hiates inserted (for translator: stupidity). But be careful to make two clicks, following my fool-proof guide, and get these words, and this warning of danger, in some way, to those 122 million Japanese...

    ...and to those 277 million Indonesians.

    All people who, up to this moment, are presumed to be in the dark about everything, that is, no one has sent them this key to understanding, which would explain the reason for the recent events. And the next ones that follow. On the other hand, I think that our #Attila could quickly and calmly post another 102,000 €o@lionerie (for translator: nonsense) but be careful to do me (and do himself) this favor. Why #Attila? Why are these topics so difficult for you? Why, despite asking you, for eight months now, have you still not listened to me? You told us that you had a company, a company in which you hired, if I remember correctly, several Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and similar. You hired these people because, where you are, in Verona (or surrounding areas) you just can't find any Italian willing to mow the grass in the gardens, with your small company, or because you give them an hourly wage that is half of that legally due by national category contract? Which is half the size, and in black. That is, without paying him any pension contributions, without paying him any personal tax, to pay for the schools of the children of those Pakistanis, and without paying him any accident insurance. That is, if they get hurt, you dig them a nice hole, in that little garden where you sent them to work, and you bury them right there. Without saying anything, when no one sees you. I know of a successful entrepreneur, here in Pesaro, who had this happen to him. And that he tried to bury the unfortunate foreigner under a pile of rubble. But you only have 10% of the responsibility. The other 90%, or perhaps more, is to be attributed to those two public security officers, probably, one dressed in black (carabiniere), and one dressed in blue (policeman) who constantly write and peek in here. Tirelessly looking for a fanatical anarchist and potential terrorist, or a turbo Nazi, also potentially very dangerous. Italy is a country, I think the only one in the world, which has five types of police. The actual Police, the Carabinieri, or a department of the Italian Army, which was only supposed to control and repress the crimes of the military (as the MP or the American Military Police does), and which has swollen out of all proportion, until to become a duplicate, in terms of personnel, of the Police. It has a police force specialized in tax crimes and fraud, the Financial Police (probably, at this moment, we also have a reader with a gray uniform). And then we have a Forestry Police, that is, a Police specifically dedicated to controlling damage to Nature (perhaps with green camouflage). On paper, we are the most policed ​​and controlled country on the planet. But, no one knows why, I started working when I was 14 years old, in the summer, while I was studying but, in my whole life, I have not seen any public official, dressed in black, in blue, grey, or green, come and check whether I, and all my colleagues, had or did not have a regular contract, whether our employer paid or did not pay our contributions to have an old people's pension and, above all, if he paid the accident insurance, mandatory by law. That is, if he hadn't finished killing us too, and he had thrown us, in pieces, into the oven, in case of injury. Making us pass for the porchetta roast.

    By putting, for us too, a lemon in our mouths, and a carrot in our €u/o (for translator: anus). And this, for a very simple reason: as in the case of that scoundrel, the son of the head of the forestry of the Calabria region, the one in the newspaper article I posted to you the day before yesterday, the vast majority of those in the Republic ( Bananiera) Italiana, arrived in that uniform, thanks to a scam orchestrated, in that public competition, by some national or local politician. He doesn't defend the law. He, of course, will always, and only, defend the interests, and the bottom, of the politician who placed him there, and of the politician's friends. He owes everything to that scoundrel who put him there. In some ways, the policeman is much more of a scoundrel than the criminal himself. Of course, he is much more disgusting. And, certainly, more harmless and useless.

    In short, coming back to you, dear @Attila, all this outburst is an elegant and polite way of sending you to hell (for translator: to send you to hell). To hell I'm not sending you there. I, in my life, never do useless things. As for you @Nordistico, what can I tell you, take that boat trip, which I recommended to you a long time ago. I doubt our #Attila can reach you. He has few holidays, he and his team of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have to cut a lot of weeds. The streets of Verona are constantly infested with discord (1). Having said that, I'm putting myself into another healthy, conscious, and self-imposed ban. Until next December 13, 2023, I won't be in touch. Not even to peek. I leave you in peace, gazing at your navel. And enjoy the coolness of your umbrella. And your umbrella. Because those who reject the message and the words of the Carpenter's Son never do so because what they read is not understandable and is not always shareable. He always does it, and only, because he is up to some naughty act. And then, he invents any pretext, or excuse, to absolve himself. At the moment, he may even succeed. Soon, no.

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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    Another parable he explained to them thus: «The kingdom of heaven can be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. [25] But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came, he sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. [26]And when the harvest flourished and bore fruit, behold, the weeds also appeared. [27]Then the servants came to the master of the house, and said unto him, Master, hast thou not sown good seed in thy field? So where does the weeds come from? [28]And he answered them, An enemy has done this. And the servants said to him: Do you want us to go and collect it? [29] No, he replied, so that it does not happen that, by gathering the weeds, you also uproot the wheat with them. [30] Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers: First gather the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them; instead put the wheat in my barn." [31] Another parable he explained to them: «The kingdom of heaven can be compared to a mustard seed, which a man takes and sows in his field. [32]It is the smallest of all seeds but, once it grows, it is larger than other legumes and becomes a tree, so much so that the birds of the sky come and nest among its branches." [33] Another parable he said to them: "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to leaven, which a woman took and kneaded with three measures of flour so that it might all ferment." [34] Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables and did not speak to them except in parables, [35] so that what was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled: [36] Then Jesus left the crowd and entered the house; his disciples approached him to say: «Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field». [37]And he answered, “He who sows the good seed is the Son of man. [38]The field is the world. The good seed is the children of the kingdom; the weeds are the children of the evil one, [39] and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest represents the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels. [40] Therefore as the tares are collected and burned in the fire, so will it be at the end of the world. [41] The Son of Man will send his angels, who will gather out of his kingdom all the transgressors and all the workers of iniquity, [42] and will throw them into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. [43]Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, hear !


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  3. #143
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

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  4. #144
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    I activated the spoiler. The pictographic command is that of the barred eye.
    Now I'll do a...
    [spoiler]test operation[/spoiler]
    ... everything seems ok to me.
    Look, I deleted your posts where you only put the list of links. This is not permitted by the forum rules.
    Even the botched interventions where you put together the most disparate topics seem out of place and too distracting to me, however for the moment I'll leave it alone because I think you haven't yet understood what the philosophy of this forum is.


    @Doctor said:
    He said you opened it recently and so he's helping you populate it...
    "If your brother commits a fault, go and admonish him between you and him alone; if he listens to you, you will have won your brother; [16] if he does not listen to you, take one or two people with you, so that everything can be resolved on the basis of the word of two or three witnesses. [17] If he does not listen even to these, tell it to the assembly; and if he does not even listen to the assembly, let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector. [18] Truly I say to you, everything whatever you bind on earth will also be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.[19]Again, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth to ask anything about anything, the Father who is in heaven will give it to you. [20] For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

    On the word of two or three witnesses. I thank you for what you have done @Bmastro, and I understand that seeing this hot potato suddenly fall on you is something that could have disconcerted you. And scary. I hope you understand that I don't do this for fun. I not infrequently use a joking tone, but I do it partly to lighten things up, and partly to give myself courage. That long list of links, which I put in almost every post, has a meaning and a precise purpose: to prevent what I have written from being tampered with or deleted. Or, at least, that no one can do it, without it being reported in a dozen other places. And traces of it remain. It's not my idea. You just read it. If you must admonish someone, do it with other people as witnesses. The Carpenter's Son indicated three. Here, there would be a dozen, or rather this flotilla of discussion forums, in different languages, with which I carry forward this Catechism of Last Resort, Almost Out of Time. Here the philosophy is the same. And it's the same purpose. And I am, in some way, trying to fulfill that specific commandment. Because I am a Christian Fundamentalist. That is, basically, I try to respect everything that the Carpenter's Son asked us to do. Exactly as he asked us to do. Without skipping anything. Periods, including commas. And this too is among the behaviors that he ordered us to do (read the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verses from number 17 to number 19). I don't put a button with a SPOILER below, because I've seen that when I write a post that's too convoluted, the automatic translator ends up making a mess.

    I want to show you my good intentions. See these lines of HTML code below?

    <h1>VANGELI (tutti accodati, uno sotto l'altro)</h1>
    <p>Qui dentro, premendo insieme il tasto "CRTL" + "F", troverete al volo il versetto che stavate cercando... </p>
    <iframe src="" height="700" width="700"></iframe>
    <iframe src="" height="700" width="700"></iframe>
    <iframe src="" height="700" width="700"></iframe>
    <iframe src="" height="700" width="700"></iframe>
    They are a few lines, in HTML language, whose effect, however, is very important, because they allow us to have all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), or all the Letters of Saint Paul, Saint Peter, and of the other Apostles, all queued up in a single web page.

    GOSPELS (all queued up, one under the other) - In here, by pressing the "CRTL" + "F" key together, you will quickly find the verse you were looking for

    There are dozens and dozens of websites that already have a digital version of the Holy Scriptures. But no one has arranged them in this way, that is, by placing several books queued up one under the other. And this, in perspective, is something very important. Because I am trying to provide, to all those who will listen to me, a tool in which, simply by leaving a web page open, even from a mobile phone, they can have everything they need at their fingertips. And with a peculiarity: when you want to search for a passage of the Gospel, by simultaneously pressing the CRTL and "F" keys, and inserting even just a small part of a verse, you immediately get the entire passage. This feature, mind you, also works on mobile phones, because all modern browsers have the 'Find' feature within them.

    If you've noticed, I've already done this on two other websites. And it works perfectly. But I am trying to obtain such a tool also in all the other languages ​​in which I am writing, that is, in German, in French, in Russian, in Hindi (the most widespread language in India), in English, in Spanish, in Arabic , and in Chinese. Unfortunately, I continue to have the congenital handicap of having only two hands, and although, lately, there are about a thousand balls of eyes that look at what I have written every day, none of those two thousand hands have so far offered to lend me a hand. But I'm confident that the situation will soon change. At that point, among the readers of those other languages, I will ask them to help me find the four Gospels, and the Letters of the Apostles, in German, French, Hindi, English, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese, all in HTML format, and I will append them, for easy and very quick consultation, also in all these languages. And this thing, I promise you right now, I will only do it on your website. To benefit you, and to thank you. Obviously, for safety, I will keep a copy of everything, in my web safe, in my corridor, behind that painting. But no one knows that place. All the others will come to consult here with you. Potentially, you could have millions of hits per day. I'm telling you right now. You will have to equip yourself to 'scale' your infrastructure. That is, you will have to find a way to manage all these accesses. Obviously, you won't lack the resources, because, from reading the banners, you will have more than enough money to cover your expenses. And also to get rich. But I don't recommend keeping all that money. Because money really is the devil's dung. And some radioactive shit.

    If you have quickly read what I have written before, you will already know that I have also created a paper flyer, to be printed on your own printer, and to be physically distributed on site. Or this one below.

    Flyer "This is the Beginning of the End"

    And then, I remind you for those who are just now listening, there is also all the documentation, step by step, on how to multiply the two hands that are writing to you now, by two, by four, by a thousand. From now on, each of those thousand readers who exist today must work hard to obtain, in turn, another thousand readers. That is, we must become a million.

    Guide for Catechists of Last Resort, Almost Out of Time

    And this multiplication, and this miraculous catch, we must obtain within a few hours . Ah, that warning thing, to be done towards sinners in danger, must also be done in person. With the three required witnesses. It's something that if it had always been done, in the last two thousand years, hell would now have a tenth of the occupants it has now. We are all co-responsible for those who ended up there. For inaction, and culpable failure to provide assistance. At least in these last days, we will (also) fulfill this commandment.

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  5. #145
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  6. #146
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    @Bmastro wrote:
    Hi Holubice, look, I already told you that you can't put a list with dozens of links all together. I deleted it for you again.
    Usually in forums we proceed like this: we make a comment on a specific topic, and possibly in support we insert one or two links for further information.
    A post with dozens of different topics and several dozens of links in succession does nothing but disorientate the reader who then quickly abandons the page. In this way you get the opposite effect of what you intend: you make the interlocutor run away rather than making him participate in the discussion.
    A forum is made to allow users to interact, not to present distracting monologues.

    "Drastic problems, drastic solution"

    Good morning to you @Bmastro. Did you sleep well...? The proverb above, which they repeat in London, also has an Italian version. Please read these words below carefully. And meditate on it for a few minutes (1)

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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    At that time Jesus passed through the harvest on the Sabbath, and his disciples were hungry and began to pick ears of corn and eat them. [2]When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Behold, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath." [3] And he answered: Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? [4]How did he enter the house of God and eat the bread of the offering, which it was not lawful for him or his companions to eat, but only for the priests? [5]Or have you not read in the Law that on the Sabbath days the priests in the temple break the Sabbath and yet are guiltless? [6]Now I tell you that here is something greater than the temple. [7]If you had understood what it means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice, you would not have condemned guiltless individuals. [8]For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."


    I'll explain it to you in layman's terms. The goods I offer you, and the work I carry out, are so important that all the exceptions in this world must be made. And the other one too. Translated even further: you must give me all the string you can muster, in order to facilitate the work and the work I am carrying out. You see, everything is limited to this discussion. I'm not even going to look at what they do in the other threads. I already have to sleep with one eye closed and one eye open. Don't worry, I don't have the time to bother. This thread, if you, have to deal with it, and you have to let me handle it in a dadaistic way. Since I know you are studied, and @Doctor is even more so, just look at all the medals and insignia he has pinned on his chest, I know you don't need explanations. But for all those others, who are less educated than you, or, perhaps, much less fortunate than you, I put this link below.


    Look, I'll leave you to think about it. In the meantime, I'm putting myself on a healthy, conscious, and self-imposed ban for about a week, or until November 21, 2023. You think about it, whether my proposal is admissible, and you can satisfy me, or not. Bear in mind what my old friends (and enemies) always told me, that is, the managers of the only discussion forum on Italian atheism, which survived the various schisms and arguments, between the Apostolic Catholic Atheists, the Protestant Atheists, the Orthodox Atheists, and other subgroups that, at the moment, I no longer remember. Or the two of them below.

    Who are King John Landless, and his faithful Sir Hisssssss

    "Holubice, the internet is full of dozens of discussion forums. Why do you have to come and break the €o@lions (bother) always in here...?"

    Good King John Landless, like any good broken watch, always gets, just for a moment, and always accidentally, two right things a day. Within 24 hours. And that was one of the fateful and salutary moments. Hello King John, say hello to me Sir Hissssss, I know that you are, perhaps reluctantly, my loyal readers. Say hello to the whole gang. Above all @SergioAd, the excellent @Elima, the good @Paolo, the unrepentant @PaoloSpazio1999, and above all the terrified @Jessica. Poor girl. Yes, at the time, you confessed to me that I appeared in your nightmares, already 13 years ago. Imagine how she might be now. Get in touch @Jessica, you remember very well that these speeches that I am giving you now, I gave them to you, practically identical, already 13 years ago. In very, very, very unsuspecting times. And so, you, your boyfriend, or roommate, the good @Uoz, and the whole gang of thugs from back then, really have no excuse anymore. You all have to help me. More than all the others. Because you have been given 13 years to think about it. Not 13 days, as to those who are reading now.

    But, having made this very long and necessary introduction, let's return to today's burning current affairs. There's tons of news to stick to below. But it's almost lunch time, so you have to do a bit on your own. Among all, I point out that the United States of America seriously runs the risk of finding the Horned Shaman as the next POTUS in the short term. Translated, the next president of the United States of America. Everything, except united.

    Jake Angeli, the Capitol shaman, is running for the House of Representatives

    "From the attack on democracy to a peaceful marriage with the institutions. Maybe. On January 6, 2021 Jacob Chansley – or Jake Angeli – became famous throughout the world as the “shaman of QAnon” (association according to which the world is governed by a secret network of pedophiles enemies of the former President of the United States): he was among the first Trump supporters to enter Congress, asking parliamentarians to leave the building during the assault on the Capitol. Together with Donald's supporters he intended to prevent Joe Biden's victory in the presidential elections was certified. That day he became famous throughout the world for his disguise as a shaman, bare-chested, armed with a spear and with his face painted in the colors of the US flag, even managing to enter the room of Vice President Mike Pence before being sentenced to 41 months in prison, guilty of obstruction of congressional proceedings" (CONTINUED IN THE ABOVE LINK, IN THE STATE OF ARIZONA ELECTORAL LOCATIONS)

    Look @WalterA, I have the idea that the Eternal Father, in addition to making us die of fear, also wants to take us by the €u/o (make fun of us)... I think that even the good @SuperMario, arrived at this point, has reached the same conclusion...

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  7. #147
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Damn, I'm literally starting to feel like the ground is falling out from under me. Listen @Nordistico, do you remember when, a long time ago, I asked you to help me find a camping tent that had a hole in the roof to let out the smoke from a fireplace (and stove) to put inside? If you go and browse through the old discussions, or in the little bulletin below.

    What if things start to fall apart?

    At a certain point, you will also find this request of mine. I asked you because you told us you were in North Dakota, when in reality you lived, until recently, in Vancouver. In any case, always in rather cold places, where camping often has to be done with those military tent heaters. I, here in the Mediterranean, just can't find such an article. Before the general whorehouse (chaos) breaks out, could you send me some eBay links of companies that sell that product there? I also extend the same request to all of you reading from Russia. I have half a mind to go and hide somewhere in the mountains here behind Pesaro. Roughly, near that convent where my friend, the hermit monk, with whom I spoke at the beginning of my adventure, lived. But, before disappearing from circulation, I still have to provide for the needs of my wife and my children. They never wanted to go camping. Now, reluctantly, they will come to terms with it, and they will have to experience it too. But let's go back to today's accelerated current events.


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    4.0 magnitude earthquake in the Marche region


    Letter from 400 US leaders against support for Israel


    Rogue wave kills Italian tourist in Tenerife


    Shifa hospital director, '179 buried in mass grave'


    Milei's party against the Museum of Memory (of the crimes of the military dictatorship) in Argentina


    "Russia is preparing a migration bomb": here's where it can hit the EU


    South Korea, helicopter exercises together with the USA


    Stoltenberg, difficult situation on the field in Ukraine


    ISIS strikes again in Syria, 5 soldiers killed


    Eruption risk in Iceland: large cracks along the roads - Video


    The bad weather in Northern France gives no respite. Macron on site


    Number two Hezbollah: "Real risk of the conflict spreading to Lebanon, everything depends on Israel"


    Chinese J-20: Shown for the first time launching an air-to-air missile from Beijing's stealth fighter


    Iceland, here are the scenarios in the event of an eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano which also scare volcanologists


    The Northern Lights captured in all their beauty, the unique spectacle seen from a pilot's cockpit


    A worrying multiplication table. Italy must place 480 billion in government bonds. And the rating agencies send signals


    Carol Alt opens OnlyFans at 62: «There are also nude photos, but done with taste»


    "Only strength counts...". Xi Jinping's disturbing words (i.e., the discovery of hot water)


    This is why November 17th will be the "Black Friday" of bad weather


    On the eastern coast of Sicily stands the highest volcano in Europe: it is one of the most active in the world. And in the last 48 hours the giant has once again made headlines for its spectacular eruptions


    The Ten Thousand Year Clock project, ultimately costing $42 million


    Germany is also cracking down on migrants. And it does not exclude the Albania model


    Taxes, half of Italians (47%) do not declare income and 14% pay two thirds of the total


    Mosquitoes (and their diseases) could remain with us until Christmas: this is the warning from Sima

    Dear @SuperMario, would you have ever even remotely thought of finding yourself in such a mess? I really do not think so. But now you're in the game. And the only thing you can do is dance.

    Like everything else.

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  9. #149
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  10. #150
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    "Three clues, make a |roi@" (a woman of easy virtue)

    My boss was a gentleman from the Lower Marche, that is, from the area of ​​the Sibillini Mountains, a small mountain range, which has a lake inside it called "Lake of Pilate". When, and if, you go to visit it, you will find a lot of security guards to ensure that none of the tourists touch the waters of this small Alpine lake. They will tell you that, inside, lives a small native crustacean, which has survived only in this very small lake, and is unique in the world. But they are lying to you. In fact, they don't want you to muddy its waters. But this is not what I want to talk to you about, but about my boss who, as a very young boy, was hired by the largest multinational among us Advanced Tertiary Diamond Tips, and spent 25 years working in Rome. In all that time, he learned to speak the typical dialect of the Italian capital, which he mixed with his funny dialect from his small town. I mean, he was very funny. Except when he got pissed. And he always repeated that phrase above to me. That is, when there are three clues, then you can be sure that something is wrong. And here, after the volcano near Reykjavik (Iceland), after the Etna volcano (Sicily), after the super volcano of the Campi Flegrei (near the city of Naples, here in Italy), now he too escapes, below.

    ([email protected], please, set the setting of this form with a maximum number for each post of 20,000 characters, otherwise, I waste a lot of time making this useless fragments, when I work on your forum. Thanks in advance, and to your good heart. If you need help to understand how to do it, just ask, I'll help you)


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