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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #111
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  2. #112
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    "The Pharisees and Sadducees approached to test him and asked him to show them a sign from heaven. [2]But he replied: «When it becomes evening, you say: Good weather, because the sky is red; [3 ] and in the morning: Today it is stormy, because the sky is dark red . Do you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky and do not know how to distinguish the signs of the times? [4]A perverse and adulterous generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah". And leaving them, he went away"

    The Carpenter's Son, dear @Edouard de Montmonrency, invites us to peer into the Sky, because from it we will understand what is happening.

    A very rare Northern Lights appeared in the skies of Cortina d'Ampezzo and the Dolomites


    The Northern Lights turn the skies magenta over Norfolk (a county 106 miles north of London)


    The Northern Lights may be visible in more than a dozen U.S. states this week


    And then there is the anxiety-inducing (and necessary) daily news. Which becomes increasingly thicker with clouds and unknowns with each passing day. And which seems to accelerate, along an inclined plane, from which it cannot go back or stop. An adulterous and perverse generation . Think carefully about those words @Nordistico. I'm not saying he said them with you in mind, but it comes naturally to think so.


    The United States is silently arming Taiwan to the teeth


    An Ohio-class submarine, possibly equipped with ballistic missiles, has arrived in the Mediterranean


    Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines are America's doomsday device


    North Korea threatens to "start World War III" against the United States. What is the real reason?


    Hundreds of pro-Palestinian people attempt to attack the air base hosting American troops in Turkey


    “Accelerating air cooperation between Russia and North Korea.” North Korea supplies SRBM missiles to Russia and receives MIG-29 fighter-bombers


    Aftermath of Hurricane Otis: Two hours of terror and now years of devastation for the poor of Acapulco


    Weather report. Super cyclone Domingos over Central-Northern Europe with heavy rain, winds over 100km/h and storm surges


    Hundreds leave to join the caravan of migrants from Mexico headed to the United States


    'The whole building fell on us': Explosion in refugee camp in central Gaza kills dozens of people


    Intense flashes illuminate the skies of Gaza late Thursday night


    Jewish woman stabbed at home in Lyon: a swastika with a knife engraved on her door


    Tornadoes have been spotted in all 50 US states


    Russia's Black Sea Fleet loses one of its "most advanced ships," sunk by Ukraine


    Why does France have military bases in Africa?


    A "fireball" was spotted flying across the sky over central Kentucky


    An explosion within the Sun's magnetic field on Halloween ripped through a "canyon of fire" more than 6,200 miles wide in the Southern Hemisphere


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  3. #113
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

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    Please, change the maximum chars of any post, form 10.000 chars, to 20.000 chars. Or I have always problems to complete all my posts.


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  4. #114
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

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    @Edouard de Montmonrency writes:
    Do you see them making many demands in the streets?
    @Monsieur Trololo writes:
    Demanding is perhaps not the right word, but there are those who come to talk to you on the street, they proselytise, yes.
    But if we are all reduced to having to support one religion, I support them (the evangelicals). Even if the current Catholic Pope is understanding, the ECR organization* is not democratic *and never has been, so to me it is contrary to the values ​​taught by Christ!
    Evangelicals operate more democratically and score points against Islam every day.
    Upon closer inspection, the Church, since the year 33 AD, has never been democratic. Upon closer inspection, there has always been only one General, one Lieutenant, and then only and exclusively an indistinct expanse of simple soldiers (1).

    In essence, everything and everyone must always be guided by a small book of just a few pages.

    If you are particularly inspired, that book is able to give you, by itself, an answer to everything. Literally, even if you have to turn right or left with your car at an intersection. But you have to be inspired. And to become so inspired, you must always go to the Post Office first, incognito, enter, perhaps, with hundreds of thousands of euros in cash, and leave, from a financial point of view, with one hand on the front, and one hand on the back. behind (2). We must do exactly as Saint Francis of Assisi did. Indeed, we need to do better: because we have learned about him what he did, we all know his story, centuries later. And this is not good at all (3). You will have to do these things with the same discretion with which my friend @Nordistico brought millions of Italian lire to Zurich, the result of a fraudulent bankruptcy. That must be a secret you will take to your grave. And somewhere else too. But on the other hand, this episode will no longer be a secret. Because we will all know everything, about everyone (4).

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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    Point (1)
    Then Jesus turned to the crowd and his disciples saying: [2] «The scribes and Pharisees sat on the chair of Moses. [3] Whatever they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their works, because they say and do not do. [4]For they bind heavy burdens and place them on the shoulders of the people, but they do not want to move them even with a finger. [5] They do all their works to be admired by men: they widen their phylacteries and lengthen their fringes; [6]they love places of honor at banquets, the first seats in the synagogues [7]and greetings in the squares, as well as hearing themselves called "rabbi" by the people. [8]But do not let yourselves be called "rabbi", because one He alone is your master and you are all brothers . [9]And do not call anyone 'father' on earth, for there is only one Father in heaven. [10]And do not call yourselves 'master', for there is only one your Master, the Christ. [11]Let the greatest among you be your servant; [12] but whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.


    Point (2)
    A notable questioned him: «Good Master, what must I do to obtain eternal life?». [19]Jesus answered him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except one, God. [20] You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and your mother." [21]He said, "All this I have observed from my youth." [22]Hearing this, Jesus said to him: «You still lack one thing: sell everything you have, distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come and follow me." [23] But when he heard these words, he became very sad, because he was very rich.
    [24]When Jesus saw him, he said, "How difficult it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God. [25]It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God!". [26] Those who listened said, "Then who can be saved?" [27] He replied: "What is impossible with men is possible with God."


    Point (3)
    Beware of practicing your good works before men to be admired by them, otherwise you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. [2] Therefore when you give alms, do not blow the trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to be praised by men. Truly I tell you, they have already received their reward. [3]But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, [4]so that your almsgiving may remain secret; and your Father, who sees in secret , will reward you.


    Point (4)
    In the meantime, thousands of people had gathered and were trampling on each other, Jesus began to say first of all to the disciples: «Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. [2]There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed , nor secret that will not be known. [3]Therefore what you have said in the darkness will be heard in full light; and what you have whispered in the innermost rooms will be announced on the housetops.

    Point (5)
    I didn't tell you from the beginning, because I was with you.
    [5]But now I go to him who sent me, and none of you asks me, Where are you going? [6] Indeed, because I have told you these things, sadness has filled your heart. [7] Now I tell you the truth: it is good for you that I go away, because if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but when I am gone, I will send it to you. [8] And when he is come, he will convince the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment. [9]As for sin, because they do not believe in me; [10] as for righteousness, because I go to the Father and you will no longer see me; [11] as for judgment, because the prince of this world has been judged. [12]I still have many things to say to you, but for the moment you are not capable of carrying the burden. [13] But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own, but he will speak everything that he hears, and he will tell you things to come . [14] He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. [15]All that the Father has is mine; this is why I said that he will take what is mine and announce it to you .

    Point (5)
    [12]Truly, truly, I say to you, even he who believes in me will do the works that I do and will do greater ones, because I go to the Father. [13]Whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. [14]If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
    [15]If you love me, you will keep my commandments. [16] I will pray to the Father and he will give you another Helper to remain with you forever, [17] the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he dwells with you and will be in you. [18] I will not leave you orphans, he will return to you. [19]A little while longer and the world will no longer see me; but you will see me, because I live and you will live. [20]In that day you will know that I am in the Father, and you in me, and I in you. [21]Whoever receives my commandments and keeps them, he loves me. Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father and I too will love him and reveal myself to him."
    [22]Judas, not Iscariot, said to him, "Lord, how did it happen that you must reveal yourself to us and not to the world?" [23] Jesus answered him, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him andwe will come to him and make our home with him. [24]He who does not love me does not keep my words; the word that you hear is not mine, but of the Father who sent me.
    [25]These things I told you while I was still among you. [26] But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything that I have told you. [27] Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives it, I give it to you. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. [28]You have heard that I said to you, I am going and will return to you; if you loved me, you would rejoice that I go to the Father, because the Father is greater than me. [29]I have told you now, before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe. [30] I will no longer speak with you, because he is coming, the prince of the world; he has no power over me, [31] but the world must know that I love the Father and do what the Father has commanded me. Get up, let's get out of here."

    Point (6)
    Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fulfil. [18] Truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one iota or one sign will pass from the law, until everything is accomplished. [19]Whoever therefore transgresses even one of these precepts, even the smallest ones , and teaches men to do the same, will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever observes them and teaches them to men will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven.


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  5. #115
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Do you see it @Edouard de Montmonrency? When I tell you that that little book can give you all the answers, I'm not telling you a lie. And, what is incredible, is that if you really start to do, in detail, everything that you will find written there, page after page, without skipping anything (6), these answers will suddenly begin to give you for his account. Without even opening it anymore. Because you will become one with it. Or rather, the authors of those pages will themselves remind you of each step and explain its meaning to you (5). But, to get to this, remaining without a penny is the minimum wage that will be required of you. Only the entrance exam. Then, later on, much, much more will be required of you. And you, behind that bush, if it is still standing, must make the commitment to get to the end.

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  6. #116
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    "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, know then that its devastation is near. [21] Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are within the city leave it, and let those in the country not return to the city. [22] For there will be days of vengeance , so that all that has been written will be fulfilled. [23] Woe to the women who are pregnant and nursing in those days, for there will be great calamity in the land and wrath against this people. [24] ]They will fall by the edge of the sword and will be led captive among all the peoples; Jerusalem will be trampled down by the pagans until the times of the pagans are fulfilled."

    Even all these pieces are all falling into place. Punctually. Ineluctably. Automatically. And then, there is the rest of the daily news, that is, the usual nightmare. Meanwhile, it got worse.

    Netanyahu trembles: besieged by the square, he entrenches himself in the fort held hostage by the ultras


    Germany, a kindergarten no longer wants to be called "Anne Frank"


    Netanyahu: "No truce without the release of the hostages". Guterres: "The Strip children's cemetery", Israel: "Shame"


    Migrants, opposition against Italy-Albania agreement: "It's deportation"


    Nuclear-powered missile submarine: from autonomy of up to six months to incognito navigation


    Here is the Belgorod submarine, the Russian giant that scares the North Sea


    The radioactive trail and the US "nuke sniffer": the hunt for the Russian submarine in the Mediterranean


    Weather, Cyclone Domingos ready to sweep Europe: when will it arrive


    Russian ships at the gates of Italy: the new base that scares NATO (in eastern Libya)


    NGO, US military base in Syria attacked by drones


    A new island emerges in Japan after a volcano erupts


    Planes, ships, provocations: the specter of war between China and Taiwan


    From Ukraine to Italy, the European sky is tinged with pink due to the Northern Lights


    “This is a very unfair trial — very, very — and I hope the public is watching,” Trump told Judge Arthur Engoron


    Indonesia: the tribe faces a bulldozer with a bow and machete


    Israeli civilian killed by rocket fired from South Lebanon


    Ten years after the typhoon, the Philippine city rises from the ruins


    Thousands of people are trapped in Somalia as heavy rains wreak havoc


    US weather warning: Massive storms threaten 1,000-mile deluge across America


    China threatens NATO members with retaliation after 'provocative' moves on Taiwan


    Erdogan "wants to lead the Muslim world against Israel" while Turkey is "angry" over the attacks on Gaza


    Hezbollah fires "volcano" rockets at Israeli military sites. Nasrallah has threatened further escalation as Israel's invasion of Gaza against Hamas continues


    Sex-crazed, cocaine-fueled hippos will be killed as animal numbers spiral out of control


    Fireball seen over Connecticut Thursday evening, NASA confirms


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  8. #118
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Do you look more at the breasts or the butt in women?

    @Nordistico wrote:
    Eyes, face, legs, butt and breasts. Breasts can be perfected with little.
    @Xenu wrote:
    So between butt and breast, the former.
    But don't talk about fake breasts for goodness sake, how can you rejoice in touching something remade?

    With our @Nordistico, everything has a price.

    And a pressure...

    (... a archive photo, of the Russian wife of the @Nordistico, in the meantime, probably perfected... Note the hole)

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  9. #119
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    This is a trial by fire. Which, most likely, will start a fire in all the streets of the United States of America. Lately, everything but united...

    This is not a fair trial but a political attack maneuvered by Biden through democratic judges led by a racist and corrupt prosecutor

    "... But Trump is not just any defendant: for months he has continued to repeat that he is the victim of a political conspiracy aimed at preventing his re-election. The magistrates have tried to stop him by imposing so-called gag orders on him to insult or threaten judges, lawyers and witnesses in his trials. Under oath, many thought, he would have been more cautious. But Trump entered the court repeating, at the door, one of his incendiary rallies. And then, under oath, after partially answering a few questions, he started again with his political accusations, pushing an increasingly irritated judge to continually (and in vain) remind him of the substance of the financial questions. Until he concluded, disconsolately, after 4 hours: "It's a broken record"... " (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

    I confess to you that, right now, I'm rooting for Trump. All in all, what are they accusing him of? Of having inflated the valuations of his buildings and villas, in order to obtain more loans from American banks. But who among you, among many of you, has not agreed with the builder of your house, to inflate the same figures, so that your bank would not only finance 60% of the value of the property, but almost 100% . I have seen with my own eyes much, much worse. Some nobodies who began to buy tens of square kilometers of land on the outskirts of Milan, in cash and, always in cash, built the sewers and all the urbanization works. They built huge buildings there, with hundreds of luxury apartments, and everything, with money that came out of nowhere. I have seen people buy a magistrate, so that he could win a case, by bribing him but, since the payment had actually been made by his lawyer, he came out clean and candid, like when the Madonna appears. I have seen entrepreneurs keep all their other potential competing entrepreneurs at bay, by having a Parliament, in fact, on their payroll, make laws tailored to their interests. Effectively cornering almost the entire advertising market of one of the largest economies on the planet. And, when some reckless court, out of decency, made sentences that sanctioned the illegality and bestiality of certain laws, everything was suspended by the Government in office, of whatever type and color it was, and frozen, for decades.

    "Donald, you are a beginner and a naive one...!"

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  10. #120
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Je suis islamophobe

    @Offwhiteprojectiloveindia a ecrit:
    Et je n'ai pas honte de le dire.
    Ce n'est pas parce que les musulmans font du terrorisme et font peur que on doit faire l'apologie du terrorisme juste car on a peur de ne pas aller dans leur sens contraire. L'islam est une idéologie, pourquoi ne pourrait on pas parler de communistophobie ou de droitophobie ou gauchophobie.
    À en croire la justice l'islam est la seule et unique religion
    @Héloïse de Salm a ecrit:
    Bien sûr que vous avez le droit d'être islamophobe.Mais reconnaissez-vous le droit des personnes à être antisémite ?
    @Dédé2B a ecrit:
    Aucun rapport!
    Le premier combat une religion, le second une race.
    @Monsieur Phelps a ecrit:
    Le problème de l’islam c est le fanatisme , certain ont dure de vivre leur foie pour eux tranquillement faut toujours qui soit dans l exageration et l excès dans l insultes des autres.
    Topic: I am Islamophobic

    @Offwhiteprojectiloveindia wrote:
    And I'm not ashamed to say it.
    It is not because Muslims practice terrorism and cause fear that we should support terrorism just because we are afraid of not going in their opposite direction. Islam is an ideology, because we could not talk about communistophobia or right-wing phobia or left-wing phobia.
    According to justice, Islam is the only religion

    @Héloïse de Salm wrote:
    Of course you have the right to be Islamophobic, but do you recognize people's right to be anti-Semitic?

    @Dédé2B wrote:
    No connection!
    The first fights a religion, the second a race.

    @Mr.Phelps wrote:
    The problem with Islam is bigotry, some people have found it difficult to live their lives quietly for themselves, it is always necessary to be exaggerated and excessive in insulting others.
    Have you never thought, even for a moment, that you were victims of what, in the Soviet Union of the 1930s, was called "Disinformation"? That is, the assiduous reading of newspapers that tell you everything, except how things (really) are? I understood how things were going to buy a pizza and, while I was repeating more or less your same bullshit to a friend of mine, at a certain point the Tunisian pizza chef, seeing that we were alone, interrupted me. , and it opened my eyes. But let's go in order.

    Free elections are called. Voters elect a religiously inspired party, the FIS. For fear that the members of that party could establish an Islamic dictatorship, the Westerners see fit to avert the danger to that People by placing their dictator: Boutelika. A character who governed his country with bloody systems. And of which, on our televisions, nothing was ever heard.

    Upon the death of Saddat, who had a wavering attitude, who flirted with the West, but also with the Socialist countries, a figure came to power, Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Ibrahim Mubārak, who our media have always described as a measured man , secular, modern. We only realized what kind of scoundrel he was at the outbreak of the famous Arab Spring, when information slowly began to arrive in our newspapers about what he had done in his country. A reign that lasted more than thirty years. The classic eternal president. But if he is the one placed by us, it doesn't create any problems for us. He was kicked out, free elections were held, the Muslim Brotherhood, a sort of German UDC, but with an Islamic flavor, won, and it didn't sit well with us. The winners were defenestrated, and another of our puppets came to power.

    Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, another eternal president, also driven out with the start of the Arab Spring. Even in this case, we realized we were dealing with a dictator only when he daringly escaped (with several gold bars) on a private plane, headed towards Saudi Arabia. Before then, no journalist wrote a line about his misdeeds. Another acceptable despot, and camouflage them. Italy, in this case, had huge responsibilities, and did everything to place this man as head of state of Tunisia.

    Do we want to talk about Turkey? Before the arrival of Erdogan, referred to in our newspapers every day as the 'Sultan', that country was always governed by a bloody military junta, which made no one know how many religious leaders and political opponents disappear. Only with Erdogan, the former Ottoman Empire has regained its autonomy, is pursuing its legitimate economic and strategic interests (we are talking about a country of almost 100 million people), and only with Erdogan, after decades of stagnation, has Turkey had an unexpected and huge economic leap. But, in the newspapers I buy, he remains a very dangerous subject. Lastly, we organized a nice military coup to take him out, from which he only saved himself by hastily taking off in a small plane, from which, flying over a Turkey invaded by tanks, he incited his people to resist against the arrival of the yet another dictatorship, via Twitter and WhatsApp. Good dictatorship. Because sponsored by the White Man. Two legs, bad. Four legs, good.

    Bashar al-Assad and, before him, his father, however, have always been portrayed as absolute evil. Because, yes, they were dictators, but they were also of the 'bad' type, because they were undermined by the then Soviet Union. And, subsequently, supported by the Russian Federation, which has very important military bases on its coasts. We have always known everything about those there. Life, death, and miracles.

    In the end who is left out? Poor Mu'ammar Muhammad Abu Minyar 'Abd al-Salam al-Qadhdhafi, and the austere Ruḥollāh Moṣṭafāvī Mōsavī Khomeynī. The first was responsible for expelling all the Italian settlers (and invaders) who had settled in Libya. He managed to do it because, at the time, no one knew how rich the subsoil of his country was in oil and natural gas, otherwise from the first soldier to the last Italian sailor they would have fought on those sand dunes. As for Khomeynī, he managed to drive out a monarchy, the Shah of Persia, so glamorous, so modern, but which kept a large part of its population starving. The Iranian Islamic State, with its frequent elections, with its clashes between secular parties and religious parties, has always been a thousand times more democratic, and a thousand times more modern than the ruling house of Saudi Arabia. We never knew anything about the latter for decades. Perhaps because, since the end of the Second World War, it has always sold one of its barrels of oil to the USA, at exactly half the market price with which the same barrel of oil could have been purchased that day by a German, or by a French. This, and no other, was the reason why a gallon of gasoline bought in Los Angeles cost roughly the same as a liter of gasoline purchased in Munich. But now there is a problem: the new ruling prince, the brusque Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd has changed the price list of his oil wells.

    And suddenly, we realize that we are dealing with a bloody theocracy, which literally tears its opponents into little pieces, which beats up its women, and which throws all its opponents in prison. Throughout the previous century, however, they only took rides in Ferraris. And some hookah.


    Aliena vitia in oculis habemus on the back of our summary

    Dear Mr.Phelps, try to be a little less superficial in your assessments. The vast majority of Arabs, including those who work in the company with me, don't care about religion. They are only interested in us getting out of their way. And stop stealing all their natural resources. Next time, or before the next post, go and make a pizza too. But early on, when no one is there...

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