Thread: Барби завоевала Иран

  1. #1171
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран


    Всеобщие выборы в Иране

    В пятницу в Иране пройдут всеобщие выборы. Впервые иранцы будут одновременно выбирать депутатов парламента и членов Совета экспертов, от которых зависит выбор аятоллы Ирана. На кону - отношения исламской республики с Западом.
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  2. #1172
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран


    США требуют созыва СБ ООН в связи с ракетными испытаниями Ирана

    США, Великобритания, Германия и Франция требуют созыва совбеза ООН в связи с ракетными испытаниями Ирана. Тегеран запустил несколько баллистических ракет 8 марта. На Западе считают это нарушением соглашения по иранской ядерной программе. В Москве с этим не согласны.
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  3. #1173
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Иранская армия обзавелась новым вооружением

    14 Апр в 13:10

    В Иране, накануне Дня Вооруженных сил страны, который празднуется 18 апреля, армия страны получила новое оружие и военную технику. Об этом пишут СМИ.

    Командующий Сухопутными войсками ВС Ирана, бригадный генерал Ахмад Реза Пурдастан стал участником церемонии передачи тактических и разведывательных боевых машин пехоты военным подразделениям. Также в ходе церемонии были продемонстрированы модернизированные танки Chieftain и новые снайперские винтовки.

    Кроме того, сухопутные войска получили снайперские винтовки Драгунова калибра 7,62 миллиметра и новые системы ПВО, пишет со ссылкой на иранское информационное агентство Mehr News Тренд. © - Вестник Кавказа
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  4. #1174
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    29 мая

    Иранцы в этом году не смогут совершить хадж в Мекку

    Паломники из Ирана в этом году не поедут в хадж в Мекку из-за препятствий, созданных Саудовской Аравией, заявил в воскресенье министр культуры Ирана Али Джаннати.

    "Мы до сегодняшнего дня ждали ответа от саудовских официальных лиц, но, учитывая их поведение во время двух раундов переговоров с иранской делегацией и те препятствия, которые они создали, иранцы в этом году не смогут совершить паломничество", - цитирует слова министра агентство IRNA.

    Джаннати сообщил, что иранская Организация хаджа и паломничества в понедельник официально объявит об отмене хаджа в этом году.

    Саудовская Аравия и ряд других арабских стран объявили о разрыве дипотношений с Ираном после того, как саудовские власти в начале января исполнили смертный приговор в отношении шиитского проповедника Нимра ан-Нимра. За этой казнью последовали разгром посольства Саудовской Аравии в Тегеране и нападение на генконсульство королевства в иранском городе Мешхеде.

    Кроме этого, руководитель Исламской республики Иран аятолла Али Хаменеи возложил на власти Саудовской Аравии ответственность за давку на хадже в 2015 году, обвинив их в некорректных действиях и неорганизованности. По данным агентства Associated Press, в той давке погибли не менее 2426 человек. Иранская сторона утверждает, что жертвами трагедии стали 464 паломника из Ирана.

    AP напоминает, что, когда Саудовская Аравия прерывала дипотношения с Ираном в 1988-1991 годах, иранцы в Мекку не ездили.

    12 мая

    Саудовская Аравия опровергла создание препятствий для хаджа иранцев

    Власти Саудовской Аравии опровергают информацию о том, что Эр-Рияд якобы мешает иранским паломникам совершить хадж в Мекку, сообщает в четверг ливанское издание The Daily Star со ссылкой на заявление саудовского министерства хаджа.

    В нем говорится, что Саудовская Аравия "приветствует паломников со всего света, всех национальностей и религиозных направлений и не преграждает путь ни одному мусульманину".

    Однако в министерстве подчеркнули, что поездки паломников должны проходить "в рамках системы и директив в сфере проведения хаджа".
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  5. #1175
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Iran’s Information Security Achievements to Be Presented at GITEX 2017
    October 9, 2017 - 07:22

    Iran is going to present its latest accomplishments in the field of information security in the upcoming GITEX Technology Week due to be held in Dubai from October 8 to 12.

    Mr Zare’, the Managing Director of the Iranian information security company Dezhafzar, has explained about the company’s activities over the past decade and its participation in the upcoming GITEX 2017 in Dubai:

    Dezhafzar Net Company was established in collaboration with a group of young elites who were interested in domestic production and entrepreneurship. They also had a ten-year professional experience in software development and production. Although the founders of this company had good experience in various areas of software development such as office automation, medical engineering and information security, they launched the company with a focus on information security.

    The good knowledge that has been acquired over the years from the well-known companies in the field of security and also from their customers led to the creation of the Aryadezh firewall as the first and most important product of the company.

    Being aware of the real needs of the customers as well as familiarity with the foreign products has led to the production of a software that, in addition to efficiency, also addresses national security concerns.

    The company started its activity on February 15, 2016 in the form of a joint stock one in the field of ICT and computer software.

    The company’s products and services are as follows:

    Rhine Network Rectifier System
    Aryadezh Integrated Management System
    Authentication Kiosk
    Audio Authentication System

    In order to pave the ground to export its products, at the suggestion of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, Dezhafzar Company is going to participate in GITEX 2017 for the first time.

    Our rivals are mostly American products that are sold very well in the whole world, especially in Europe, but due to lower research costs in this field and much lower prices, we expect a good market for our products.

    Despite the fact that American products are selling well in the Iranian market, we have been able to win part of this market in Iran.

    At GITEX, we are looking for new markets and new customers, especially in the Middle East.

    In the current situation, we do not expect a good future for ICT, unless the entrepreneurs in the field of IT would consolidate their positions to such extent that they could stop the brain drain in this area.
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  6. #1176
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран


    Iran, France Ink Deal on Sheep-Breeding

    Iran and France have signed a joint agreement to exchange their knowledge of sheep-breeding, and also sell livestock to each other.

    The memorandum of undersranfing to supply 13,000 sheep were signed between Kowsar Agricultural Investment Company on behalf of Iran and France’s sheep breeders’ society.

    Accordding to a Farsi report by Tasnim, this cooperation document was signed at the governorate headquarters of the city of Clermont-Ferrand. The ceremony was held in presence of the two countries’ ministers of agriculture.

    Based on this MoU, France’s sheep breeders’ society would transfer its knowledge of sheep breeding, and sale of livestock to the Kowsar Agricultural Company’s farms in Kermanshah and Mazandaran provinces of Iran.

    One of the officials from the Iranian side said the comprehensive livestock breeding program of Iran consists of four stages: the joint breeding of sheep in Iran, the establishment of a centre to control breeding, the production of genetic material including sperm, and the production of embryo and male genome.

    The official added that with the measures taken, the pace of development of industrial livestock breeding would be increased.
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  7. #1177
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран


    US Problem with Iran Not Nuclear Program but Regional Influence: Hezbollah Chief

    Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah Movement, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, says Washington’s main problem with Iran is not the country’s nuclear program but its regional role which thwarts the US plots in the Middle East.

    In a Sunday address to an event marking the martyrdom of two Hezbollah commanders in Syria, Nasrallah said the US and Israel lie about Iran’s nuclear program.

    Washington and Tel Aviv’s main problem with Iran is not the country’s nuclear program but its growing influential role in the region, he said, according to a Farsi report by IRNA.

    Nasrallah referred to the failure of the US and Saudi Arabia’s projects for the region and added their plots in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon have been foiled. “Signs of their failure are also seen in Yemen.”

    He stressed that Iran has thwarted the projects of the US and Saudi Arabia in the region.

    “Iran is the main element behind the failure of the US and Saudi Arabia’s projects in the region. That’s why they are raising the issue of Iran’s nuclear program but their main problem is not Iran’s program because Iran has never sought and will never seek to produce nuclear bombs,” he added.

    The Hezbollah chief also said the resistance movement has the honour of playing a role in thwarting the US and Saudi Arabia’s regional plots.

    He stressed that the Americans are seeking retaliation against those who thwarted their projects in the region.

    ISIS Must Not Be Abandoned to Its Fate

    Nasrallah went on saying that the fight against ISIS should go ahead until final victory “because the ISIS’ survival is a threat to Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.”

    He warned that ISIS seeks to redeploy its forces in West Al-Qalamoun and Arsal Heights as part its larger plan to return to Lebanon.

    About two months ago, the resistance movement along with the Lebanese army managed to retake eastern regions of Lebanon from ISIS militants.

    The secretary general of Hezbollah also criticized the US for its stance towards ISIS and said the Americans have delayed the eradication of ISIS in the region through acts of sabotage.

    “We should not abandon ISIS to its fate because the terrorist group is a cancer which must be eradicated otherwise it will engulf the whole region” he noted.

    He stressed that US warplanes prevent resistance forces from advancing towards ISIS hideouts in Syria and added eradication of ISIS in Syria is not on the US agenda.

    Hezbollah Not to Change Stances under US Sanctions

    He also referred to the US sanctions against the movement and said some people were worried that the US sanctions may put economic pressure on Lebanon. “But the sanctions are not new to Lebanese people.”

    He stressed the new sanctions will not change Hezbollah’s anti-US stance.

    “Those who are ready to sacrifice their lives in defence of their cause will not sit back against financial sanctions,” he added.

    He also thanked Lebanese officials for their efforts to protect the country’s economy against the sanctions.

    Peace Achievable Only if US Stops Interference

    Nasrallah referred to the latest statements by Saudi Minister of State for Gulf Affairs, Thamer al-Sabhan, who called for building a coalition against Lebanon’s Hezbollah, and said with such statements Saudi officials confess that Hezbollah has turned into a regional power.

    He stressed peace and security will be restored to the region only if the US and Saudi Arabia stop meddling in the regional affairs and supporting terrorist groups.

    “Today Saudi Arabia has imposed a war on Yemen and dispatched forces to Bahrain blocking any dialogue,” he said.

    He called Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime “threats” to regional peace and security and added there are substantiated documents proving the destabilizing role of Saudi Arabia in the region.

    Hezbollah chief also called the movement one of the main pillars of real security for the region and added today the movement has become stronger. “We will sit back neither against US sanctions nor against Israel’s threats and Saudis’ horror- mongering.”
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  8. #1178
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Putin Rejects Saudi King’s Demand for Putting Pressure on Iran
    October 8, 2017 - 09:14

    Putin Rejects Saudi King’s Demand for Putting Pressure on Iran

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly refrained from accepting the Saudi king’s demand that Moscow pressurizes Tehran.

    Political analyst Rahim Nemati has, in a short article published in the Persian-language Javan daily, weighed in on Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz’s trip to Russia, the first trip by a Saudi monarch to Russia in nine decades. The analyst says during the visit, Putin has refrained from making a deal with the Saudi King over Iran despite his insistence.

    In his article, Nemati refers to the agreements reached by the two sides at the meeting, including the continuation of oil cooperation between the two countries, construction of companies manufacturing weapons and Kalashnikov ammunition, the setting up of an investment fund worth $1 billion to implement Russia’s economic projects, the conclusion of a preliminary agreement on the purchase of S-400 systems and signing a deal on space cooperation.

    In return for giving all the economic concessions to Putin and confirming his special status, King Salman had a demand as well. He demanded that Russia puts pressure on Iran to, as he put it, “stop the country from meddling in Arab countries’ internal affairs.”

    Over the past few years, Saudi authorities have regularly made this claim. In fact, Saudi officials take every opportunity, from interviews with reporters to official forums, to repeat such allegations. When meeting Putin, the Saudi King took the chance to repeat his demand, but did not know that Iran is something that Putin would not make deals on.

    If he had remembered Netanyahu’s trip almost a month earlier, he would have realized that he shouldn’t have made such a demand because the Israeli prime minister made the same demand during his trip, but did not receive a positive answer from Putin and returned to Tel Aviv with frustration.
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  9. #1179
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    Default Re: Барби завоевала Иран

    Iran to Finish Construction of New Nuclear Plant by 2025
    August 25, 2017 - 13:29

    Iran says it expects to see a new nuclear power plant which it is building in cooperation with Russia to be launched before 2025.

    Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), told the domestic media that a second plant would be made operational two years later than the first one.

    Kamalvandi emphasized that the projects could generate a collective of 2,100 megawatts – 1,050 megawatts each – once fully operational.

    Last September, Iran said it had started a 10-year project to construct a new nuclear power plant with Russia’s help.

    The Islamic Republic already runs one Russian-built nuclear reactor at Bushehr, which is the country’s first nuclear energy project.

    Russia signed a deal with Iran in 2014 to build up to eight more reactors in the country.

    Kamalvandi further added that the construction of nuclear power plants required an investment of at least $5 billion. The figure, he said, is at least three times higher than that required for the construction of regular plants.

    The official further said that Iran burns at least two million barrels of oil each year to produce enough electricity to answer its energy needs. This, he added, would cost at least $100 million if each barrel of oil is sold at $50.

    Using the nuclear technology, Kamalvandi stressed, would both preserve national resources and would also help prevent the annual release of around 7 million tonnes of pollutants into the environment.

    Elsewhere in his remarks, Kamalvandi said the operations to re-design Arak heavy water reactor is proceeding according to the schedule, adding that the project would finish before 2022.

    He added that the re-designing of Arak reactor – whose name he said he been changed to Khandab heavy water reactor – had already entered the second phase.

    Kamalvandi emphasized that Iran in cooperation with Russia and under the supervision of China and the US were involved in the project.

    He said Chinese experts had endorsed Iran’s contribution to Khandab project – what he said marked a significant technical achievement for the Islamic Republic.
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  10. #1180
    подниматель пингвинов crazy-mike's Avatar
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    Iran Will Never Allow US to Inspect Its Nuclear Sites: MP
    August 26, 2017 - 10:05

    An Iranian lawmaker denounced the US UN envoy’s recent talks with the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency on the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, stressing that Iran will never allow the US to have access to or inspect its nuclear facilities.

    US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley’s recent visit to Vienna and her meeting with IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano wan meant to press the UN nuclear agency for US inspection of Iran’s nuclear facilities, member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mohammad Ebrahim Rezaei told Tasnim.

    Iran would never permit Americans to visit its nuclear sites, he underlined.

    On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump dispatched Haley to Vienna to press the UN nuclear chief on their reading of Iran’s compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the nuclear agreement between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).

    Thereafter, Iran’s mission to the IAEA issued a statement, saying the objectives and the results of Haley’s trip to Vienna “contradict” the JCPOA and Resolution 2231, which the UN Security Council adopted to endorse the nuclear agreement.

    In a letter dated August 19 but released on August 23, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned about US lack of adherence to the nuclear deal.

    Zarif has also said that Haley’s visit to the IAEA undermines “the independence and credibility” of IAEA inspectors.
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