Thread: США / U.S.A.

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    Quote Originally Posted by In2HiDef View Post
    Если всех времен, то наверно надо всмомнить П51 Мустанг и Аэрокобру

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    by David French
    July 22, 2017 4:00 AM
    A recent increase in law-abiding gun ownership bodes well for the country’s future.

    The great arming is underway, and that’s a very good thing for our nation, for our culture, and for the relationship between citizen and state.

    On Thursday, John Lott and the Crime Prevention Research Center published a comprehensive survey of the growth in concealed-carry permits in the United States. The numbers are stunning — not just in their growth, but in their depth and consequence. Here’s a sampling.

    During Barack Obama’s presidency, the number of concealed-carry permit holders increased by a whopping 256 percent. The numbers have increased across multiple demographics, with a higher percentage growth for women than men and for black citizens than white. In eleven states at least 10 percent of the adults possess carry permits. All told, 16.36 million Americans have carry permits, a number that understates the amount of people who carry weapons, since 14 states “have adopted constitutional carry in all or part of the state” — which means that no permit is required for citizens to carry a gun.

    At the same time that carry permits have increased at an astonishing rate, violent crime has decreased, and concealed-carry permit holders remain remarkably law-abiding. From 2007 to 2015, murder rates decreased by 12.5 percent and “overall violent crime fell by 18 percent.” At the same time, “the percentage of adults with permits soared by 190 percent.” And yet despite that growth, available data still indicate that permit holders are substantially more law-abiding than the police. For example, using data from Florida and Texas, Lott found that “permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at less than a sixth of the rate for police officers.”

    Those who closely follow gun-control debates are likely familiar with many (if not most) of these statistics, and I’m thus less interested in what they say than in what they mean. Simply put, American culture is changing from the ground up, and if present trends continue the gun-control debate will be settled by the sheer number of weapons in law-abiding hands. To borrow the Left’s language, it looks like the arc of history is bending, and it’s bending toward an armed citizenry.

    I’ve been battling the Left over gun control for two decades, and I’ve been a part of “gun culture” all my life. If I remember correctly, I fired my first gun — a .22 rifle — when I was eight years old (and I was behind my peers). During that time I’ve not only seen the debate change, I’ve seen people change the moment they not just learn to fire a gun but also the moment they start to carry.

    If I had to sum up the change in one word, I’d choose “independence.” Give me two, and I’ll add “courage.” Let me use three, and I’ll take “responsibility.”

    First, it’s just a fact that for the vast majority of people, the instant they start carrying a gun is the instant they change their relationship with the state. No longer are they a protectee. They’re suddenly and substantially less dependent. They become a protector — of themselves and others — and that transition has a powerful psychological effect. It grants them greater security in their home, and it grants them greater freedom in their community. For many people, it gives them freedom from fear.

    Along with the independence, I’ve seen a measurable increase in personal courage. Most people who carry guns also think through scenarios where they’d be required to use that weapon. They’ll discuss tactics with instructors, practice using their weapon at the range, and they’ll talk about troublesome scenarios with friends. Along the way, their mindset changes. They often subtly change from a person who can protect others to a person who will protect others, from a person who will run from danger to a person who will run to danger. A sense of resolve sets in, and the armed citizen actually feels a greater connection with those around him. He’s aware, alert, and ready. Not alarmed. Not frightened. But calmly confident.

    Moreover, there are few things that build responsibility and attention to detail better than lawful gun ownership. Those who carry are aware of the gun’s presence, and fully aware of its power. Those who’ve earned permits have already demonstrated that they’re worthy of trust, and for the overwhelming majority, the decision to carry only amplifies their sense of duty.

    It’s always interesting to see data merge with observed experience. The independent, courageous, responsible reality I see with my own eyes is reflected not just in statistics showing that permit holders are extraordinarily law-abiding but also in the repeated incidents where they come to the aid of friends and neighbors in need. More permit-holders do not lead to more gun crime. They do, however, mean more help and protection for the innocent and the vulnerable.

    Indeed, while the sources and causes of crime are extraordinarily complex, it does appear that states with higher carry rates and the loosest carry restrictions have lower violent-crime rates than jurisdictions with the lowest carry percentages, and that sharp increases in carry permits correlate with decreases in murder rates. According to Lott, “Using permit and murder data from 2011 through 2014, we find that states with the sharpest increases in permits had the largest percentage drops in murder rates.”

    It’s often said that politics is downstream from culture, and for conservatives those words so often mean that we’re losing ground. The ground is shifting beneath our feet on matters involving sexuality and marriage. But the news is not all bad, and culture change does not always run to the left. The pro-life movement stands strong, and the ground is shifting beneath progressives’ feet on guns. An armed citizenry is more likely to remain a free citizenry, and free citizens are more likely to maintain the independence and courage that have long been hallmarks of the American spirit. In this important respect our nation is changing for the better — one carry permit at a time.
    "America is too great for small dreams." ~ Ronald Reagan

  3. #4543
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    Спецпредставитель США: на Донбассе продолжается "горячая война"

    На востоке Украины продолжается настоящая "горячая война", а не замороженный конфликт. Об этом заявил специальный представитель Государственного департамента США по вопросам Украины Курт Волкер.

    "Это не замороженный конфликт, это горячая война. Это кризис, который требует безотлагательного внимания, который необходимо решить как можно скорее", - сказал Волкер на пресс-конференции в Краматорске.

    Он также отметил, что местное население очень страдает от последствий конфликта, есть много погибших и раненых, разрушены здания, подорвана экономика и промышленное производство.

    "Цена, которую заплатили за это, - очень высока. И это нужно решить как можно скорее", - отметил Волкер и добавил, что слишком высокую цену заплатили как жители контролируемых, так и временно неподконтрольных Киеву территорий Донбасса.

    21 июля Госдепартамент США сообщил, что Курт Волкер отправился на восток Украины для встречи с "пострадавшими от российской агрессии" и обсуждения важности обеспечения безопасности для всех украинцев.

    24 июля он будет в Киеве, чтобы встретиться с украинскими чиновниками и обсудить "путь к восстановлению суверенитета и территориальной целостности Украины".

    После Украины спецпредставитель США отправится Париж, чтобы поучаствовать в обсуждении между Францией и Германией минского процесса и нормандского формата.

    Затем, по сообщению Госдепартамента, Волкер посетит Брюссель, где он встретится с официальными лицами ЕС и НАТО по разрешению конфликта в Украине.

    26 июля Волкер прибудет в Вену для встреч с ОБСЕ для обсуждения усилий мониторинговой миссии на востоке Украины. После Австрии в Лондоне он проконсультируется с британскими чиновниками относительно продвижения "украинского вопроса".

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    Новости США за 60 секунд. 23 Июля 2017 года

  5. #4545
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    Полгода Трампа в Белом доме /VoA/

  6. #4546
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    Пол Манафорт тоже под колпаком у Роберта Мюллера /VoA/

  7. #4547
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    у Трампа еще домашние животные были, надо их расследовать

  8. #4548
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    Конгресс США согласовал новые санкции против России: что это значит?

    Республиканцы и демократы в американском конгрессе согласовали законопроект о новых санкциях в отношении России в ответ на возможное российское вмешательство в предвыборную кампанию США. Законопроект, по замыслу законодателей, призван также затруднить для президента США единоличную отмену санкций.

    Все шесть месяцев пребывания Трампа на посту президента сопровождаются обвинениями в том, что Россия, возможно, поспособствовала победе американского президента на выборах.

    Москва отвергает любые подобные обвинения, тогда как в США продолжается расследование возможных "российских связей" людей из окружения Трампа.

    "Послание Путину от имени американского народа"

    Сенатор-демократ Бен Кардин заявил, что соглашение достигнуто после "напряженных переговоров".

    "Практически единый конгресс отправляет президенту Путину четкое послание от имени американского народа и наших союзников. И нам нужен президент Трамп, чтобы помочь доставить это послание", - сказал он.

    Законопроект предусматривает ужесточение уже существующих санкций, введенных американскими властями в отношении нескольких секторов российской экономики после аннексии Крыма и начала вооруженного конфликта в Донбассе, а также санкции за возможное вмешательство России в американскую избирательную кампанию.

    Сенат США одобрил документ еще в июне.

    На просьбу корреспондента Си-эн-эн прокомментировать отношение к законопроекту, пресс-секретарь российского президента Дмитрий Песков, ответил: "Очень негативное".

    В Евросоюзе настороженно отнеслись к новому законопроекту. Еврокомиссия предупредила о возможных "широких и неизбирательных" "непредвиденных последствиях" законопроекта, особенно в отношении усилий ЕС по диверсификации источников энергии из России, передает Рейтер.

    Санкции против России - составная часть нового законопроекта, который предусматривает также санкции против Ирана и Северной Кореи. Голосование в нижней палате представителей намечено на вторник.

    После этого документ отправится на подпись к президенту США Дональду Трампу.

    Президент Трамп все еще может наложить вето на законопроект, но, как указывают наблюдатели, это только усилит подозрения в поддержке Трампом действий Кремля.

    Против России или против Трампа?

    Хотя законопроект ужесточает санкции против России, одни из самых серьезных изменений касаются полномочий самого президента США.

    В случае принятия законопроекта Трамп не сможет в одностороннем порядке, без одобрения конгресса, ослабить или отменить санкции в отношении России или же "существенно менять" принципы внешней политики...

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  9. #4549
    Forum Regular In2HiDef's Avatar
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    Default Re: США / U.S.A.

    Quote Originally Posted by Serge7 View Post
    [B]Конгресс США согласовал новые санкции против России: что это значит?
    Значит, что Москва насрала сама себе, когда тупо быканула лезть в серверы амертканских политических структур. При чем, я допускаю, что кто-то ждал именно этого, чтобы привести в действие еще какие-то антиРФ меры, возможно, сети были расставлены и грабли разложены на нескольких напрвлениях. Но это не отменяет факта того, что медведь с готовностью ломанулся в чужой огород и смачно получил граблями по носу.
    "America is too great for small dreams." ~ Ronald Reagan

  10. #4550
    Forum Regular In2HiDef's Avatar
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    Либеральная свинья. Это в твой дом он подселит семью беженцев-головорезов или больного эболой, потому что ты привилегированый белый.

    By Shawn Cohen, Larry Celona, Priscilla DeGregory, Michael Gartland and Bruce Golding

    July 23, 2017 | 8:19pm | Updated
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    Homeless booted from subways so de Blasio could have ‘clean’ ride
    Bill de Blasio rides the subway. Gregory P. Mango

    Mayor Bill de Blasio ventured into the city’s decrepit subway system Sunday — but didn’t have to face the foul-smelling and often crazy vagrants whom ordinary New Yorkers are forced to contend with every day.

    That’s because police were ordered to roust all the homeless people from two stations ahead of the mayor’s four-stop press event as he rode from his Park Slope gym to his new re-election headquarters in downtown Brooklyn, law enforcement sources told The Post.

    The rank and file had until 11 a.m. to prepare the Fourth Avenue/Ninth Street and Jay Street/MetroTech F train stations for the mayor’s brief, underground publicity stunt, sources said.

    One source characterized the directive — contained in an email from the NYPD’s Transit Bureau — as instructing cops to “make sure nobody’s hanging out” so that the stations “looked nice.”

    Another source said the mayor’s office notified police brass of his schedule ahead of time “with the expectation that the subway stations would be free and clear of homeless people.”

    “It’s too bad he’s only interested when he’s going to get on the subway,” the source said.

    “I wish he had the same attention to detail when he wasn’t on the subway. Too bad he doesn’t care about quality of life for all passengers and not just himself.”

    A newsstand manager inside the Jay Street/MetroTech station was shocked by the noticeable absence of derelicts on the uptown A, C and F platform surrounding his kiosk.

    “I see a lot of homeless people in a week — up to 25. On average five a day. Today, I have seen only one,” Ali Imtiaz said.

    “I was asking my colleague today why we don’t see any homeless.”

    Imtiaz also said he spotted a group of cops — “more than four of them” — stroll past his business around 10 a.m., and lamented that it didn’t happen more often.

    “It’s good for everybody that they clear out the homeless,” he said. “This should be continued. This is a very busy subway.”

    De Blasio’s presumptive Republican challenger, Staten Island Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, blasted the arbitrary crackdown.

    “For someone who claims to care about the most poor New Yorkers, to have someone clear his path when he’s about to board the subway … tells you all you need to know about Mayor de Blasio,” she said.

    “These are fellow New Yorkers who are sleeping in the street, sleeping in the subway. The mayor just doesn’t care.”

    Gene Russianoff, of the Straphangers Campaign, blasted the temporary removal of the homeless.

    “The optics are terrible,” he said. “It looks like they don’t want them to intrude on a movie set.”

    A City Hall spokesman denied that any vagrants were kicked out of the stations, and said that “these sources are refusing to provide their names because what they are saying is not true.”

    De Blasio press secretary Eric Phillips also noted that “the mayor had a few-minute chat with a homeless person” upon emerging from the subway.

    It was not clear if the man, who complained to Hizzoner over conditions in the city’s shelters, had been booted from the train station.

    De Blasio’s F-train ride marked his latest foray underground amid an escalating feud with Gov. Andrew Cuomo over funding for the crumbling mass transit system.

    Following a trip in a motorcade of SUVs from Gracie Mansion for a workout at the Prospect Park YMCA, the mayor used a MetroCard to swipe himself and wife Chirlane McCray through a turnstile at the Fourth Avenue/Ninth Street station.

    Once aboard, Hizzoner — who was joined by a pack of journalists — launched into a diatribe against Cuomo and MTA Chairman Joe Lhota, who last week blamed de Blasio for refusing to spend the city’s $4 billion-plus budget surplus to fix the subways.

    “Here’s the truth: They’re not even spending their capital budget,” the mayor said. “There’s a huge amount of money sitting there, including the money the city gave. We gave them $2.5 billion a couple of years ago. Almost 90 percent of that money is just sitting there.”

    De Blasio vowed not to allocate any more funds, saying the state “has used the MTA as a piggy bank” by taking “almost half a billion dollars in money out of the MTA to use for the state budget.

    “The governor and Chairman Lhota simply need to get in front of everyone [and] say, ‘We’re fully responsible, we have to fix the problem.’ They have the resources.”

    Lhota called the mayor’s remarks “completely disingenuous” given the planned release of the chairman’s “30-day overhaul plan” for the subways later this week.

    “What we need is leadership, not photo ops,” Lhota said.

    Cuomo’s office didn’t return a request for comment.
    "America is too great for small dreams." ~ Ronald Reagan

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