В Сан-Франциско прошла демонстрация очень необычного катера под названием Proteus, созданного инженером и изобретателем Уго Конти. Внешне Proteus несколько напоминает водомерку. Кабина для команды и пассажиров установлена на четырех гигантских металлических "лапах", которые, в свою очередь, закреплены на двух понтонах, обеспечивающих надежную плавучесть. Длина Proteus составляет порядка 30 м, ширина - 15 метров.(Для любителей - игра - найди пять различий между русским и английским текстом . Линки - прилагаются. Ну как, устройство - впечатляет?) The Proteus is an experimental watercraft testbed for the wave adaptive modular vessels technology developed by Ugo Conti's Marine Advanced Research and is the first of her class. Because of its use of four legs connecting the superstructure to the outriggers, the ship has earned the nickname of "The Spider Ship" or "Spider Boat".The unusual design attracted public attention during mysterious early trials, without even a registration number.


Gerris lacustris


The common pond skater is the most widespread British bug. It is brownish-black in colour, with a narrow body. The forelegs are short and used for grasping and holding prey. The middle and hind legs are long and slender; the hind pair are used as 'rudders', while the middle pair of legs are used to propel the bug along the surface of the water with either a rowing or a jumping motion. All true bugs have sucking mouthparts, known as a rostrum or 'beak'; this pond skater has a short, powerful rostrum. Both winged and wingless forms occur; in winged pond skaters the wings are held folded flat against the body.