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Thread: This is the Beginning of the End

  1. #1
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default This is the Beginning of the End

    So, let's summarize...

    Since the bankruptcy of the Leman Brothers investment bank, the economy has entered a period of recession that has pushed large sections of society into semi-poverty. Or in real poverty. All manufacturing has moved from western factories to those in the Far East, where an (enslaved) worker can cost (even) 15 times less than here. To counter this competition, the West has responded by pushing hard on innovation and (especially) automation.

    Anyone with white hair will explain to you that, to make the same sweater, to make the same tile, to make any product, the same type of factory, right now, they use a worker who controls, let's say, 15 looms completelyautomated : before, however, each loom had its own worker. The other 14 workers, inevitably, disappeared. And they won't come back. This explains the (not negligible) economic growth, which is never accompanied by an equally large decrease in unemployment. A mechanism that I do not hesitate to call 'infernal and diabolical'. The appeals that scientists, at least those not bankrolled and surreptitiously corrupted by the hydrocarbon industries, have been trying to warn us about the risks of climate change

    since I was a childcaused by the risk into the atmosphere millions of tons of CO2. And, like a child who accidentally gets locked in a car, under the sun, and with the windows closed, now the disaster has been made: we have closed, bolted, sealed the windows: even if we stop heating our homes, if we stopped driving around in cars, even if we all stopped breathing, there would be nothing left to do: as happens in that poor child's car, the temperature of the passenger compartment (that is, of our atmosphere) will inexorably rise, year on year. Actually, month after month. Making us go the way of turkey in the oven.

    The Mediterranean Sea has (I'm going by memory) one and a half degrees higher than normal. The same thing happened in the oceans. This means that that huge mass of water has accumulated an incredible amount of energy : like when you put a pot of cold water on your stove, for a rather long time the flame doesn't heat up your kitchen: it doesn't do it until the the water in the pan becomes hot but, when it has finished storing energy, your kitchen immediately heats up through the flame of the stove: here, we have passed this step: and we are realizing it from the temperatures of our cities which, literally , season after season, month after month, they went crazy and inexorably beat the record set a few days earlier.

    I read somewhere that this enormous energy released by the oceans ended up modifying the functioning of the air currents in the Stratosphere , ie at those heights where the winds blow (I'm going by heart...) at 300 or 400 kilometers per hour. It is this change that caused the descent of a polar cyclone which placed its coldest point over the state of Wyoming (USA) causing temperatures of -57 degrees Celsius, and hundreds of frozen deaths. The same thing is happening in the valleys of Afghanistan right now. In other words, the North Pole is no longer in its place, and its air masses swing, like a huge crazed pendulum, each time going to hit a (once) temperate zone. And this also has very serious long-term consequences: all potatoes were grown in those areas, because no one expected such a joke: translated, if this pendulum swings many times, throughout the winter, it will end up burning ( with its frosts) almost all of our crops. Crops, already very reduced, due to drought. Even this drought, an event never seen in memory (of all) the men who inhabited those places.

    Diseases have appeared, various forms ofAvian flu , swine fever , but above all I mean Covid , which has managed to attack us all inside the house, forcing the so-called Advanced Societies to behave, no more, no less, roughly with the same countermeasures as in Florence in 1348 (at the time of the Black Death). Far from being defeated, Covid is still blocking the giant China, which giant, given its enormous population, will almost certainly incubate new variants that will make the vaccines used so far ineffective. If you search the internet, you will find that new varieties of mosquitoes have appeared in Indonesia and Cambodia that are absolutely immune and unaffected by pesticides...

    (source: )

    ... and there are (once only) tropical diseases, such as Dengue, and several others, of which no pharmaceutical company has produced vaccines, because they only affected poor countries, i.e. people who would never have paid the costs of research and production of drugs. The larvae of these mosquitoes last for months and months, and surely a couple of them will arrive (in container ships) in our ports. Ports that, now, have temperatures, if not really tropical, at least sufficient to carry those pathogens. Also, little animals called " Brain Eating Amoebas" are escaping out", or little creatures that live in certain waters, waters that, if you drink them, or if you swim through them...

    (source: )

    ... they make you end up like the rotten apple, the inside of which is devoured by the worm. If Covid, so far, has somehow strangled you, this other disease is objectively a thousand times more atrocious. The purgatory of Covid was not over yet

    , that we have awakened in the nightmare of thermonuclear conflict, with Russia on one side, and the West on the other. Moreover, the problem is not confined there, if we look better, Russia has in fact allied itself with China (they have carried out military exercises together several times, they send off a squadron of atomic bombers to circumnavigate Japan, while the President of the USA is on a state visit, and much, much more...) and to China and Russia, to the point of de facto North Korea, religious Iran which is now capable of manufacturing advanced armaments, so as to supply them to the Russians, Maduro's Venezuela and others.


  2. #2
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    China, backed up in some places by Russia, is making its way through the supply chain of raw materials which, until now, has always been dominated by the West: I mean the conflicts in theNorth Africa , to secure the uranium, zinc, cobalt mines, the same thing is happening with the assistance of China and Russia to Maduro's Venezuela, to Cuba itself, i.e. putting a finger in the eye in the so-called ' Garden of House ' of the United States, the entire American continent, of North, Central and South where, it is not known on the basis of what divine right, the USA has always demanded that nobody put their bill on it. The conflicts of these days can also be understood in the light of these moves.

    China has decided, it is now clear from how it behaves, that it is time to close the game left open at the end of the Long March, when Chiang Kai-shek's pro-capitalist troops, now defeated, all took refuge on the island ofTaiwanand, thanks to the intervention of the US Navy, not all were killed. The thing has basically been frozen ever since. One can think of it as one likes, but imagine if, in the mid-1800s, General Lee's defeated Southern troops had all retreated to, say, all of Florida and the People's Army of China had stepped in, catapulting millions of Chinese soldiers into Miami , getting in the way, preventing Lincoln's troops from settling the matter with his opponents. The hatred of the Chinese can only be understood by putting oneself in their shoes, for example, by making the (apparently) absurd example I gave above. A hundred Chinese fighter-bombers pointing, every other week, straight, towards Taiwan, and then turning at the last minute, before entering the territorial waters of Taiwan, it is a behavior that, in the long run, indeed, in the short term, will cause trouble. Woe wanted and studied at the table.

    Lots of volcanoes in the belt of fire, I mean that imaginary circle that starts from New Zealand and, through the islands of Oceania, the Philippines, Japan, Russian Kamtchtka, Alaska, California, Mexico and Central America, and then all along the coast of America of the South, all together they make the edges of the largest (and potentially destructive) tectonic plate on Earth. Well, there is an unusual awakening of many volcanoes: the explosion of the Tonga volcano, a few months ago, if it hadn't occurred in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, but on land, would have released so much dust and debris into the atmosphere , to cause a lowering of temperatures, and famines, much worse than those that occurred (for a similar event) in Europe and North America in the mid-nineteenth century ...

    (source: )

    ... there are three active volcanoes in Kamtchatka (one of which is gigantic), a couple in the Philippines, we have already talked about the submarine volcano of Tonga, and there, moreover , a small island has just emerged from the ocean out of nowhere (an island with the habit of smoking...) ...

    (source: )

    . .. I know that the subsoil (and I think also the volcanoes) of Alaska are in turmoil, a couple of volcanoes in Central America have rekindled, and three others (I'm going by memory) have restarted along the Cordillera of Andes). In the area of ​​Peru and Chile there are continuous earthquakes. Much more frequent than usual.

    The Magnetosphereof the Earth, or rather the enormous magnetic field caused by the movement (convective motion) of the lava in the bowels of our Planet is changing. And this change has (potentially) lethal consequences: the North Magnetic Pole , that point to which all our compasses point, is moving: it has never been stationary, it has always moved a few kilometers...

    (source: https: // )

    ... but now it's moving (I'm going by heart...) by 60/ 70 kilometresevery year. Perhaps you know that there are animals that manage to lay their eggs, even after many years, on the same beach, or in the same stream, where they were born, after having lived their entire lives miles of kilometers away . Mind you: the same beach , not the same archipelago. Scientists have finally understood the mechanism behind it: in the eyes of these animals there are substances that are sensitive to magnetism, and it acts as a compass: in other words, the Almighty has placed a very sensitive and very effective GPS system also in the 'last of our turtles, and in the last of our salmon. It is so. Point. Now, as the North Magnetic Pole moves, more and more species end up getting their migratory path wrong…

    (source: )

    ... for example, on two occasions, 450 Pilot whales they have stranded, and died, in Tasmania, and in the area near Australia. I've read about the same phenomenon for other animal species as well. And this phenomenon does not have implications only for these poor beasts but, in perspective, a very ugly prospect, it can erase any form of life on earth, because the functioning (and effectiveness) of the Bands also depends on the position of the North Magnetic Pole. Van Hallen, and the so-called Magnetosphere ...

    (source: )

    ... or that sort of 'magnetic shield , produced by the movement of the incandescent material inside the Earth, which protects us from the particles emitted by the Solar Wind: if this shield weren't there, there probably wouldn't be the Earth's atmosphere, at least not as we know it, and all streams would dry up . It so happens that, as you can see from the images, this magnetosphere is stronger at the equator, and less thick (and resistant) at the Poles: it is for this reason that, near the North Pole and near the South Pole, sometimes , these particles manage to 'graze' us, causing the famous ...

    (source: )

    ... aurora borealis. Which are beautiful, but if this saving North Magnetic Pole ended up placing itself, let's say, on the Equator, we would be hit by the Solar Wind with a shield that is no longer made of steel, but made of paper .

    Well, maybe I forgot something. But I think that's enough for now. I know these speeches are very unpleasant, and very scary. But I, in my heart, feel the duty to make them for you. And whoever wants to reproach me for my behavior, as if I were a sort of possessed monk from the year 1000, raving about the End of the World, I remind him of the devil's words in the book " The Master and Margarita", when the devil himself, with his helpers, wandered around in a park in Moscow, and two professors of the Institute of Atheism argued with each other on the NON-existence of God. The devil himself, at a certain point, objected with them that…

    "These are facts. And in this World there is nothing more stubborn than a fact"

    That's it.

  3. #3
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    A new novice friar had just arrived in a monastery of friars. The friars go to Friar Guardino, who was in charge of the monastery, and tell him:

    "Father, a new friar has arrived"
    "Long stock, and continue..."

    What is the moral I want to draw from this story? They will come by the millions, driven by droughts and famines, which have been caused or caused by us, white men, for our absurd lust for wealth and power. And we will have to welcome them all. From first to last. Because not doing it, and not doing it these days, would be the biggest stupid thing in the whole universe.

    Sahel, millions of people go hungry

    “…The number of people facing a critical lack of food and life-sustaining opportunities in the central Sahel has increased in one year due to growing insecurity and climate shocks. According to FAO, UNICEF and the situation could get even worse unless the international community does not intervene now.The 3 United Nations agencies have recalled that, according to the latest food security analyzes by Cadre Harmonisé, despite overall satisfactory agricultural production, 3.3 million people in the central Sahel they need immediate assistance..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)

    And don't tell me, reader of this forum, that you can't do anything. You have enormous power, of life or death. Through your bank account. And, moreover, you almost certainly have a reserve of savings in that account, with which you are toying with the idea of ​​buying a motorbike. Like this one below, which costs around 25,000 euros.

    A friend's advice. Take all that money right away, that having it, or not having it, won't touch a tooth, and it won't make you richer or poorer, and pay it immediately, through about 25 cash payments, in 25 branches of the Italian, United States , French, Russian, Arab, German, to humanitarian associations active in the countries of the Sahel that you trust. Choose by yourself the subject that gives you the most confidence. Do this by wearing a face mask, a hat, and a pair of sunglasses. By always paying figures just under 999.99 euros, this way the anti-money laundering signal is not triggered, i.e. the post office employee is not forced to ask you for your documents to accept your payment. That is, your offer will remain completely anonymous. And why, you who have been following me for a while,

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Beware of practicing your good works in front of men to be admired by them, otherwise you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. [2] When therefore you give alms, do not blow the trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to be praised by men. Truly I tell you: they have already received their reward. [3] But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, [4] so that your almsgiving remains secret; and your Father, who sees in secret , will reward you.


    The original post was here: -fin#608399 47423
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  4. #4
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    I don't have time to make the usual commentary on the review of daily bad luck. The considerations of the case, do them yourself. The only thing I ask you is to read carefully the latest news, and reflect on these words of the Son of the Carpenter: "But when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?". And I remind you that I'm doing all this work because I need another 2,000 hands to help me. And that they do it within a few hours. Finally, a message for the Russian expat forum: I ask you to create another thread, the fourth, in which I can make a backup copy of my posts in English. Because, as you may have all noticed, I find it almost more difficult to write my things inside computers connected to the electricity grid in the United States, or the UK, compared to the problems I have doing the same thing with computers sitting in a server room in China, or Saudi Arabia. Which is something both comic and tragic at the same time.


    Russian missiles hit Swedish factory, three dead. Moscow: «A military objective». What can happen now


    The US summit with Seoul and Tokyo: NATO Pacific now agitates Beijing


    Challenge in the skies, British fighter jets intercept Russian jets in Northern Scotland


    Trump indicted: "They are monsters" . But the new accusations risk big


    The first grain ship on the humanitarian corridor. But Moscow bombs ports and warehouses


    South China Sea, after Taiwan here is the new China-USA front


    The eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii, images of the awakening of one of the most active volcanoes in the world


    Etna, gives attention to early warning for eruption risk: what it means


    Spain, fires are out of control in Tenerife


    Weather, Giuliacci's prophecy: nightmare over Italy, where the storms return


    Bad weather, the storm over Turin in the night: trees downed and flooding


  5. #5

  6. #6
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    The original post was here:
    https: // #608560 47449
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    https:/ / rich-do-more/?postID=148068#post148068
    Pax et bonum from Holubice... | - Forum for US and Intl Politics 16514.15
    https:// -1935753

  7. #7
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Even today, no comment. Comments, make them yourself, in your little head. And you, @Attila621, have you bothered to translate these posts into Indonesian language, and copy and paste them, into some political web forum in Jakarta? What are you still waiting for?

    Canada, the sky turns blood red: the impressive images -images/vi-AA1fpbZ7?cvid=06694979d6a94c1ca8a488d2e6605169&ei= 32


    From the United States the green light to the supply of F-16s to Ukraine 16-all-ukraine/ar-AA1fqmvW?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 73


    West African military leaders met on Thursday in Ghana to coordinate a possible armed intervention after the coup in Niger AA1fp4Qt?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 73


    Accusations against Trump stir America. A judge threatened


    Spain, Tenerife fire still out of control 96

    ============ ===========================

    Argentina, record rainfall in Buenos Aires: floods and canceled flights en-it/news/world/argentina-record-of-rains-in-buenos-aires-alluvioni-e-voli-cancelati/ar-AA1fq24X?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 106

    ============ ===========================

    Bad weather in Germany, Frankfurt airport floods en/news/world/bad-weather-in-germany-in-frankfurt-airport-floods/vi-AA1fprml?cvid=746730bdf1544e4c94095b97e55bf4fe&ei= 20

    =================== =====================

    Moscow and nuclear weapons to Kim Jong-un.

    Alarm for the new military pact between Russia and North Korea for-the-new-military-pact-between-russia-and-north-korea/ar-AA1foNif?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 113

    ===================== ===================

    Ukraine-Russia, Ankara warns Moscow: no escalation in the Black Sea ukraine-russia-ankara-warns-moscow-no-escalation-in-the-black-sea/ar-AA1fpZej?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 118

    ====================== =================

    Trump really risks ending up in prison: the Atlanta sheriff already has his cell ready cell-ready/ar-AA1fnKhP?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 126

    ====================================== =

    "Banning Afd": the shocking proposal that splits

    Germany -la-germany/ar-AA1foHTU?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 140

    ====================================== ==

    China, the real estate giant Evergrande declares bankruptcy: the markets are

    shaking i-markets/ar-AA1fq1IR?cvid=a8c35354ff824161965ffe5491113dfb&ei= 140


    Ethiopia declares a 'state of emergency' for Amhara violence

    ==== ==================================

    World's largest permafrost crater in far eastern Russia melts as the planet warms /ar-AA1eb6lq?cvid=a4f915d23eb845ee962fc98ac0151589&ei= 67

    Original post was here:

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    Last edited by holubice; 08-18-2023 at 12:23 AM.

  8. #8
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End


    Оригинал сообщение было здесь:

  9. #9
    Forum Hero holubice's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is the Beginning of the End

    Written by Elsass:
    In this prayer God is seen as a punisher, consequently people also act as punishers and have always waged wars.
    The badly translated piece is "because by sinning I deserved your punishment"
    God does not punish otherwise it would be like evil, only evil punishes, the devil.


    Written by Giò:
    If Tom steals something from Dick, do you think Tom should be punished for having committed a theft against Dick in a proportionate way?
    If your answer is yes, then you should easily understand that chastising someone - that is, punishing them - is not necessarily a moral evil, but it can be good.
    I say "may be" and not "is" a good thing because there can be unjust punishments: for example, a punishment is unjust when someone is punished for an act he did not commit or when someone is punished for an act he committed, but disproportionately.
    This is what, unfortunately, happens in human affairs. This does not mean that no person of common sense would ever dare to deny that, despite errors or injustices, it is still necessary for every state to have a police force responsible for protecting public order, a judicial system which, faced with an accusation or a criminally relevant fact, check whether a person is guilty or not and a prison system. In the case of God, we know not only that he is good and just, but that he is quintessential goodness and justice themselves. It is infinite goodness and infinite justice. Therefore, no unjust punishment or punishment that is not, in some way, for a good purpose can come from God. This is all the more true if we take into account that mercy is infinite: if He who is infinite mercy inflicts a momentary punishment, it is precisely because it is deserved or because it is truly for a good purpose. If the One who is infinite mercy inflicts a permanent punishment, it is precisely because whoever received it refused to the last moment to receive his own mercy, repenting bitterly and sincerely of his own faults.

    What you write, dear @Giò, is very true. But, at a certain point, the Son of the Carpenter comes out with these words (1).

    1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

    Скрытый текст

    You have heard that it was said: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; [39] but I tell you, do not oppose the wicked one; indeed, if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also to him; [40] and whoever wants to sue you to take your tunic, you must also leave your cloak. [41] And if anyone forces you to go a mile, go with him two. [42] he Gives to anyone who asks you and to anyone who wants a loan from you don't turn away. [43] You have heard that it was said: You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy; [44] but I tell you, love your enemies and pray for your persecutors, [45] that you may be children of your heavenly Father, who makes his sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and upon the unjust. [46] For if you love those who love you, what merit do you have? Don't the tax collectors do the same? [47] And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing extraordinary? Don't the pagans do the same? [48] ​​Therefore be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.


    But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. [29] To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; from anyone who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic. [30] Give to everyone who asks you; and whoever takes yours, do not ask for it. [31] What you want men to do to you, you also do to them. [32] If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. [33] And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. [34] And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners to get back the same. [35] But love your enemies, do good and lend without expecting anything, and your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. [36] Be merciful, as your Father is merciful. [37] Do not judge and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven; [38] give and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken and running over, will be poured into your lap, for with the measure you measure, it will be measured back to you.”


    How is it possible to accept a world where things really go like this? Is it ever possible to let all the wicked do their own thing, and with complete impunity? The fact is that, often, the so-called evil ones, in turn, have suffered so many wrongs, often at a very young age, and often they have become so ferocious, precisely for a form of revenge. And we cannot know if, all that they have suffered previously, could constitute a form of extenuating circumstances, so numerous, and so great, as to even go so far as to annul the crime committed.

    By way of example, go and re-read how in that famous book, the good Jean Valjean, he had arrived there, inside the cardinal's house, when he was about to steal his candelabrum. How the cardinal behaved. And how did the stubborn blind policeman who was chasing him behave. We are very limited beings. Establishing what is really right, and what is really wrong, is something that is beyond our reach. We must not judge, in order not to be judged. But also because, in order to judge, there is already someone who is waiting to do it. And his judgment is just. He's the only one who really is. Because he has always known everything about everyone. Worse than a Truman Show, applied to each of the more than 8 billion human beings we are, plus all those who have gone before us, that is, that they have already become fertilizer for the pear tree. And then, if there really is a Judge, and he is a judge capable of knowing both what we have done, and even what we have thought, it is not true that a villain would go unpunished. His punishment is only postponed until the day of the trial. That process, without delays, without stamps, prosecutors and lawyers, which will last only one day.

    Ah, I also like the phrase of the prophet Jeremiah that you put on your signature. If you want someone to read everything he said, put the link to the full text in your signature. This below.

    "Cursed is the man who trusts in man" (Jeremiah 17, 5)

    Or, you have to stick this on your user panel:

    [code] "Cursed is the man who trusts in man" (Jeremiah 17, 5) [/code ]

    It is very important to remember that admonition. Because man, even the best of men, is just a bad copy of what God is. And it is only to God that we must look, to understand what is right to do. And to understand how he thinks, and what he wants from us, he has left us a whole series of 'megaphones', over several centuries, which have tuned in to his exact wavelength from time to time. Like the good Jeremiah, the good Isaiah, and the most prepared and knowledgeable of all, or the Son of the Carpenter. Who was instructed, vis a vis, face to face, directly by the one who made, from the first to the last molecule, the stars that you can see tonight. And at this point what do we do tonight? Well, other than watching the show, we're in a dimly lit place,

    "You already know exactly what is right to do. It does everything that you had already decided to do since the dawn of time. But it does it even faster"

    And therefore, if it were up to me, these days, as well as opening wide the borders upon the arrival of migrants, I would open from the first to the last cell of our homeland prisons.

    The original post was here:

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