View Full Version : oslo killer. villain or victim

07-25-2011, 09:51 AM
oslo killer. villain or victim



07-25-2011, 10:18 AM
так...один "маньяк" user анализирует...ситуацию... написал...

What do we have so far?

Two blurry, grainy pictures, which are supposed to show the shooter walking among corpses. No corpses are clearly discernable.
The man was supposed to have multiple weapons: Some semi auto rifles, a pistol, a shotgun. Lots of ammo. Nothing of that is discernible in the photos.
He is supposed to be wearing a regulation police uniform, but Norwegian police uniforms don't look like what he's wearing. He looks like he's wearing a motorcycle suit (see pic below), or wetsuit.
The police couldn't get there for an hour and half because their boat leaked. They didn't have another boat, apparently. They couldn't borrow one of the 700,000 boats in Norway. They couldn't take the ferry, which crosses in three minutes.
The police took pictures of the guy from a helicopter, but couldn't shoot him from the helicopter, or land the helicopter and grab him.
Conflicting stories about whether he charged in and began shooting, or gained their trust, and began shooting.
He is supposed to be a white racist, but shot whites.
Of the 600 teenagers on the island, none of them had the balls to run up behind the man and tackle him, or hit him with a rock or club, during an hour and half, or more, of time.

07-25-2011, 02:33 PM
так...один "маньяк" user анализирует...ситуацию... написал...

What do we have so far?

Two blurry, grainy pictures, which are supposed to show the shooter walking among corpses. No corpses are clearly discernable.
The man was supposed to have multiple weapons: Some semi auto rifles, a pistol, a shotgun. Lots of ammo. Nothing of that is discernible in the photos.
He is supposed to be wearing a regulation police uniform, but Norwegian police uniforms don't look like what he's wearing. He looks like he's wearing a motorcycle suit (see pic below), or wetsuit.
The police couldn't get there for an hour and half because their boat leaked. They didn't have another boat, apparently. They couldn't borrow one of the 700,000 boats in Norway. They couldn't take the ferry, which crosses in three minutes.
The police took pictures of the guy from a helicopter, but couldn't shoot him from the helicopter, or land the helicopter and grab him.
Conflicting stories about whether he charged in and began shooting, or gained their trust, and began shooting.
He is supposed to be a white racist, but shot whites.
Of the 600 teenagers on the island, none of them had the balls to run up behind the man and tackle him, or hit him with a rock or club, during an hour and half, or more, of time.

Согласно последним новостям, самый большой срок, который ему грозит - это 21 год. :wink1:

07-25-2011, 02:44 PM
Inside the World's Most Humane Prison

Sentenced to Serving the Good Life in Norway

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2000920,00.html#ixzz1T6hRM4cI


для сравнения в артикле тюрьмы мексики и багдада пикчи


07-25-2011, 02:46 PM

Prison Yard
Halden's architects preserved trees across the 75-acre site to obscure the 20-ft.-high security wall that surrounds the perimeter, in order to minimize the institutional feel and, in the words of one architect, to "let the inmates see all of the seasons." Benches and stone chessboards dot this jogging trail.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1989083,00.html#ixzz1T9Fe1ngE

07-25-2011, 02:48 PM

The Outside In
The maximum sentence in Norway, even for murder, is 21 years. Since most inmates will eventually return to society, prisons mimic the outside world as much as possible to prepare them for freedom. At Halden, rooms include en-suite bathrooms with ceramic tiles, mini-fridges and flat-screen TVs. Officials say sleeker televisions afford inmates less space to hide drugs and other contraband.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1989083,00.html#ixzz1T9Fyj2wh

07-26-2011, 10:23 AM
i couldn't agree more

How do we know that Breivik was responsible for the killings and not simply used as a face for the incident? Is Obama the Commander in Chief or simply a face, a tool, letting the people have someone to blame, love, hate, look at. Because when we visually have an idenitfied target, every emotion felt is easier to express as opposed to having a target with no face.

Its always a shadowy subject when discussing..... It seems they always lurk in the dark shadows and are never visible. When incidents like this occur, or when ridiculous things take place within Western countries often times there is a quick reaction of the ...... are behind it. Perhaps it is the ....., but we have not been given a face to mark them with, and that is scary.

In an age of mass media, where we get most of our information from sources we dont fully know, such as a television screen or computer monitor, both of which electronic devices used for quick transmission of information, how can we be certain of anything?

To think that if there were no mass media outlet we would not hear about Japanese Tsunamis, Oslo Killings, and even to an extent Massive immigration occurring across the world. It is my opinion that this fact of global media has only proven to desensitize people and may be a large factor in why certain people act in such ways.

Evil things are out there in this world, but must we cling to our seats and watch from a third person perspective as events unfold before our eyes through digital pixels?

It seems to all lead to a human mental state that has us plugged into something of little to no importance to our own current life, distracted from domestic problems, and focusing on global instances as if now a global problem is now a domestic problem...Folks welcome to one world, one country, one law [Archaic Smile wrote]

07-26-2011, 10:28 AM
Именно оттого, что в Норвегии такая "добрая" система наказания, процент рицедивов (повторных преступлений) у них всего 21%, в отличие от штатов, где 45%. Статистика - штука серьезная.

07-26-2011, 11:01 AM
она просто маленькая и люди там тиши..Вообще жуткое зрелище, когда показывали остров и трупы валяются...жуть

07-26-2011, 01:46 PM
а лоера прессконф смотрели? от уж напуууганый! кроме "я не знаю" и "мы за демакраси" полчаса ничё не сказал
