Lev Kobrin
11-01-2004, 01:34 PM
Politicians will have to decide how open America will be to new immigrants and how it will treat immigrants who are already here. Your vote can decide where the country will go over the next few years – and where it will refuse to go. Consider the alternatives. Decide what you think is best. And let your vote influence what they decide.

Now, let’s compare and make your choice.

George W. Bush
• Following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, created new cabinet-level position to coordinate anti-terrorism efforts.
• His Attorney General, John Ashcroft, has ruled illegal immigrants who have no known links to terrorist groups can be detained indefinitely to address national security concerns.
• Deportation of illegal immigrants, especially Muslim and Arab men, has surged.
• Has proposed giving some illegal immigrant workers temporary legal status.
• Established a C.I.A.-led effort to analyze terror threats and reconfigured the F.B.I. to focus on preventing attacks.
• Signed the Patriot Act, which gave law enforcement agents expanded powers to identify, track and apprehend suspects.
• Hopes to deploy a shield against ballistic missiles this year.
• Has increased defense spending $100 billion since he first took office, to $400 billion.
• Began redeployment of troops from South Korea and Europe to U.S. and other sites in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
• Pledges not to reinstate the draft.
• Proposes a national director of intelligence, outside the White House, and confirmed by the Senate with “significant input” over budget and personnel.

John Kerry
• Would increase the number of active duty troops by 40,000. Campaign says this would be paid for by cutting the spending Mr. Bush favors for a missile defense system.
• Would place National Guard under homeland security.
• Opposes a draft and says that reserve call-ups and orders that involuntarily extend tours of duty amount to a "back door draft."
• Voted for the Patriot Act antiterrorism act that gave the federal government broad new law enforcement powers, but now is in favor of letting it expire and favors more rights for detainees.
• Supports 9/11 commission proposal for an intelligence director within the White House, confirmed by the Senate, and with complete control over budget and personnel.
• Opposes national missile defense.

Lev Kobrin
11-01-2004, 08:14 PM
Давайте еще раз посмотрим с точки зрения иммиграции:

Election Countdown: Party Platforms On Immigration

With election day in 4 days, we are again highlighting the immigration-related portions of both party platforms. Below are excerpts from the Democratic and Republican party platforms respectively comprised by www.ilw.com.

Democratic Platform: A Strong American Community

We will extend the promise of citizenship to those still struggling for freedom. Today's immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform. The solution is not to establish a massive new status of second-class workers; that betrays our values and hurts all working people. Undocumented immigrants within our borders who clear a background check, work hard and pay taxes should have a path to earn full participation in America . We will hasten family reunification for parents and children, husbands and wives, and offer more English-language and civic education classes so immigrants can assume all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. As we undertake these steps, we will work with our neighbors to strengthen our security so we are safer from those who would come here to harm us. We are a nation of immigrants, and from Arab-Americans in California to Latinos in Florida , we share the dream of a better life in the country we love.

Republican Platform: Supporting Humane and Legal Immigration

The Republican Party supports reforming the immigration system to ensure that it is legal, safe, orderly and humane. It also supports measures to ensure that the immigration system is structured to address the needs of national security. America is a stronger and better nation because of the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of immigrants, and the Republican Party honors them. A growing economy requires a growing number of workers, and President Bush has proposed a new temporary worker program that applies when no Americans can be found to fill the jobs. This new program would allow workers who currently hold jobs to come out of the shadows and to participate legally in America 's economy. It would allow men and women who enter the program to apply for citizenship in the same manner as those who apply from outside the United States . There must be strong workplace enforcement with tough penalties against employees and employers who violate immigration laws. We oppose amnesty because it would have the effect of encouraging illegal immigration and would give an unfair advantage to those who have broken our laws. To better ensure that immigrants enter the United States only through legal means that allow for verification of their identity, reconnaissance cameras, border patrol agents, and unmanned aerial flights have all been increased at the border. In addition, Border Patrol agents now have sweeping new powers to deport illegal aliens without having first to go through the cumbersome process of allowing the illegal alien to have a hearing before an immigration judge. We support these efforts to enforce the law while welcoming immigrants who enter America through legal avenues.

11-07-2004, 09:53 PM
ny, vot proshli vibori, pereizbrali Busha, a kogda on sobiraetsia svoiy programmy obeshammyiy provodit`??
Y nego nigde nichego pro sroki ee provedenia ne zkazano?
Y Kerri bilo skazao, chto mol v pervie 100 dnei posle biborov, esli stanet prezidentom bydet to-to i to-to, a chto Bush konkretno za sroki obeshaet?
Spasibo zaranee

Lev Kobrin
11-08-2004, 01:06 AM
Пока меняют чиновников, например, главного прокурора.

11-08-2004, 01:48 AM
to:Lev Kobrin
так что ж лучше делать тем кто хочет в сша
-ехать как угодно и остоваться?
-ждать изменений?
-надеятся на очередную амнистию ?

11-08-2004, 06:17 AM
А что делат тем, кому не выпускают болше дриверьс лиценсе и ИД? Скажите, деиствително, ктонибуд хот "чувствует" что ети изменения наступат и когда?

11-08-2004, 03:40 PM
А теперь Мистеру Бушу на все иммиграционные реформы глубоко наплевать: на третий срок всё равно не изберут.

Большинство американцев настроено строго против нелегалов. Для фирм, которые пользуются трудом нелегалов, тоже нет никакой выгоды: лучше платить центы нелегалу, чем большие деньги человеку с правами.

Даже сами мексиканцы не в восторге от нелегалов, потому что они источник преступности. Говорят: "Я по разговору понимаю, что этот только приехал, лучше от него держаться подальше!"

Так кому, спрашивается, нужны эти реформы?

11-08-2004, 10:02 PM
А легалам после выбора, кто подал на петицию для ввосоединение семьи или ждет других решений по поводу рабочей ввизе и т.д. от Иммиграции, вот прочитайте здесь:


Lev Kobrin
11-09-2004, 08:08 AM
to:Lev Kobrin
так что ж лучше делать тем кто хочет в сша
-ехать как угодно и остоваться?
-ждать изменений?
-надеятся на очередную амнистию ?
А для Вас-то при чем амнистии и изменения. Ваше дело - приехать и легализоваться, а с этим вопросом ничего не поменялось, и все работает нормально.

Lev Kobrin
11-09-2004, 08:11 AM
А что делат тем, кому не выпускают болше дриверьс лиценсе и ИД? Скажите, деиствително, ктонибуд хот "чувствует" что ети изменения наступат и когда?
Они уже пытались выдавать права нелегалам, возможно опять вернутся к этой идее потому что она, в принципе, выгодна государству.

Lev Kobrin
11-09-2004, 08:15 AM
А легалам после выбора, кто подал на петицию для ввосоединение семьи или ждет других решений по поводу рабочей ввизе и т.д. от Иммиграции, вот прочитайте здесь:


Ну и при чем здесь выборы? Такая ситуация у них постоянно, сколько я знаю. Я просто всегда это называл "бардаком", но он везде, там, где бюрократия.