View Full Version : Штат Нью Джерси отобрал у родителей троих детей с оригинальными именами.

01-19-2009, 08:32 AM
1я серия: Кондитер в NJ отказался подписывать именем ребенка тортик, который родители заказали на день рождения маленькому Адольфику. Видимо, власти разузнали о конфликте и последовало продолжение.

Exactly why the state of New Jersey removed 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell and his two younger sisters from their parents' home last week remains a mystery.
A state official was adamant Friday that a child would never be removed from his parents based solely on his name. But a First Amendment expert said that the boy's name might have had something to do with it.
Young Adolf Hitler was removed one week ago — along with his sisters JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, 23 months, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, 9 months — by the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services. A family court hearing for the children's parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, was postponed Thursday.
Although privacy laws prevent authorities from discussing specifics of the case, DYFS spokeswoman Kate Bernyk reiterated Friday that the agency "would never remove a child simply based on that child's name."
But a name like Adolf Hitler could have contributed to their removal, said Rod Smolla, dean of the Washington and Lee Law School.
"I doubt that the name alone would be enough to trump the First Amendment interests that the parents have, but if it were coupled with other things, it could be a factor that tells us that society has a legitimate reason to intervene with regard to the children," Smolla said.

Вся статья здесь: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,480248,00.html

01-19-2009, 08:50 AM
Я не понимаю какими нужно быть моральными уродами чтобы живя в Америке мире назвать ребёнка Адольфом Гитлером..
Они бы ещё в Россию жить переехали. там бы им дали на орехи за такой плевок в лицо нации.. и безо всякой критики заметьте.