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11-20-2008, 02:13 PM
"Hi Boris, how you today? Your letter very much has pleased me. Boris, I want to ask you to send me some photos, and as would like to hear your vote, but unfortunately, I have no a home telephone number and I can not call you. how you find my photos, they liked you? Boris, I hope, that mine English is clear to you. I use Internet Cafe and consequently what to not borrow a lot of time, I use by the program - interpreter. I not bad own colloquial English. Boris, tell to me please about itself in more detail. About the enthusiasmes, business. I live in small city in a province, life in our city boring and grey, therefore in my biography there are no bright events, about which it would be interesting to you to hear. I want to tell to you slightly about the family, I live with the mum in a small apartment. I have no the brothers and sisters. The father I almost do not remember, my parents have parted, when I was some more absolutely small, I was brought up with the mum, I have with her the very good attitudes.Boris, I want to set to you one question, excuse, if it will seem to you immodest.Boris, whether you in the past had the serious attitudes with the woman? I had in the past of the attitude with the man, but they were not successful. when I read your structure he has seemed to me interesting and I have decided, that necessarily I shall write to you. I hope, that our acquaintance will be pleasant for both of us. I have many friends and familiar, but all of them for me are no more, than simply friends.Boris, and I would like to find the man, to which I I shall give all love and which will be for me most important in my life. it is time to me to go and I finish the letter. Write, is always glad to your letters.
With heat, Anastasiya"

Что скажите? Любовь или автоперевод :-)

11-20-2008, 02:19 PM
[Hi by dear Boris. I am glad to receive your letter. How you today?
Today at job I thought of you. I thought that we are far apart, but the help of the computer have met, we communicate and we try to become closer to each other. I want to you to say Boris, that I very much would want in the future to see you and to talk. I hope, that sometime it to happen. Write, you would like it. Boris - you like sports? I visit 2 times per one week a sports hall what to support the body in norm. Boris, tell, what food you like? You are able itself to prepare meal? My mum speaks, I am good it I do. Boris You would like, that I have prepared for you your liked meal. Boris, write to me, what you would like to have family, what you are good family? It is interesting to me to learn it. I consider, that creation of family this important event in life and before to create family, man and woman should well and close learn each other. I heard about acquaintances under the Internet much. I consider, that it is possible to meet the help of the Internet with very interesting by the man. I a lot of time I spend at the work and consequently I have no enough free time to get acquainted and to develop the attitudes with the man not far from myself. Still it is very interesting to me to learn the man of other people and cultures. At you other life, other interests also are all to me very interestingly. I am glad, that we have got acquainted with you and I would like to continue our acquaintance. Boris Write to me please, why you have decided to get acquainted with the woman through the Internet. And I am glad, that has met you. Boris I want at you to ask, when you have addressed to a service of acquaintances, you believed, that can find that man, which to you is really necessary. Also that you think of it now. I very much would like to know, there were changes in your opinion concerning it whether or not, after our acquaintance. Write, I am glad to y
our letters. I embrace, Anastasiya ]

Помойму ето любовь

11-20-2008, 02:32 PM
Какая прелесть! У меня есть один знакомый, который время от времени переписывается с русскими почтовыми невестами, и даёт мне почитать их послания, полные любви. Там такие перлы находятся....
Мои любимые so far: "I work in the children's garden" и "I have 28 years behind my shoulders". :lol:

11-20-2008, 02:34 PM

11-20-2008, 02:36 PM
Какая прелесть! У меня есть один знакомый, который время от времени переписывается с русскими почтовыми невестами, и даёт мне почитать их послания, полные любви. Там такие перлы находятся....
Мои любимые со фар: "И щорк ин тхе чилдреньс гарден" и "И хаве 28 ыеарс бехинд мы шоулдерс". :лол:Я имею кайф от таких переписок, у меня их тома. Что меилодер браидс пишут йето же улйет. :34:

11-20-2008, 02:37 PM
Hi mine lovely Boris. Has received your letter and very much was delighted. It is pleasant to know, that someone thinks of you and writes to you such letters. Boris, it is pleasant, that with each letter we become closer to each other. I want to you to admit, that I did not think, that the attitudes on e-mail can cause similar feelings. I have no the computer of a house and consequently for me such acquaintance new and unusual. Before our acquaintance I did not think, that is possible to become adhered to the man, if not met it , but now I think differently, because I feel, that our acquaintance becomes more important for me with each day. Boris , I think, that the letters to receive very pleasantly both me and you, but it seems, that the letters can not help well learn the man and I think, that the acquaintance under the Internet to us needs to be strengthened by meeting by the person to the person, differently our such interesting attitudes soon will lose the appeal and will turn in a boring exchange of ideas. I very much am afraid, that we become boring and not interesting the friend for the friend. Frankly I shall say, that you seem to me by the very attractive and pleasant man, and I would be very glad to be seen with you. I very much would want to learn your attitude about it. You the man and you decide, what will be our attitudes. But I ask, write to me please, whether you are serious to our acquaintance and write the opinion concerning, whether we shall meet or between us there will be only letters. To me would like, that our acquaintance not сame to an end and we all became closer the friend for the friend. And I want, that you knew. That I think and I dream of that time, when we can lead together though a few days. I wait for your letters. Kiss, Anastasiya

:) :)

11-20-2008, 02:38 PM
Hi my kid! Boris, has read your letter and me pleasantly, that you want me to see and to lead with me some days. How you today? I went in a travel company and has received all exact information on trip. I asked the information how to make all preparation for travel for small time. It is called the urgent tariff and the preparation of the documents is estimated more dearly, but borrows ten days instead of four months. The registration of the passport, the insurance, visa and service of agency costs 750 US dollars. Boris, dear, I have no so much money. Whether you can help me to pay a part of cost of travel? My mum promised me to give money for travel, but such sum at it too is not present. Today I shall talk to the mum and I shall learn how many money she can to me give for travel. I very much hope, that she can render to me the large help, I shall ask her about it, because I very much want our meeting. I I want, that she would help me to receive tickets. Write lovely, whether you can help to pay manufacturing of the documents for trip, I very much hope for your help. Inform me it and I shall do the order in a travel company. Boris, lovely, I frequently think of you and I dream of what will be our meeting. I reflect, how you will behave, when for the first time will see me.
Write to me, lovely, please ideas on it. Gently kiss you. Anastasiya

I love "My kid" part.....

11-20-2008, 02:41 PM
Да, да. Обычно, деньги начинают просить где-то в третьем-четвёртом письме. Всё идёт по плану. :D

11-20-2008, 02:46 PM
Boris, а что ты ей пишешь? :leader:

11-20-2008, 02:52 PM
Да, да. Обычно, деньги начинают просить где-то в третьем-четвёртом письме. Всё идёт по плану. :D
:) :)

11-20-2008, 02:53 PM
Борис, а что ты ей пишешь? :леадер:Что жену исчу есесено :-)

11-20-2008, 02:54 PM
Что жену исчу есесено :-)
Никому ещё не пришло в голову, что с именем "Борис", потенциальный жених возможно говорит по-русски? ;)

11-20-2008, 02:58 PM
Privet Boris,
If these are your real pictures and if you are not a model yet, you should seriously think of becoming one.
Unfortunately my age is beyond what you are asking for, so I just want to wish you luck. The picts are awesome.


I love this girl! :-)

П.С. Я всегда свои реальные фотки ставлю. :-)

11-20-2008, 02:59 PM
Никому ещё не пришло в голову, что с именем "Борис", потенциальный жених возможно говорит по-русски? ;)НЕкоторые спрашивают, очень редко, я пишу что мол родители из Росии, я по руский не баламекаю, сразу привыкают :-)

11-20-2008, 02:59 PM
"Хи Борис,
Что скажите? Любовь или автоперевод :-)
Фимы Собак на Вас нет! Она бы Вам прочитала мораль о том как Вы непорядочны вынося на публику душевные излияния ваших поклонниц.:lol:

11-20-2008, 03:19 PM
behind my shoulders". :lol:

Ты его сбила вот этим.
ПП, что там еще было?:leader:

Не фантазируй так долго на тему behind the shoulders

11-20-2008, 03:23 PM
Ты его сбила вот этим.
ПП, что там еще было?:леадер:

Молчу, молчу. :lol:
Ждём продолжения! :leader:

11-20-2008, 03:25 PM
Молчу, молчу. :lol:
Ждём продолжения! :leader:

Hi mine lovely! Boris, I do not have pictures, where I naked. I never was photographed without clothes. Lovely, I hope you me understand, I have strict education and I can not show myself without clothes the man. Probably, in the future, when we shall be more close to each other, I shall do such photos specially for you. I hope, what I have not afflicted you? Anastasiya

11-20-2008, 03:25 PM
"life in our city boring and grey" кто-бы сомневался...:grum:

+1 ПП

11-20-2008, 03:26 PM
"life in our city boring and grey" кто-бы сомневался...:grum:

+1 ПП...:grum: ...:grum: ...:grum: ...:grum: +

11-20-2008, 03:26 PM
Никому ещё не пришло в голову, что с именем "Борис", потенциальный жених возможно говорит по-русски? ;)


11-20-2008, 03:27 PM
Hi mine lovely! Boris, I do not have pictures, where I naked. I never was photographed without clothes. Lovely, I hope you me understand, I have strict education and I can not show myself without clothes the man. Probably, in the future, when we shall be more close to each other, I shall do such photos specially for you. I hope, what I have not afflicted you? Anastasiya

Жирик, гад, я под столом!

:grum: :grum:

11-20-2008, 03:29 PM
"Boris, tell, what food you like? You are able itself to prepare meal? "

ааааа...:grum: :grum: :grum:

11-20-2008, 03:32 PM
"Борис, телл, щхат фоод ёу лике? Ёу аре абле итселф то препаре меал? "

ааааа...:грум: :грум: :грум:
Как вы над любовью...а? интернетные надругатели :cool:

11-20-2008, 03:32 PM
Жирик, гад, я под столом!

:грум: :грум:А чё, думал на халяву хоть голую телку посмотреть :-) Меил ордер браидс у меня сеичас как фетиш, иа каждый день катаюсь :-)

11-20-2008, 03:33 PM
"Борис, телл, щхат фоод ёу лике? Ёу аре абле итселф то препаре меал? "

ааааа...:грум: :грум: :грум:Иногда таки обороты бyвают, что я по всему офису показываю, все катаюца :-)

11-20-2008, 03:35 PM
Иногда таки обороты бывают, что я по всему офису показываю, все катаюца :-)
мне кажется это у них на поток поставлено
"особенно удачные" куски переносятся из письма в письмо ))

11-20-2008, 03:35 PM
Покажи ещё, типо "I love swimming" ....:grum: /наверно жабры есть/

11-20-2008, 03:37 PM
Как вы над любовью...а? интернетные надругатели :cool:

дайте немного расслабиться,
ведь тяжёлый раб. день заканчивается. Ц


11-20-2008, 03:39 PM
дайте немного расслабиться,
ведь тяжёлый раб. день заканчивается. Ц

:чеер:У меня неделя, я завтра оф :-)

11-20-2008, 03:41 PM
У меня неделя, я завтра оф :-)

ещё есть письма? Давай! надо зарядиться перед вечером....:)

11-20-2008, 05:05 PM
мне понравилось окончание.
"with heat. Anastasiya."