View Full Version : Divorce and marriage

04-16-2008, 11:58 AM
My husband with his former wife came from Lithuania 6 years ago (they won GC together in Lithuania), they were married there. This year he got US Citizenship. He got divorced in Lithuania in 2004.
We got married here, in Florida. He applyed for green card for me.
Is it enough that they got divorced there or they need to be divorced in USA as well?
Thank you.

04-16-2008, 12:13 PM
My husband with his former wife came from Lithuania 6 years ago (they won GC together in Lithuania), they were married there. This year he got US Citizenship. He got divorced in Lithuania in 2004.
We got married here, in Florida. He applyed for green card for me.
Is it enough that they got divorced there or they need to be divorced in USA as well?
Thank you.
Достаточно того, что они развелись в Литве, но свидетельство о разводе надо перевести и легализовать.

04-16-2008, 12:25 PM
We went to interview today, and Immigration Officer didn't tell us Yes or NO.
She said, they need to check his divorse, and maybe he needs to get divorsed in USA, Then our marriage will be illigal, we'll need to get divorsed, and remarry latter. Anyway, it's terrible, I'm in panic...

04-16-2008, 12:28 PM
Странные эти литовцы.
По русски читать могут, а писать нет.

04-16-2008, 12:30 PM
Ya ne Litovka. U menya net kirilicy.

04-16-2008, 12:31 PM
Странные эти литовцы.
По русски читать могут, а писать нет.
Вообщето vyzge, по-моему, с Украины. Как насчёт украинцев? Это ничего, что они на аглицком пишут, причём довольно грамотно, в отличии ...

04-16-2008, 05:48 PM
У меня нет кирилицы.
А как насчет кнопки "транслит" внизу? Тоже нет, или лень нажать?:lol:

04-16-2008, 08:25 PM
НЕ, ну так бывает.
Англицкий выучили( пока мы днепрогесс им восстанавливали), а на кнопочку внизу влом нажать.