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View Full Version : Почему, я хочу жену.

09-18-2004, 12:32 PM
Помню в былом детстве я читала рассказ Джуди Суфер(Почему я хочу жену). Когда-то я с осуждением отнеслась к её рассказу, так как не было подобного опыта в данной ситуации. Сейчас будучи женой и матерью я в чем то соглашаюсь с Джуди.
"I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children's clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturing attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care. I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals,serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue care for me and my when I need a rest and change of scene. I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life. When my wife and I are invited out by my friends.

My God, who wouldn't want a wife?"

09-19-2004, 11:40 AM
Помню в былом детстве я читала рассказ Джуди Суфер(Почему я хочу жену). Когда-то я с осуждением отнеслась к её рассказу, так как не было подобного опыта в данной ситуации. Сейчас будучи женой и матерью я в чем то соглашаюсь с Джуди.
"I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children's clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturing attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care. I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals,serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue care for me and my when I need a rest and change of scene. I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life. When my wife and I are invited out by my friends.

My God, who wouldn't want a wife?"

А представьте, если женщина еще и работает вне дома. 8О