View Full Version : Family reunion

11-04-2007, 09:40 AM
My mother is in the US on a visitor visa. I want to apply for a family reunion.
1. Which set of forms should I file ?
2. Can I apply for her visa while she is in the US?
3.Someone told me that if she applies for a political asylum on a religious basis and she is granted it she will be able to apply for some kind of benefits --Medicaid?
Which course of action would be the right one? Thanks in advance for any input and suggestion. Sorry for English-- I do not have Russian alphabet support

Lev Kobrin
11-04-2007, 09:51 AM
My mother is in the US on a visitor visa. I want to apply for a family reunion.
1. Which set of forms should I file ?
2. Can I apply for her visa while she is in the US?
3.Someone told me that if she applies for a political asylum on a religious basis and she is granted it she will be able to apply for some kind of benefits --Medicaid?
Which course of action would be the right one? Thanks in advance for any input and suggestion. Sorry for English-- I do not have Russian alphabet support
First of all, you did not say what is YOUR status. If you are an US citizen, you can fill out Petition for mom.
1) Forms I-130, G-325 (2 -for you and for mom), I-485, I-765, etc.
2) What VISA you are talking about? she doesn't need any visa.
3) That is right.

11-04-2007, 10:07 AM
3.Someone told me that if she applies for a political asylum on a religious basis and she is granted it she will be able to apply for some kind of benefits --Medicaid?

3. Помощь, получившим статус беженца оказывается только в первые 7 месяцев с момента получения статуса.

11-04-2007, 11:53 AM
Thanks a lot for a prompt reply. I am a citizen. I was implying the immigrant visa as she is now here on B2 visa. I greatly appreciate your help and assistance and have a few more questions.

1. What does usually happen when 7 months benefit eligibility expires in case of 71 y.o. person. ( playing IF possible scenario that political asylum will be granted)
2. Will I be able to apply for a family reunion afterwards IF political asylum IS NOT granted?

"Forms I-130, G-325 (2 -for you and for mom), I-485, I-765, etc. "

1. Is this a full list of forms? Do I have to file all of them at the same?
2.What forms are meant under "Etc."

Thanks again in advance.

11-04-2007, 12:51 PM
Thanks a lot for a prompt reply. I am a citizen. I was implying the immigrant visa as she is now here on B2 visa. I greatly appreciate your help and assistance and have a few more questions.

1. What does usually happen when 7 months benefit eligibility expires in case of 71 y.o. person. ( playing IF possible scenario that political asylum will be granted)
2. Will I be able to apply for a family reunion afterwards IF political asylum IS NOT granted?

"Forms I-130, G-325 (2 -for you and for mom), I-485, I-765, etc. "

1. Is this a full list of forms? Do I have to file all of them at the same?
2.What forms are meant under "Etc."

Thanks again in advance.
Не вижу смысла завязываться с убежищем, если Вы можете и так, спокойно, присоеденить маму. После истечения 7-месячного периода она не будет получать помощь по "беженству". Есть общие для всех программы помощи, но они варьируются от штата к штату.

11-12-2007, 03:17 PM
1. What does usually happen when 7 months benefit eligibility expires in case of 71 y.o. person. ( playing IF possible scenario that political asylum will be granted)
2. Will I be able to apply for a family reunion afterwards IF political asylum IS NOT granted?

11-12-2007, 04:05 PM
1. What does usually happen when 7 months benefit eligibility expires in case of 71 y.o. person. ( playing IF possible scenario that political asylum will be granted)
2. Will I be able to apply for a family reunion afterwards IF political asylum IS NOT granted?

1. Что обычно происходит....:) бенефиты не дают... вот что...
2. Вопрос интересный... т.к если не дадут убежище, то придется уехать из страны... или депортируют... а если депортируют, то дадут ли в последствии иммиграционную визу... могут и не дать.
Да и вообще вы представляете что такое процесс убежища? для человека в 71 год это не самый лучший выход... Сумашедший стресс... Если не дадут на интервью, то суды итп... все затягивается год, два, три... в это время ни о каких бенефитах реч не идет.... можно получить разрешение на работу... но о какой работе может идти речь в 71 год?
Глупая затея с убежищем если честно.....

11-12-2007, 07:06 PM
Глупая затея с убежищем если честно.....

Странно, что мы это вообще обсуждаем.
Аспект получения убежища КАК ВАРИАНТА ИЗБЕЖАТЬ РАСХОДОВ- это попытка обойти закон.
Если есть основания для убежища- пусть просит убежища, если нет- нечего и обсуждать, а экономить на наших налогах это, простите, свинство.

11-13-2007, 08:31 AM
Thanks a lot for the info. Greatly appreciate it.

11-13-2007, 09:38 AM
Странно, что мы это вообще обсуждаем.
Аспект получения убежища КАК ВАРИАНТА ИЗБЕЖАТЬ РАСХОДОВ- это попытка обойти закон.
Если есть основания для убежища- пусть просит убежища, если нет- нечего и обсуждать, а экономить на наших налогах это, простите, свинство.

Ну я предпологал, что основания просить убежища есть раз автор темы затронула этот вопрос...

11-25-2007, 09:07 PM
I filled out I-130, I-485, G-325A for my mother.( Family reunion)

1. Which address to sent the forms: Chicago, IL ?
2. Do I have to enclose the medical examination form with the rest of the forms?
3. How do I go about medical examination appointment? Do I have to have an approved I-130 for it?

Thanks in advance for help and assistance

11-26-2007, 07:37 AM
0) I filled out I-130, I-485, G-325A for my mother.( Family reunion)

1. Which address to sent the forms: Chicago, IL ?
2. Do I have to enclose the medical examination form with the rest of the forms?
3. How do I go about medical examination appointment?
4) Do I have to have an approved I-130 for it?

Thanks in advance for help and assistance
0) Добавьте I-765. G-325 должна быть и на маму и на Вас.
1) Да
2) Да
3) Найдите здесь https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=offices.type&OfficeLocator.office_type=CIV ближайшего designated civil surgeon и идите к нему.
4) Нет.