View Full Version : What the fuck is wrong with these people???!!!???!!

10-08-2007, 02:40 PM
Ну допустим народ разный встречается..
каждый со своими тараканами, ну а кто без них? но иной раз просто диву даёшься..

.. например

Пару лет назад мы с подружкой летали отдыхать на Ямайку.. там познакомились с парой.. Она из Тайланда, он Американец, живут в Бостоне...
Ну как обычное отпускное знакомство наше с ними ограничилось парочкой дриньков, может ужином вместе.. да и прибыли мы туда за пару дней до их отьезда.. В день отьезда поменялись имэйлами чтобы переправить друг другу фотки..
Через какое то время фотками обменялись.. какой то пустой чит чат, и я о них со спокойной душой забыла..

и вдруг сегодня мне приходит следующее.. (пометка: последний раз сисывались больше года назад):

e-mail# 1

Now, let's update about my love life. Do you remember Marty, the guy I went with at Jamaica?
Well, we got back together again. Marty is very nice, ever since I came back from Thailand , he always comes to my house and cook for me. We contacted since when I was back in Thailand. He said he still think of me. That was nice of him, but there is one thing that bother me is that we have sex without comdom several times. I am kind of afraid getting sexual
transmit disease though:( Well, because I didn't see him for almost a year and I didnt' know if he was having intimated with someone whom I didn't know, it's scary sometimes though!
Sorry if I open my sex life with you too much, but I just wonder have you ever had this experience with a man? How long will it take you to know if your partner is clean? How can you proof or find out that he is very clean...I mean no STM .....

I just want to find a way to find out that he is not having any disease!!!!

Please respond me , I am so sorry if this question might offend to you in anyway, believe me I really can't speak this problem with my Thai friend or my family cause they wouldn't understand me. You are the only American woman that I know, I hope you can help me

Thank you for reading this email until the end.



e-mail# 2

THere is another thing that I feel pretty strange about Marty. Because he always comes to see me twice a week only and most of the time are weekdays. I got the feelings that he is prabably seeing another woman though! Well, I am feeling that I am his Fuck Buddy! I keep asking him if he is seeing aonther woman but he said no. He told me that he had to see his daughter at Connecticut every weekend. I guess I just play along cause his sex is so o o Good.
What do you think I should do with him? How to find out if he is having a grilfriend now? I asked him serveral times but he denied it. So I just play along with the game that he gave me that card. I guess I have no choice here:(

Look forward to hearing your comment...:)



ну и чего тут скажешь?

10-08-2007, 02:57 PM
По моему нормальное письмо, а кого она ещё может спросить. Она может также подумала может вы знаете его любовниц или являетесь таковой.
Серьёзный вопрос вобщем, надо со всей ответсвенностью отнестись. STD дело не шуточное.

10-08-2007, 03:24 PM
Пахнет завлекаловом на групповуху.

10-08-2007, 03:24 PM
Может еи деиствительно больше и сказать то некому, не с кем поделиться етои проблемои. От безышодности, так сказать... :confused: :rolleyes: