View Full Version : Insurance for J2 (STRAHOVKA) NEED HELP!!!

08-25-2004, 10:12 AM
Sorry, can not print in Russian :-( K moderatoram: A nelzya li sozdat' forum s etoi temoi?

Ya J-1 student i za moyu strahovku platit universitet. Moya jena J-2. Ee strahovka cherez univer stoit $6K v god.... Nereal'no. Pomogite naiti shto-nibud' podeshevle, pls!!!!!

Ot strahovki nujno tol'ko to, shto trebuetsya zakonodatel'stvom. (Tochno ne znayu, no znayu, shto esli ee ne budet mi ili ona lishitsya statusa)


08-25-2004, 10:13 AM
Rech idet o New York.

Jivu v brooklyn, v 11230

08-25-2004, 10:15 AM
погугли - инивидуальные страховки можно наити за 160-250 в месяц без труда например BlueCross Blue Shield HMO

08-26-2004, 08:33 AM
Anthem, that is Blue Cross Blue Shield, is a very good one. Contact a broker from any insurance agency and ask for this specific company. You will be given different quotes depending on deductables. If you are approved, "strahovka" will cost you significantly less. Hard to say how much, but not $6k. Good luck.