View Full Version : Мама-проверь себя!

05-15-2007, 12:33 PM
вот вам мамочки тестик ..безделья ради...
ответы не забудьте постить!
http://www.areyouaslackermom.com/1/?&CCID=20070027203126558&QTR=ZZf200511300945560Za20070027Zg172Zw37Zm33Zc203 126558Zs3380ZZ&CLK=862070515102544142&&ac=001&ti=A4FB6416BD3EDAE77F950259EB230C4241111214&kw=images_kids&OVRAW=kids%20%20/images&OVKEY=kid%20image&OVMTC=standard&OVADID=5491385011&OVKWID=26660976511&exp=y

05-15-2007, 07:43 PM
Your quiz score makes you: Smarty Pants Mom

Smart parents like you have smart kids. They need plenty of intellectual stimulation and you provide them with all they need, plus lots of love. You know how to help them with algebra homework, and you are superior at kissing boo-boos.

05-16-2007, 10:42 AM
Your quiz score makes you: Smarty Pants Mom

Smart parents like you have smart kids. They need plenty of intellectual stimulation and you provide them with all they need, plus lots of love. You know how to help them with algebra homework, and you are superior at kissing boo-boos.
Падпишусь под каждым словам!!!:34:

05-16-2007, 10:49 AM
Smarty Pants Mom

Smart parents like you have smart kids. They need plenty of intellectual stimulation and you provide them with all they need, plus lots of love. You know how to help them with algebra homework, and you are superior at kissing boo-boos:grum:
i'm good in so many things



05-23-2007, 07:43 PM
Your quiz score makes you: Pretty in the City Mom

You might have a subscription to both Parenting Magazine and Vogue. While picking up a darling Easter outfit for your tyke at Bloomingdale's you're tempted to grab a pair of Manolo Blahniks for your own tootsies. You are a fabulous mom, and you take care of yourself fabulously, too.
