View Full Version : Blogging Tips

03-20-2007, 04:01 PM
When you first start to learn about blogging (http://www.learnaboutblogging.com) for a small business you need to keep in mind that you only have a small business. You do not need to blog as if you are a CEO of Wal-Mart or something along those lines. You should also remember that the size of your company does not matter.

It is the quality of work that the company puts out. If your company has poor quality of work, then that is exactly what to expect from your blogs. Making sure that the quality of your company is as good as it can be is important.

Here are some tips for small businesss that blog:

1. Do not act like a big company. People do not care if your company is big or small as long as you have great quality of work coming
from it.
2. Keep your blogs consistent. Just like big companies, you need to keep your blogs new and good.
3. Make the most of what you have. Blogging is a way to get the word out about your company or product, be sure to use all of your resources when blogging about it.
4. Dont make promises that you are not sure if you can keep. Promising that your product can do something that is only half way proven is a good way to go out of business.
5. Just be honest about what is going on. People care about honesty a lot. If your company is having problems but you say everything is fine, and a week later you go out of business, people wont think too highly of you afterwards.

Use these tips to improve not only your company, but your status as a good and decent blogger.
If you can at least manage that then you dont have to worry about searching too hard for a new job.
