View Full Version : Colloidal Silver

10-30-2006, 11:34 AM
Граждане, кто нибудь пьёт это? Рассказать о colloidal silver можете? Что это, для чего принимают, какой плотности должно быть?
Насколько я понимаю это что то вроде натурального антибиотика?? да? нет? может быть?
Просвятите пожалуйста :D

10-30-2006, 12:26 PM
Colloidal silver is sold in dietary supplements that are touted, without evidence, as panaceas. Silver protein preparations are used as topical antibiotics. There are various silver protein preparations, depending on the concentration of silver and the nature of the protein moiety. Names for these preparations include argyrol, silver vitellinate, collargol, protargin, and protargol. We have been unable to locate references on reproductive or lactation effects of the silver proteins; however, it is likely that their general toxicity is similar to silver.

10-30-2006, 09:39 PM
Граждане, кто нибудь пьёт это? Рассказать о colloidal silver можете? Что это, для чего принимают, какой плотности должно быть?
Насколько я понимаю это что то вроде натурального антибиотика?? да? нет? может быть?
Просвятите пожалуйста :D
мы только этим и лечимся... серебряная водичка :) очень хорошо помогает, от горла брызгать каждые 15 минут при ангине...а так же хорошо помогало, когда у ребенка был стоматит... и при poison ivy пользовались, чтобы от микробова избавиться...

10-30-2006, 09:46 PM
Малышка, мне кажется любое гомеопатическое средство не имеет [evidence, as panacea], и тем ни менее веками люди находят для себя натуральные способы лечений.. пусть очень индивидуальные, but each successful case IS an evidence... am I right? :)

10-30-2006, 10:27 PM
Малышка, мне кажется любое гомеопатическое средство не имеет [evidence, as panacea], и тем ни менее веками люди находят для себя натуральные способы лечений.. пусть очень индивидуальные, but each successful case IS an evidence... am I right? :)

Separate case are JUST that-separate cases and NOT an evidence (sorry!) and as long as people understand that non standard medicine is NOT FDA controlled and therefore NO ONE really knows what goes under that medication name, we are good to go. I am all for the choice. IF it helps, please, use it ;)

Фима Собак
10-30-2006, 11:00 PM
Всевозможные рекомендации по применению коллоидного раствора серебра(во всяком случае в интернете и на русском языке) похожи на набор слов. Сами по себе эти слова смысл имеют, некоторые, возможно, соответствуют истине. Но вместе, иногда, образуют взаимоисключающие комбинации.
Например,обладает бактерицидным свойством, но бактерицидные свойства серебра не изучены.
Ну кое-что изучено.
Или усиливает процессы окислительного фосфорилирования в клетках мозга. То есть, улучшает деятельность этих клеток, типа.
А у бактерий не усиливает все эти процессы и убивает? Да.
А клетки мозга не убивает, а наоборот.
Вобщем, все выглядит как попытка продать что-то за очень дополнительные деньги.
Думаю, что снаружи что-то помазать можно, а внутрь - в лучшем случае бесполезно.

10-31-2006, 12:08 AM
Граждане, кто нибудь пьёт это? Рассказать о цоллоидал силвер можете? Что это, для чего принимают, какой плотности должно быть?
Насколько я понимаю это что то вроде натурального антибиотика?? да? нет? может быть?
Просвятите пожалуйста :Д
я как-то купила и пару дней попила...потом надоело и я забыла про эту бутылочку...хз помогает или нет...:confused:

10-31-2006, 06:07 PM
если любые подобные "народные средства" не убивают (что во многих случаях как раз наоборот) и человек верит что они работают...то пускай принимает...

но как грится - потом пеняй на себя.

10-31-2006, 08:35 PM
если любые подобные "народные средства" не убивают (что во многих случаях как раз наоборот) и человек верит что они работают...то пускай принимает...

но как грится - потом пеняй на себя.
а что и кого убивает?

10-31-2006, 08:37 PM
а что и кого убивает?

на эту тему существует множество case reports

10-31-2006, 08:42 PM
на эту тему существует множество case reports
где можно об этом почитать? неужели это настолько страшно? у нас просто врач гомеопат. И пока нам вроде все помогало.....

10-31-2006, 08:52 PM
где можно об этом почитать? неужели это настолько страшно? у нас просто врач гомеопат. И пока нам вроде все помогало.....

ну его сексуальная ориентация мало на что влияет ;)

почитай тут (http://www.skeptics.org.uk/health.php) для начала..там на не-научном языке но логично написано.

10-31-2006, 09:14 PM
Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit

In recent years, silver-containing products have been marketed with unsubstantiated claims that they are effective against AIDS, cancer, infectious diseases, parasites, chronic fatigue, acne, warts, hemorrhoids, enlarged prostate, and many other diseases and conditions. Some marketers claim that colloidal silver is effective against hundreds of diseases.

During 1997 and 1998, Changes International, a Florida-based multilevel company, stated:
Our colloidal silver contains 99.99% pure silver particles suspended indefinitely in demineralized water that kills bacteria and viruses. It can be applied topically and/or absorbed into the blood stream sub-lingually (under the tongue), thereby avoiding the negative effects of traditional antibiotics that kill good bacteria in the lower digestive tract.
It is impossible for single-celled germs to mutate into silver-resistant forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Also, colloidal silver cannot interact or interfere with other medicines being taken. Colloidal silver is truly a safe, natural remedy for many of mankind's ills. Colloidal silver can be taken indefinitely because the body does not develop a tolerance to it [1].

Seasilver International (http://www.seasilver.com/), a California-based multilevel company, had claimed that American are suffering from "silver deficiency." Although silver is not an essential nutrient, product information posted on the company's Web site several years ago stated:
The depletion of minerals in our soil has left us deficient of silver, one of our most essential trace minerals, causing a drastic increase in immune system disorders in our society in the last decade. Research has taught us that all disease is allowed to manifest itself because of a weakened immune system. In over 20 years of worldwide research on Colloidal Silver, numerous interviews with government agencies, health care practitioners and their patients, no other nutrient, herb or drug (prescription or over-the-counter) is as safe and effective against all known forms of unfriendly virus, bacteria, and fungus.

The ad below is from the July 1996 issue of Alternative Medicine Digest.

Critical Studies and Case Reports

In 1995, an herbal distributor named Leslie Taylor tested nine commonly marketed colloidal silver products available at health-food stores and concluded:

Two of the products were contaminated with microorganisms.
The amount of silver suspended in solution varied from product to product and would gradually decrease over time.
Only five products actually showed antibacterial activity in a laboratory test. To perform the test, she prepared a culture plate with Staphylococcus aureas bacteria, which can cause infections in humans. She then placed a drop from each product on the plate and used disks of two common antibiotics as controls. After eight hours of incubation, she found that bacterial growth had been inhibited around the antibiotics and four of the products.Of course, the fact that a product inhibits bacteria in a laboratory culture doesn't mean it is effective (or safe) in the human body. In fact, products that kill bacteria in the laboratory would be more likely to cause argyria because they contain more silver ions that are free to deposit in the user's skin.
FDA laboratory studies have found that the amount of silver in some product samples has varied from 15.2% to 124% of the amount listed on the product labels. The amount of silver required to produce argyria is unknown. However, the FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver products have been reported:

A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high blood level of silver [4].
A married couple who had three years of daily consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5].
Another couple had been taking a silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5].
A mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 10 months [5].
Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6].
Two men, ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by Internet claims [7].
A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as a preventive for everyday infections [8].
A 58-year-old man who treated a presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9].
A 38-year-old man developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his skin color compares to that of normal skin.http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/PhonyAds/Gifs/argyria2.gifEnforcement Actions

Between October 1993 and September 1994, the FDA issued warning letters to five colloidal silver marketers::

Higher Education Library Publications (H.E.L.P.), of Springfield, Utah, was ordered to stop claiming that its colloidal silver product was effective as a natural antibiotic and might be effective against cancer, genito-urinary diseases, tuberculosis, and AIDS.
Nutrition, Inc., of Arvada, Colorado, was ordered to stop stating or implying that its Silvicidal, when administered orally or intravenously, was nontoxic, FDA-approved, and was a broad-spectrum antibiotic that killed bacteria and all virus and fungal infections. In addition, it was falsely claimed to be effective against a long list of specific diseases.
Reseau International of Cincinnati, Ohio was ordered to stop claiming that its colloidal silver product was a "natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory immune system stimulant" and that it was effective against cancer, staph, strep, influenza, general body infections, inflammation, impaired immune system, fungus toxicity, tonsillitis, Meniere's symptoms, whooping cough, shingles, syphilis, cholera, and malaria. The labeling also stated that colloidal silver could cause major growth stimulation of human tissues and can regenerate
Silverado Inc., of Bountiful, Utah, was warned to stop making false claims that its colloidal silver product was effective as an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent and that it could stimulate the immune system.
Unic, of Carmichael, California, was ordered to stop claiming that its colloidal silver product was effective against many diseases and could heal burn-damaged tissue without scarring.In October 1996, the FDA proposed to ban the use of colloidal silver or silver salts in over-the-counter products [11]. A Final Rule banning such use was issued on August 17, 1999 and became effective September 16th. The rule applies to any nonprescription colloidal silver or silver salt product claimed to be effective in preventing or treating any disease [12]. Silver products can still be sold as "dietary supplements" provided that no health claims are made for them. During 2000, the FDA issued warnings to more than 20 companies (http://www.fda.gov/cder/warn/cyber/cyber2000.htm) whose Web sites were making illegal therapeutic claims for colloidal silver products.