View Full Version : Interview i Affidavit of Support

06-08-2005, 07:44 PM
Privet vsem! U menja vopros nas4jot Affidavit of Support. Ja nakonec-to polu4ila priglashenie na interview, ono na sledujuscej nedele! V notice napisano, 4to s soboj nado imetj zapolnennij Affidavit of Support. Kogda mi otpravljali dokumenti v INS( eto bilo 1,5 goda nazad, zenati mi uze boljshe 2h let), mi poslali Affidavit of Support, no na tot moment u moego muza ne bilo dostato4nogo dohoda, t.k. on sluzil v NAVY, a potom u4ilsja v universitete. On napisal pisjmo, objasnjajuscee po4emu dohod takoj malenjkij( menjshe, 4em trebuetsja) i INS ego prinjalo( vo vsjakom slu4ae, nam nazad ne vozvratilo). Moj vopros: nuzno li nesti escjo odin Affidavit of Support na eto interview ili net?! moj muz vsjo escjo u4itsja v universitete i na dannij moment ja zarabativaju denjgi! poslednij tax return, mi delali otdeljno, 4tobi on ne lishilsja grantov, kotorie emu platit NAVY! ja v panike, ostalosj vsego ni4ego do interview! Chto delatj? :confused: :confused: :confused:

06-08-2005, 08:33 PM
Mne kajetsya, vam nado vzyat' vse svoi sobstvennuye records o dohodah (paychecks,w-2, tax returns, lubuye assets, esli est') - vy ved' skazali, chto rabotaete.
Obuchno, esli u sponsora ne dotyagivaet dohod po minimumu, to mojno nayti co-sponsora ili,esli vy sami rabotaete, sponsirovat' samu sebya.

A voobsche, pozvonili by v Customer Service ih i uznali potochnee.

06-08-2005, 09:08 PM
могут быть серьезные проблемы, сделайте аффидевит, а там уж как Бог пошлет...

06-08-2005, 09:15 PM
Ja ne znaju kogo poprositj! :confused: u muza dohod nulevoj, ja sama sebe sponsorom bitj ne mogu! postarajusj sprositj u kolleg po rabote :confused: mozet li sponsorom bitj postoronnij 4elovek, ne rodstvennik?! :confused:

06-08-2005, 09:26 PM
Who can be a sponsor?

The family member who filed the visa petition for the immigrant must be a sponsor. In certain circumstances, additional persons can accept joint legal responsibility with the petitioner as joint sponsors. Sponsors must also be U.S. citizens, nationals, or lawful permanent residents; age 18 or over; and live in one of the 50 States, Washington, DC, or a US territory or possession.

What is a joint sponsor?

A joint sponsor is a person who is not the petitioner for the sponsored immigrant but who meets the citizenship, residence, and age requirements and who meets the 125 percent minimum income requirement for his or her household size. Joint sponsors are permitted when the petitioner cannot meet the income requirements or has died before all family members have immigrated. Joint sponsors must accept joint legal responsibility for supporting sponsored immigrant(s) and reimbursing the cost of any means-tested public benefit used until the sponsored immigrants naturalize, can be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of work, depart the United States permanently, or die.

Does the petitioner have to file an affidavit of support if he or she cannot meet the income requirements and there is a joint sponsor?

Yes. The law requires that the petitioner must be a sponsor and file an affidavit of support, even if he or she cannot meet the income requirements. The petitioner remains fully liable, along with the joint sponsor, for any benefits the sponsored immigrant(s) may use. The joint sponsor must file a separate affidavit of support.

Est' esche takoe - pochitayte. V principe, esli s vami kakoy-to ego rodstvennik jil hotya by 6 mesyacev i on soglasitsya podpisat'sya na co-sponsora - eto toje variant.

Is only the sponsor's income included in the determination of whether he or she has sufficient income to be a sponsor?

Income of anyone related to the sponsor by birth, marriage, or adoption who has lived in the sponsor's household for at least 6 months or who is listed on the sponsor's income tax return for the most recent tax year as a dependent can include their income on the affidavit of support if they complete and sign a Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member. This could include the sponsored immigrant's income.

What is the Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, Form I-864A?

The Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, Form I-864A, is a contract between the sponsor and anyone qualifying as a household member or dependent of the sponsor who agrees to make his or her income and/or assets available for the support of the immigrants being sponsored in the affidavit of support. By signing this form, household members agree to be jointly responsible with the sponsor to reimburse the costs of any means-tested public benefits used by the sponsored immigrants.

If the sponsored immigrant qualifies as a household member or dependent, do they need to sign the I-864A?

A sponsored immigrant household member only needs to submit an I-864A if his or her income will be used to support his or her accompanying spouse and/or children. If there are no accompanying family members, the sponsored immigrant does not complete the I-864A. The sponsored immigrant does not need to complete an I-864A for his or her assets to be included on the affidavit of support.

06-08-2005, 09:48 PM
spasibo za informaciju! problema v tom, 4to u moego muza zdesj net nikakih rodstvennikov, u menja toze! edinstvennie ljudi, kotorie mogut podpisatj Affidavit, eto ljudi, s kotorimi ja rabotaju! polu4aetsja, 4to moj muz podpisivaet Affidavit s nulevim dohodom, i mi prikladivaem vtoroj Affidavit ot odnogo iz moih kolleg po rabote( esli, kone4no, udastjsja ubeditj)!!! eto projdjot ili net? :confused:

06-08-2005, 09:54 PM
Если вашего дохода достаточно, вы можете его учитывать для вашего аффидэвита. Ваш муж должен заполнить форму I-864, а вы I-864A, и в ней указать ваш доход.
Посмотрите инструкцию к этм формам - там все это объясняется

06-09-2005, 06:22 AM
ja posmotrela formu I-864A, tan napisano: By signing this form, a household member who is NOT A SPONSORED IMMIGRANT, agrees to make his or her income and/or assets available to the sponsor to help support the immigrant for whom the sponsor has filed an affidavit of support. Polu4aetsja, 4to ja ne mogu ejo podpisivatj, t.k. ja javljajusj sponsored immigrant! :confused:

06-09-2005, 02:38 PM
spasibo za informaciju! problema v tom, 4to u moego muza zdesj net nikakih rodstvennikov, u menja toze! edinstvennie ljudi, kotorie mogut podpisatj Affidavit, eto ljudi, s kotorimi ja rabotaju! polu4aetsja, 4to moj muz podpisivaet Affidavit s nulevim dohodom, i mi prikladivaem vtoroj Affidavit ot odnogo iz moih kolleg po rabote( esli, kone4no, udastjsja ubeditj)!!! eto projdjot ili net? :confused:

У меня тоже у мужа был доход недостаточный (очень даже маленький), но мне афидавит подписала моя подруга и всё было хорошо. На интервью просто спросили кто она такая, и я сказала, что хорошая подруга и хочет нам с мужем помочь.
Афидавит сделать я советую (не важно, что не от родственников), потому что у меня доход был большой чтобы содержать и себя и мужа, но им это не важно было, потому что я не могу быть сама себе спонсором.

06-09-2005, 03:25 PM
ja posmotrela formu I-864A, tan napisano: By signing this form, a household member who is NOT A SPONSORED IMMIGRANT, agrees to make his or her income and/or assets available to the sponsor to help support the immigrant for whom the sponsor has filed an affidavit of support. Polu4aetsja, 4to ja ne mogu ejo podpisivatj, t.k. ja javljajusj sponsored immigrant! :confused:

А, вы правы, сорри.

"A sponsored immigrant who qualifies as a household member is only required to complete this form, if he or she has one or more family members immigrating wih him or her and is making his or her income available for their support."

Так что, вам I-864A запонять не нужно.
Пусть муж просто подпишет I-864, и укажет в ней ваш доход (плюс свой, если у него какой-то есть) как total household income. Этого будет достаточно.